After reading Martine's post this morning, I immediately jumped to conclusions and assumed something bad had happened to Sugar. We are thrilled to hear that a wonderful decision was made on her behalf. Our hats are off to Martine and Seth for making this unselfish decision.
Here is the post I received from NY Bully Brats. "Guys - i don't want to step on any toes - but Sugar has just gone back the BT Rescue and is in great hands - she is perfectly safe - Martine and Seth made the incredible hard decision to give Sugar up because her issues were too much for them to deal with."
We are so happy that she is safe. And wish all the best to Martine and Seth.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
May 5th At the Bridge
6 years ago
Thanks for letting us know, guys! We're on our way to Sugar and Martine's blog!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Thanks for the inside scoop. We are relieved to know Sugar is okay.
My mom and Martine have been writing!
We suggested she post when she khan since we were all afraid and sad -
She said she's sorry she gave evfurryone that impression -
Our heart goes out to everyone involved - it is a very hard decision to make - but i have been in contact with susi the rescue chair in CA - and everything that can be done for Sugar is being done.
Wodrow and the rest let us know too :) we are happy to read that Sugar is still wid us ^_^ thanks for the post
Maltese Paws
What a relief! Thanks for letting us know!
:) Tibby
It's a hard decision to make and you have to think of what's best for the dog. Good for them and good luck to Sugar.
Oh, wow! Thanks for clearing that up. I do not know Sugar's beans and hadn't visited her blog, so I had assumed the worst after reading all the different posts.
It was very sad to see that news and we are sure it was made with great difficulty but loving hearts. This is probably what is best for Sugar - we hope she gets the help she needs. And our hearts go out to Martine and family for their loss.
Woos, the OP Pack
OK - so I left a perfectly ridiculous comment there...and wasted a whole bunch of tissues, from my crying jag after reading Rainbow Bridge again?
You owe me chocolate!
I think it was very brave of them to do what is best for Sugs. We are praying for all of them.
licks and sniffs, Sasha
Thanks a lot foer letting us know!!!
We're very relieved for Sugar!!!
Wish her the bestest life possible!!!!
And you all are ok??
Lots of love and kisses
Phew! Sometimes not every doggie can get along with every other doggie and so we are keeping paws crossed that Sugar finds a good home.
It was a relief to know she was ok.. I think they were very brave..
Hugs GJ xx
It is very selfless of them to give her another shot at a forever home, that is just right for her. I bet it was a hard decision though and I commend them!
We've been worried all day, because we had assumed the worst...
Sugar was a lucky dog to kind peeps like Martine and Seth.
Everything happens for a reason. All is good, and they way it should be. Thanks for keeping us posted.
Barks of love,
Jake and Fergs
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