Saturday, January 30, 2010


As I sit in the silence
I can see the light gray sky
the trees without their leaves
and the snow lightly falling.

It is stunning.
It is majestic.
It is a gift from God.

And I am so thankful
I can enjoy it.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java


Scooter said...

Hey scotties and Java
Yah Snow does look cool and very pretty!! And just to think that God made every single snowflake different~~Pretty awesome huh??

Enjoy your walk and Carleigh and Piper, dont get lost in the snow!!

Laughing here

TwoSpecialWires said...

Sometimes it's the "monochrome" days that make it easier to see the details that make our world so beautiful. This is a wonderful post ... thank you for sharing it ... your thoughts and pictures.

Jake and Fergi xxoo (snowless)

Duke said...

What gorgeous pictures!
Gosh, you guys are half buried in the snow! You have more than we do! No fAire!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Paco,Milo, Maya and mommy Simona said...

Whata great great photos!!!!
Thanks for sharing with us dear friends!!!
And you look sooo happy under tons of snow!!!!
Sure you're having tons of fun!!!!
But pleaseeeee.....stay warm guys!!!
We would love to be there and playi in the snow with you all!!!!
And thank you for your sweet words...
you made our day today!!!
HAve a fantastic weekend!!!!
Tons of love and kisses and hugs!!!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I hope woo enjoyed Being One With The White!

I have flurries khyssing my khoat now - but I'm hoping fur more!

Tank woo fur sharing the pikhs!


Two French Bulldogs said...

We like that little poem. Careful..that white stuff is alomost over your heads. Have fun
Benny & Lily

Angus said...

Goodness Piper - a walk in the snow must be very enervating when you're a Scottie!

Sue said...

That's a lot of snow for you short legged dogs. Have fun in it. We played outside in the snow all morning.

Agatha and Archie said...

WOW!! You guys got a lot!!!!! Have fun( except when you get those ice balls stuck in your feet) Love A+A

Martine said...

OMD! Were you nearly walking in head high snow guys?!

Was it fun?!

Sure looks pretty!!

xo martine & the kiddlets

Anonymous said...

1) How beautiful
2) How Deep!
3) Can I come live with you!? BOL


Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Gorgeous pictures.. That snow is very deep. Enjoy playing in it.. Hugs GJ x

tammy said...

Thought about u guys today duriing the snow. And your yaktrek, bet you used them! Also like the poem.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Oh, how we would love snow to be that deep for us!!! Great photos, beautiful thoughts.

Woos, Phantom and Thunder

Smushie Ranch said...

I've had the fortune to spend time in the Blue Ridge Mountains in the summer, but never the winter. I can only imagine how beautiful it must be... Thank you for sharing!


animal lover, quilt lover said...

I am so glad for you guys!!!
Glad you where able to enjoy it!!!
Jake eats two times more food than his sister Jackie. Jake is just a midget!! We didn't know there was such a thing but now we know!!! Both coons will want to mate this spring but not with each other. Nature takes care of that. In Janurary they became bitter enemies. They will be for the rest of their lives.
Kiss the pups, Bambi and Fern

The Strawberry Mallard said...

Oh look at that ~ and look at them ~ how funny are they ~ don;t you just love when they leap like rabbits in the snow? Gus has always gone postal when he gets into the snow here ~ going back to their roots!
Yes, it truly is a gift to live where you do and see what you see! I hope that one day we are fortunate enough to live in God's country!
Hugs, Nancy & Angus

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

That snow is SO deep. You all could have been lost in it if not for that kind snowman holding up your leashes.BowWowzer poochies. That could have been tragic. Glad you made it out to blog another day.
BabyRD & Hootie

Liked your words too.You're right, God sure does a good job in His creation.

Candylei said...

Loved the photos. Thank you for a wonderful blog on your wee know what I mean. Love their faces.

Sweet Cottage Dreams said... sweet.....

Abigail said...

We might be heading your way again in the spring!!! Will let you know.

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