Good Morning, It's True Colors Thursday. Today.'s color is LIME. If you'd like to play, head over to Blue's blog and let her know and you're in! Next week the color is RUST - that should be pretty easy for us since we live in an old house and there is a lot of rust around.
Our huMom is tired today - she said she slept too hard last night! So some of today's pictures aren't current, but they have some lime (or bright green) in them nonetheless. We had planned on getting a picture of Piper in his lime argyle collar and leash - also a picture of Java with his lime food bag. Our stooopid satellite link is giving Mom fits again today - we are praying that DSL comes to our neighborhood soon!
Our sister, Kat, sent Java a lime frog one year for his barkday. He was slightly afraid of it, but when Lilly came along she showed that frog who was Alpha. Now it lives in the local landfill.
When Mom and Dad were having their California house painted, the painter told them that they needed to be out of it for about 4 days. Since they were going to have to stay in a hotel and Java would need to be boarded, they decided to go to San Francisco. Here is a picture of Mom in Chinatown with her lime checked umbrella.
As some of you know, like Footheel Sock Knitter, Mom knits in her spare time and she loves to wear hand knit socks. That is the reason she started knitting again - she hadn't done any knitting since she was a kid.
Isn't Eagle falls beautiful with it's lime colored plants surrounding it. These falls are about 3 miles from our house. When our Mom was in grade school (about a hundred years ago) sometimes her class would walk there for a picnic. (It's less than a mile from where her school used to stand).
Happy Thursday.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
Hi kids
I think ;ime is a cool colow, and I love those sockses. btw. yes of couwse I get to chase the catses..we play!
smoochie kisses
Those are some furry khool lime green items!
They sooooo khover the range of things!
The Falls are beaWOOtiful! I would love a hike there!
Oooooooooooooo, the falls are just beautiful!
Mom needs to learn how to knit sockies! She's knit lots of things but never sockies before!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Your sissy looks like the green river made her very happy!
XX-BabyRD & Hootie
Lots of nice limes there - cool umbrella colors.
Tail wags, the OP Pack
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