Sunday, July 12, 2009


Dad put our new pool in our pen.
Of course we had to be snoopy
and check it out.
Can you see?
There is no water in it.
Mom has been wanting to learn
how to weave chair bottoms
for a long time
and is always buying
lone chairs when she goes to auctions.
Her cousin saw an ad in the local newspaper
about a class that would be taught
at Mabry's Mill.
Mom's cousin's granddaughter
decided to have a birthday party
on the day of the class
so Mom asked Dad to go with her.
Here he is with their chairs.
Mom's is the on with the hat
hanging o
n it.
Dad's is the white c
in front of him.

There was a lot of activity at the Mill on Saturday
and several demonstrations in progress as they arrived.
Most days during the summer a blacksmith
can be found working in the blacksmith shop.
That's another class they might want to take.

Mom has always wanted to learn to spin and weave.
Here's Dad about 1/2 way through
weaving his chair bottom.
People kept stopping and taking his picture.
We think they liked the bibs.

And Dad's chair was almost finished
when the class time was over.
He still needs to weave in a
small filler piece.
He also has a hole in his thumb
from pushing the starter reed.
Mom needs to work about another
hour to finish her chair.
(but she's the one with the camera
so she didn't get photographed!)
Next year they are saying they will
have a broom making class.
Mom is a broom collector
so she is looking forward to that class.

Have a wonderful day. Only one more post until we will posting the tongue shots. We're getting excited about it. We just hope we can get blogger to work with up on our uploads. Somedays it refuses to let us upload any pictures.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java


SEDONA said...

Hi guys! Super-cool post! Your dad's chair looks awesome! My human loves making stuff herself, too. She got to demonstrate wool carding and spinning at the kids' colonial fair and she got to dress in colonial garb. So much fun!
Can't wait to see the tongue pics!
Your pal,

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

I think I would like the pool better without the water!!

Great chair you're Daddy is weaving!


Rachel said...

WOW... your Dad's chair turned out great! I hope ya'll get some water in that pool soon.

Mia said...

Looks like mom and dad had a great weekend!! Hope you guys get water in your pool soon!! =)

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

That looks so good, well done to your mum and dad, they did a brilliant job.

Love the pool. you will have lots of fun when it is full for you.

Cant wait to see all the tongue shots.
Hugs GJ xx

the magic sleigh said...

Well, chair weaving and broom making, humans are strange, what about WATER in the pool????????
Get them working for your guys.
-Kira The BeaWootiful

Sweet Cottage Dreams said...

Let me know how the dogs like the pool when you get water in it. We have a built in and they aren't allowed out back unless we are there. Ours don't swim....

You asked where I got the leads for the dogs. (the same couple who put out Great Scots magazine and have Macblog) have a whole variety of attire. Maude's collar is from someplace else and Fiona's heart set I bought at Diggidy Dog in Carmel. I am not sure they have a website, but you can check. We love Duhgall's plaid set from Tartanscottie. It is sturdy and we have the largest width you can get. I hope this helps.


Mollie Jo and Bobo said...

Your mom & dad did a wonderful job on the chairs.

Woof! I can't wait to see all of th tounge entries.

-Mollie & Bobo

BRUTUS said...

Nice pool! Hope you like it even better when you get some water in it!! Keep cool :)

Brutus the Frenchie

karensbrae said...

That pool will be really cool when you get water in it.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I khan't wait to see woo splashing in your pool!

Tank woo fur showing us what your mom and dad did to stay out of trouble THIS weekend!


Dandy Duke said...

The chairs are just beautiful! What a neat thing to learn how to do!
We hope you guys get some water in your new pool soon!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Woodrow, Luna, MJ Campanella said...

that looks like alot of fun - and you daddy did a really nice job - the broom class sounds like fun too

your pool definately needs water - its no fun otherwise

grewt pics - the black smith class sounds fascinating

woodrow sweetie mj

Ziggy Stardust said...

I like your blue pool thing as long as they don't put any water in there you will be fine. The chair your Dad made is cool.

licks and sniffs, Sasha

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Wow, we are very impressed - that chair looks gorgeous!!!

Hope they put some water in your pool.

footheelsocknitter said...

The craft of weaving chair bottoms is almost a lost art. They turned out beautiful. It's neat that Mabry Mill offers these classes.

Speaking of brooms, I have a handcrafted broom I purchased last summer at Abbington from a broom maker. It's such a neat one. Looks like a witches broom. I got lots of odd looks and a couple of strange questions, like, "what are you going to do with that broom"?

Fly of course, you do know the price of gas has gone up! This was last summer when it was well over 4.00$ a gallon. Some people just don't get my sense of humor....

Would you like me to email you a picture of it? I would like to fly on it, but then those people might accuse me of being a witch. oh well!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Your parents are very interested in learning.

ScrapsofMe said...

That's the same kind of pool they have at the dog park. Bonnie loves it...after running around like a mad woman.....she just hops in and stretches out to cool off.

Inky and Molly said...

Oh, we are very jealous of your pool.
We'd love to have one of those in summer but we have tough water restrictions here because of the drought...We go to the beach a lot instead :)

The Black and Tans. said...

WE hope your pool is filled very soon.

Very well done to your Mum and Dad, the chairs are awesome.

Molly, Taffy and Monty

Agatha and Archie said...

Wow cool chair!! It is still not warm enough ofr our pool!!! (it looks like yours) Love A+Al

Sue said...

Very nice job on the chair. You guys need some water in that pool, so you can splash around and get all wet.

Asta said...

Hi Lilly, Pipew Cawwleigh and Java

You guys look adowable in that pool, wait till it gets watew, it's even mowe fun that wa, hehehe
Those classes youw pawents awe taking sound like hawd wowk but soopew fun! and youw Dad's chaiw looks gweat. I'm suwe youw Mom's is too..sounds like a lovely way to spend time, ( I had an could help youw pawents by chewing up the seats, so they can have mowe pwactice, hehehe)
smoochie kisses

Lacy said...

Oh what fun, a pool. Perfect for those hot muggy days.

And such nice a sturdy chairs!
Renew and reuse.

Nancy at the Farm said...

We like the bibs too!


Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Wowie Bow Wowie! What a swell job your Daddy did on that chair! It's funny how our old hoomans decide to want to create when their eyes give out!Ours is that way. Wants to quilt and weave and blah,blah,blah. We'll see.
Our GreatGrammy used to cane chairs but never taught anyone else in the fam how to do it & Mommy says she wished she knew how.

Allie said...

Our scottie can't stay out of the big water bowl while we are at my parent's house at the lake....he gets SO hot in this Texas heat. We've been talking about getting him a baby pool but haven't done it. However, seeing your three in the pool......we're going to buy him one! Happy Wednesday!

Gus, Louie and Callie said...

What a beautiful job Dad did. What do we get to see Mom's?

Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus, Louie and Callie

Stanley said...

Hey, buds!

Looks like your parents are handy peeps to have around. Do they make home-made dog biscuits too?

Hope you get some water in that new pool of yours, and PRONTO! It's swimming season!

Goober love,

Sally said...

OOHHH - we like your pool - I prefer mine filled with muddy water personally. D was jealous of those chairs - she is always bringing home 'restoration' projects - that never make it that far...

We have tried getting tongue photos - but sadly we are the smaller shyer tongue types! Put some up on the blog - glad you liked the game - we think it was made for you guys!

Lots of little licks
Sally and Paddy

Judi said...

What a great job your dad made...the chair has a great pattern. It looks like a fun class. Now he can make!

You puppies sure were having fun in that pool...did anyone put water in for you to splash in?

Come by and visit when you have a chance...I have a cute Abby kitty you could visit too.

Lallee said...

What a wonderful craft to learn! The mountains have so much to offer. I wish I lived nearby.

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