Thursday, January 28, 2010


Good Afternoon,

Before we start, we want to apologize about the size of our FONT - we are having a horrible time getting it the size we want it and when we do and then post, it changes to a different size. We really are not yelling -- too loudly, that is.

And welcome to True Colours Thursday. Miss Blue, as always is our gracious host for today. Please drop by and visit her if you'd like to play along. The colour for today is PUCE. It had us a bit stumped for selections when it was decided upon and frankly we haven't changed our minds. And the fact that Wikipedia has it described as the colour of an underbelly of a flea leaves us not really wanting to delve into the matter further (plus just typing this is making our secretary's head itch!). But for your consideration today, we have chosen the following items from in and around our home - can you enlighten us?
Which one is truly PUCE?When we first saw that PUCE
was a suggested colour,
Mom thought it was the colour
of the green stripe in these socks she knitted,
but we explained to her that was the coulour
another word that began with "puc"
and that the red stripe was closer to PUCE.

See this cute little Wheaten Scottie figurine.
Jazzi sent it to us in her package
and Mom was remiss about getting it on the post.
Is the composition notebook
it is perched upon PUCE?

Or these funny scissors
that won't cut yarn
and cut paper all zig-zaggy -
Are they PUCE?

Is the bag our food comes in PUCE?

Or is the bench on our front porch PUCE?
We thought it was "Barn Red"

All of these years we thought
our Scottie Scooter was "Inferno Red."
Could the manufacturer be mistaken
and it's PUCE?

And our sweet sissy, Kat.
Does she have PUCE hair
(we know no flea bellies are living in there)
or is she wearing a PUCE blouse?

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java


Scooter said...

HI scotties,
They all look like puce to me, Kind of a wierd color huh?? I like your scottie scooter, funny!!

Oh mom, found your mom nother scottie thing yesterday. It is an iron on scottie sparkly thing like you would put on a shirt or soomething. It looks really cute but how could it not being a scottie huh??? BOL

Until later

Hamish Westie said...

Puce? Your guess is as good as mine. Lovely picture of your sweet sissy, I must say. What a pleasing face she has (and an adventurous approach to hair colour...)
Cheers, H.

Angus said...

Well, the type face is certainly eye catching. No, the Chrysler isn't puce by any stretch of the imagination. The hair colour - did I ever tell you about Mme Bays new cut and colour?

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

I am not sure which one, if any, is puce...but would you let us know when you find out???

Smiley Thanks!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We noticed that Blue wasn't sure about puce either. And as we commented on Maggie and Mitch's post, the word itself is not a very pleasant sounding word. But aside from all of that, we like all the things you thought might be puce.

Woos, Phantom and Thunder

BRUTUS said...

Who ever came up with such a horrible name? Can't we just call it maroon-ish or cranberry-ish? We agree the first color that comes to mind is the one we see in front of us suddenly when our stomachs reverse gears (a thought a little to close to home right now..). Maybe because of that, Mom honestly thought it was a shade of olivey-yellowy green. Ugh. Maybe we could start a petition "Rename Puce".

Smushie Ranch said...

Puce?? What the heck is puce? Is it like puke? Ewww, I sure hope not!

Smushie love,
Stella, Gunther and Betty

Dandy Duke said...

We think you did an awesome job with puce! Mom is loving your sockie!
Guess what? She's been being good and knitting hers!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Puce is all in the eye of the beholder!


Sue said...

I never did know what color Puce was. You could have told me anything.

Weird about your fonts. They go up and down by themselves. Pretty cool.

Two French Bulldogs said...

Thats a crazy word but we sure do like the color. Wonder if mom will dye Lily's hair Sis's color? probly not
Benny & Lily

Inky and Molly said...

I just spilled some of mumsel's red wine on my beach blankie...that's puce!!

Teesha and Bindie said...

funny colour Puce but it really colours a lot of nice things. you have a great collection

animal lover, quilt lover said...

Puce, don't know what color that is and the things you showed us looks good to me. Lets call them Puce and be happy !!!!!! You did a great job as usual. Always love the things you pick to show us.
I hope the weather will not be as bad as they say it is goimg to be. We are suppose to get cold rain, with possible ice in the rain!!!
Then Cold again. I am not looking forward to cold!!!!
Kiss the pups for me, Bambi, Happy
& Fern

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

PUce is kind of a weird color.Our Daddy surprised--REALLy surprised our mommy by painting the Phoenix guest bathroom puce 2 years ago while she was in Idaho. When she came home she tried not to seem ungrateful (also since she told him to surprise her with the color) but she could not stand the color for 4 walls---icky. Anyway,she pretended to like it but proceeded to tell Dad that she must go out & buy new towels to match and he'd have to pull up the floor tile and install something that matched. Well Daddy said Oh no!I'd rather repaint the walls a different color...and he did!!
BabyRD & Hootie

Blue said...

Sorry I'm so late visiting - have a few probs opening some blogs - grr!

You did really well with puce in all its shades.

Love, pats & pets

TwoSpecialWires said...

We're not quite sure what tint puce is, either. But, ummmm, could we have that bench on your front porch when you grow tired of it?

Sorry to be so late getting here. Life has taken on a new schedule with our Girl's new adventure. We think aboutcha, though! Never doubt that!

Jake and Fergi xxoo

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