Monday, November 9, 2009


About the time
our human brother and sister
got old enough
to be able to
take care of themselves,
Mom and Dad decided
to get a dog.
They looked at rescue dogs,
at kennel dogs, at pet shop dogs
searching for a Scottie
or Schnauzer that they
could either purchase or adopt.
They did not really find a dog
that they could connect with

He was almost 4 months old
when they found him.
He had been returned to the
pet store in Laguna Hills Mall
because the family that had purchased him
had some problems with illnesses
and couldn't keep him.
He had already been taught
some wonderful obedience skills
and knew how to walk on a leash,
come when called
and not to bother the family
during meal time.

Mom and Dad felt really fortunate
to find him and to be able to
rescue him from the pet store.

He moved from California to Virginia
with Mom and Dad when they
moved to Mom's ancestral farm.

He learned to be off leash
and to come when called.
Before they moved here,
Java would not sit on the grass.
If it wasn't tile or carpet,
he wouldn't sit or lay on it -
he was such a city dog.

And then he got to experience
his first snow -
and he loved it.

He got to stay at home alone
when Mom and Dad went on trips.
And he let Mom make goofy pictures of him
so she could make thank you cards
for Mrs. Donna
when she came and
watched him.

And then one day,
Mom and Dad left Java
in the care of Mrs. Donna
and when they returned
they had a little black Scottie
who immediately fell in love with Java.

He was so patient with her
and even let her sit on his back
to watch TV.
(Lilly's eyebrows are missing
due to a grooming error)
And now he's a wonderful
big brother to
"Arrrooo Crew"
and we all love him.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java


TwoSpecialWires said...

And we love him, too! Wow! Twelve years! What a great Gotcha Day acknowledgement! He's a lucky pup to have you has his family, and it looks to us like you are lucky ones, too, to have him as a big brother! We're sure you'll get lots of special attention today, Java! Enjoy every moment of it!

Now. Moma has a question. Is that a charm up there at the top of your post? If so, Moma'd love to get one for Our Girl's next Gotcha Day. Shhh! Don't tell!

Jake and Fergi (off to google charms)

Anonymous said...

Hey you guys! HAPPY GOTCHA DAY!!

I met somebody on Friday who might GET'CHA a Scottie from you, Lilly. Isn't it a small world??

Roo Roo,

animal lover, quilt lover said...

Great, great, post!!!!!!!!!!!!
We love your post so much!!!!!
I am so glad to get to know Java!!!! Java is so well behaved!!!
Java is also so pretty and so sweet, you can see it in his face.
Happy Gotcha Day Java!!!
A bunch of us blogger have older dogs.
Soup is so easy to make I can't see anyone buying it!!! I hope you make some great soup tonight!!
Love you all, Happy, Bambi ane Fern

Martine said...

What a wonderful post to honor Java!!! We are so glad you found him!!

xo martine & the kiddlets

The 'splorin' Wolfies said...

oh wonderful--12 years is such a long life and you look like you have many many more happy years ahead of you--hopefully now though your parents would never go to a pet store to get a dog though. times have changed for sure. happy got day beautiful big boy!

Duke said...

Happy gotcha day, Java! That picture of Lilly sitting on your back is priceless! We hope you have the best day ever with treats and hugs!
Mitch got rescued from the pet store when he was 4 months old too!

Love ya lots
Maggie and MItch

Nancy at the Farm said...

What a great blog entry and pictures! We loved it almost as much as you love Java!

Love, Dozer, Dottie and Cooper

Hollie and Janie said...

Congratulations on your Gotcha Day! You are such an amazing big brother!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

What a sweet natured woofie Java is. and how loved and loving.. Happy Gotcha day Java.. Hugs GJ x

Asta said...

Happy Gotcha day Java
You awe a wondwewful big bwuvvew to youw little Lilly,Pipew and complete theiw wondewful family. I'm so glad youw pawents wecood you and now you get to live on that heavenly fawm
smoochie kisses

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Happy Gotcha Day Java!

Woo've khome a long way!

What a lukhky fella!


Inky and Molly said...

Mighty 12!!! That's big numbers!! Happy Gotcha Day, Java. Enjoy the celebrations...

Oskar said...

Great post, hooray for forever homes! My mom person loves the last picture, you're all lined up so nicely.

I understand about groomer's errors since mine cut off my woozle (beard), it's still quite traumatic to think about.

Sally Ann and Andy said...

He sounds like a wonderful big brother. What lucky dogs you are.
Sally Ann

BRUTUS said...

Congrats, Java!!
Twelve years old & going strong! We labs are such hearty & adaptable fellows, just love us and we'll be happy campers, right? Here's wishing you many more years as the big brother!

Mason (I wrestled the computer away from Brutus)

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Happy gotcha Day, Java - 12 is a very special number!!! We loved reading all about you in this wonderful post. Hope you have a fantastic year.

Woos, the OP Pack

the magic sleigh said...

Woooos! Java! Happy gotcha day! and 12 years! What a nice dignified boy you have become in that time. Great job there looking after the little ones..-Kira The BeaWootiful

Two French Bulldogs said...

Happy Gotcha Day. That was a very cool and happy story. We even know where the LH Mall is!! crazy
Benny & Lily

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Happy Gotcha Day Java!!!!!


Ms. ~K said...

Life is Good, huh Java???
Happy Gotcha Day, Big Boy!

Sally said...

Happy Gotcha Day Java! We send lots of party vibes to you and hope you get lots of treats and belly rubs

Sally and Paddy

Scooter said...

HAppy Gotcha day Java,

You look so cute and so happy to be with your new family. Time goes really fast and WOW a big brother to 3 other doggies,

Love the picture with Lily sitting on you, that is so cute.

Smiles for ya

Ziggy Stardust said...

(((Java))) Happy Gotcha Day!! I hope you have a great day and get lots of cheese.

licks and sniffs, Sasha

Hamish Westie said...

Ah, what a nice happy story. Java is a lucky dog indeed.
Cheers, H.

Dexter said...

Happy Gotcha Day Java! You labradogs are really pretty cool, I must say.


tammy said...

What a beautiful post and pictures of all the dogs. Java is beautiful! And the pic of Lily sitting on his back and story of her bonding w/ him is precious.

Teddy and Louie sez they liked this too and are sending slobbery kisses,(especially Teddy) he's the kisser in this pack. Haha!

Brenda said...

Thanks for leaving such a sweet comment on my site. What a wonderful family you have. Great shots. I do not think Ladybug will ever sit long enough for a such sweet pics. Happy day!

Cheryl, Indiana, Shingo and Molly said...

Awww, we hope Java had the best Gotcha Day ever!! Those are some of the best pictures!!

Poopsie aka Blue said...

Working on the policy ... better late than never... I wish Java a belated Gotcha Day!

Love, pats & pets

animal lover, quilt lover said...

Hi Rocky Creek Scotties and Java,
We love stuffed squash too, but we just cut it up and microwaved it and it was really good. No muss no fuss.
Have a good one, Happy and Bambi and Fern

animal lover, quilt lover said...

P. S.,
Yes I did think of my hand Bag when I saw the black and white scottie hand bag!! That is why I brought it out.

Sue said...

Happy Adoption Day, Java

It's so wonderful when a sweet dog like you finds just the perfect home.

Rachel said...

Ya'll are very lucky to have Java as a big bro. I can see why you love him.

Sherry said...

Wishing you lots more Gotcha days!
Alanis & Miro

Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

Happy Belated Gotcha Day, Java! Here's to many more wonderful Gotcha Days...*grins* Loved that last photo of everybody!


Lallee said...

The only thing better than having a Labrador Retriever is having Scotties to share him with. XO to Java on Gotcha Day. Huggie to the Scotties too!

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