Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Yesterday afternoon,
Carrleigh started having puppies
about 3:00pm.
By 6:30pm she wanted to go out to potty
and then have some din-din.
Mom thought she had finished having puppies
so she posted that Carr
had seven puppies.

About 9:00 pm,
Mom heard Carrleigh licking something really fast,
and she knew she wasn't licking
one of the puppies that were a few hours old.

When she checked,
Carrleigh had another little boy puppy.

And then about 10:30pm,
here came another little boy.

So Carrleigh has 9
wiggly, hungry, loud puppies.
4 girls
5 boys.

Carr and all of her puppies
are doing fine.
Mom weighed them again this morning
and most of them have gained .2 ounces.

It's exhausting being
a Grandpa,
an Aunt
and a Dad.

We can only imagine how exhausting
it must be to be a Mom to nine hungry puppies.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java


Dexter said...

Nine puppies? Oh my goodness! You are going to be one busy little mama. I am so happy that everything is going OK. How proud you must be.


Stella said...

They are just beautiful! Stella would like one as soon as they are ready. She says she is sure she would be a good Mom to one.

Little pats to all!

Jo and Stella

ScrapsofMe said...

I had to stop and count feeding stations. Yep. 10. There would be room for all at the table. They are soooooo flippin cute!

She wants to know if you are having a BOGO sale?


Keep all those babies warm and fed!
And double up on Carrleighs foodibles. I guess Lily will be the baby sitter when Carrleigh goes outside.

What adorable baby scotties. The world will never be the same.



Smushie Ranch said...

9 Puppies!! Does Carrleigh have enough ninnies to feed all those puppers? They're so cute. How does anyone get any sleep around there? We'd want to spend all our time with them.

Puppy love,
Stella, Gunther and Betty

Martine said...

WOW!!! Nine puppies! That is amazing!!! They are so cute, we love to see them nursing.

Glad everyone is doing well!

xo martine & the kiddlets

Sue said...

Hope you're well rested. We had nine in our litter and that was the last rest I had for months. But it was so worth it. I'm green with envy.

Abigail said...

Are they all Wheaten!!!!!

Bobby said...

Had to come over from Stella blog to see the new little furbodys, well not much fur yet. Congratulations 9 times over.
Licks to mother and pups
Grumpy Bobby.

Anonymous said...

WHOA!!!!!!! Nine ferocious distant cousins of mine: WELCOME TO THE WORLD! You all might be even cuter than I am. Is that possible? Roo Roo To You and Mom Too, Stuart

Anonymous said...

WHOA!!!!!!! Nine ferocious distant cousins of mine: WELCOME TO THE WORLD! You all might be even cuter than I am. Is that possible? Roo Roo To You and Mom Too, Stuart

Sierra Rose said...

Wonderful!!! Sweet pups!

Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose

golden said...

I LOVE THIS PUPPIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don' t said you who am I !!!!!!!
I am Golden Retriever Clotilde!!!!
And I had puppies too!!!!!!!!
My super special nine puppies!!!!!!!!!!!!!





The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Oh My....OH MY....That's a lot of puppies! Hang in there Carrleigh!!


Scooter said...

Youser bowser!!! NINE!!!
You are going to be one busy girl!!
Hang in there and get your rest mama. Good thing you have plenty of help and baby sitters!! They are all just so adorable and beautiful.

big smiles

Duke said...

Wow! You are going to be one busy mommy, Carrleigh! Your pups are sure cute!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Unknown said...

So Carrleigh had septuplets...and then a set of twins! Good girl! She's going to win Mother of the Year!!!

Your pal,

Uncle Petey ('cuz all us terriers from Scotland are related, right?)

Sweet Cottage Dreams said...

Oh sweet Carrleigh girl, congratulations on the birth of your NINE children! They are just gorgeous! And all wheatens too boot!? wowzers!!!!!! You are going to be a busy momma! Take some time for yourself, too. Maybe a trip to a day spa for a doggie massage.

Know we love you,
Duhgall, Fiona, Socks and our Maw

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

LOL - we thought for sure we counted seven last night and then saw Stella's post where she said there were nine!!!! Way to go, Carrleigh - where did she manage to stow nine of them in that little body? About how much do they each weigh at birth? If you need any homes, we are sure that Stella really wants one:)

Good luck to the proud Mom.

Woos, Phantom and Thunder

Two French Bulldogs said...

Congratulations Carleigh..look at all those adorable kids!! Need a babysitter?
Benny & Lily

Two French Bulldogs said...

Congratulations Carleigh..look at all those adorable kids!! Need a babysitter?
Benny & Lily

the magic sleigh said...

Wooooos!!9!! Nine! puppies! You will be having a Scottie dog party now!
Congrats and be Happy~!
-Kira, The No Snow Dog

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Oh my oh my oh my.. 0 gorgeous babies. You are going to have your hands full with all those.. Do you get to keep any ... HUgs GJ xx

Unknown said...

I have been reading about the pups all day! I finally decided to stop by and congratulate you. They are so adorable! I'm so happy to have met them all on their firstest birthday! I hope each and every one of them has a great life! Great job, mama!

Sally Ann and Andy said...

9 babies, wow, happy times. That is a lot of babies. What a happy happy family you have.
Sally Ann

Bella and Ollie said...

Congratulations, they are so cute !
Carrleigh is going to be very busy but I'm sure she'll have plenty of help from everyone.
Love, Bella.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

How khool!

Mom rekhalls a year or two ago when someone on SiberNet had puppies - she kept doing the same thing!

Each time the human thought Mom was done, Mom surprised them! I think she had two more as well!

Khongrats on those furry khute Wheatables!


Cheryl, Indiana, Shingo and Molly said...

Congrats to you all on the new puppies!! Please post LOTS of pictures!!

Woofs and Kisses!

Lucy-Fur, as typed by Dr. Liz said...

NINE?!? She's CRAZY!!! Mom brought home just one puppy, and she's driving her crazy; she can't imagine being inundated with NINE puppies! But I say congratulations!

*kissey face*

Ms. ~K said...

Oh Carrleigh, your pups are adorable and you will be a wonderful mother.

Sally said...

Wow - nine puppies - that is a lot of work! They are so cute though - my D wants one - she loves puppy smells and their sweet jiggly bodies!

Take it easy - we know you will be a great Mum

Sally and Paddy (and D)

Maxmom said...

Weeeee!...Woof! WooF! What wonderful news to brighten up the world!...and what a wonderful mother Carleigh is to deliver NINE pups! They are absolutely beautiful! What a blessing to have new life in your household.

Angus said...

Nine! My goodness and to think that we thought you would be busy with seven.

Diana Chiew said...

Congratulations!! Nine puppies!! Carrleigh is the greatest!!

Inky and Molly said...

Sheesh, sounds like you have got your hands full now!
They look gorgeous! Enjoy these cute little critters...

Bijou said...

Holy Cow! NINE puppies came out of that little doggie. Carrleigh sure outdid herself huh?


Louise said...

Wow, My Clara had 3 puppies and we decided that was heaps! I can't even imagine 9!!! Good luck :)

TwoSpecialWires said...

What an adorable bundle of life! We can hardly wait for NinaGirl to see these pictures!

Love and Very Best Wishes,
Jake and Fergi xxxxxxxxxxxxxoooooooooooo!

Taffy said...

Nine? Thats a lot of puppies! Think of all the puppy breath and all those puppy kisses......

Asta said...

Oh Cawwleigh
I'm so sowwy I'm so late wif my congwatulations!!1
What wondewful news!! nine wiggly bootiful pups! May all of you have good helath and long lives
smoochie kisses

Paco,Milo, Maya and mommy Simona said...

What a great great news dear friends!!!!
We're sooooooooooooooooo sorry haven't read of it before!!!
Nine pups???!!!!!
Carrleigh...we're soooo proud of you!!!!!!!
take care of you now!!!!

Oskar said...

That's so many for little Carrleigh! I'm glad they are all o.k.

AnnB said...

Holy moly, another Nonomom. Scottie News will share this with our readers.

Congratulations to everyone.

AnnB said...

If my first comment went missing, congratulations again. I'm very impressed you can figure out what sex they are. Is it different from kittens who seem to confound everyone?

Forever An'GUSMom said...

Nothing more precious on God's Green Earth than Scottie puppies --all that puppy breathe -- sigh....they are just beautiful!

The Strawberry Mallard said...

BOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We're ready to rock and roll, Rocky Creek Clan....ARRRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOO

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