Friday, January 22, 2010


Last night when we went to bed,
we knew there would be
a lot of ice this morning when we got up.
And we were right.
All of the neighboring schools are closed,
along with many government agencies
and businesses.

Just looking out from our porch,
it doesn't look too bad.
But Mom decided since we are such strong dogs
that she would walk us separately.
The first one to go was Carrleigh.

And Mom slip-slided across the porch
until she got on the grass.
Even though every little strand of grass
was covered in ice,
it wasn't too hard to walk on it.
But when she got to our driveway
it was a different story.

So before she walked anyone else,
she put on the Yaktraxx
that Granny had got her for Christmas.
Mom wasn't sure she had a lot of faith in them,
but now she is a believer.
They are wonderful
and she didn't slip one time walking the rest of us.
She highly recommends them.

And so you don't go into withdrawals
from missing our sweet faces,
here's a little Lilly-love.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java


Cheryl, Indiana, Shingo and Molly said...

It sounds furry cold there! Glad that the yak traxx helped your Moms stand up. Moms doesn't have any, since we don't get that much snow and ice.

Woofs and Kisses!

ScrapsofMe said...

Noooooo....but we think it's something we need to send to Nana in NC mountains for sure! Thanks for sharing! Never heard of these before but they look just the ticket for slip sliddy days.

animal lover, quilt lover said...

WE get the rain and you get the ice and sometime snow. Usually you get the same weather systems we get. Ours is wind and rain and yours ( this time of year ) is wind ice and snow. At least a lot of the time.
Grans did good when she got you those things that go on the shoes!!!
Kiss the pups, Bambi, Fern

justjohn said...

Love that Miss Lilly's face...

Sue said...

Dad was given a pair for Christmas, but since reading your port, Mom says she's going to use them. She's afraid to walk on ice because she's broken her wrist twice. She says "once more and it's useless". Thanks for the good report.

Dandy Duke said...

Thank doG for your mom's Yaktraxx! Ice is so dangerous and nasty! Mom will be checking out that link. You just never know when they'll come in handy! Thanks, guys!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

My Malamute BF Summiii The Super Mal's mummi has them and SWEARS by them fur braving her treacherous Iowa weather!

We got ripped off here: NOTHING - no snow - no mix - NOTHING ;-(

Happy Friday!

Khyra & Khousin Merdie

Ms. ~K said...

Very cool!!!
Do they make Yaktraxx for you pups too??? chuckle!!
Licks and sniffs,
Zack, Sassy and Buddy

Angus said...

Yaktraxx? We Europeans have to come to your blog to get the latest trends.

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Wow they look brilliant. I havn't seen those before. Mum says she could have done with those for sure when she was trying to walk on the ice on call. Glad you all got a walk.. Hugs GJ x

Stella said...

Thanks for the Lily love and the public service announcement. I need these, and I have looked at Amazon for them, but never actually sent for some. I think I will now!


Jo and Stella

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking even I might wear those things. As much as I like the snow, I get a little tired of fighting it while walking. Huummm....

Stay warm you guys!

Roo Roo,
Your Pal Stuart

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

My Mama doesn't where them, but she sure would if it got icy here, like it does at your house!!


BRUTUS said...

Mom doesn't have a pair, but I think she probably should! We were walking yesterday and saw track from people who had them on! Those bipeds need all the help they can get to stay on their feet!

Quadrupedal Snorts-
Brutus the Frenchie

The Strawberry Mallard said...

SO here I am trying to figure out of these are made from yaks or are yaks using them in Siberia or should you have shoes made from yaks ~ ROTFL.
They remind me of the chains that they used to put on tires when I was a little girl ~ VERY little ;o)

Be careful out there furbabies and your mom as well~
Hugs from Nancy & Gussy Dog

animal lover, quilt lover said...

Welcome to the club!! Tom and I are allergie to almost everything!!
The camellias, I never thought about those!!! Oh well if we are, we are.
Pet the pups for us, Bambi & Fern

Scooter said...

Never head of them before,

Never seen them before

but they look very useful in the ice. Mom could have used them the other day when we had ice here.

Tail wags

Scooter said...

Oh Lilly,
you look sooooo cute!! Course we scotties have a tendancy to do that huh??? BOL


Asta said...

Lillie, Cawwleigh , Pipew and Java,

those awe soopew cool things youw mom weaws..we don't have snow ow ice, but if we did Mommi would cewtainly weaw those!!!
thank you fow the Lilly -love
smoochie kisses

Two French Bulldogs said...

What a great idea. Wonder if they come in sets for 4 paws?
Benny & Lily

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Thanks for the Lilly love - she is so sweet. And thanks for the endorsement, we might have to get Mom some of those because she won't take us for a walk if there is any ice on the ground. Her bones break too easily.

Happy Friday, Phantom and Thunder

Smushie Ranch said...

Those look pretty cool. Since we don't have any ice around here, we think the closest thing mom wears is Crocks.

tammy said...

Oh the yak traxx is clever, where can you order them? Glad they work. And thanks for the sweet scottie pictures.

Your blog is so professional, and love the new look. I don't have enough computer savy to put the extras on. Would like sometime to find out how to put the blogroll on the sidebar of the blog updates I read. Take care and stay warm.

Dexter said...

My momma has things like that only hers are bright pink! Fortunately, she hasn't had to use them yet this season.


Rachel said...

You know I could use those too. It is an unusually snowy/icey winter isn't it?

Paco,Milo, Maya and mommy Simona said...

Woowoowwoooooowow...... they look brilliant.......We haven't seen those before and mommy loves them!!!!
Sure she'll buy the we're having tons of ice!!!!!
Thanks for the link!!!!!!!!
And we love the Lily-love photo.....she is soooooo cute and beautiful!!!!
HAve a great weekend!!!

Taffy said...

I think my grandma and grandpa have those. They say they work quite well when we get that nasty stuff here. Glad your mom found out they work good for her too. Guess she might owe your granny an apology.

Martine said...

My mom had gotten something similar on QVC... maybe they are yaktrax?

Glad they work, we dont want your mom slipping and sliding.

xo martine & the kiddlets

animal lover, quilt lover said...

Hi Scotties and Hi Java,
I have taken notice of your new fancy blog dressings!!! Very nice!!! In fact I love it!!!!
Good job Lynn!!
Thanks for your visit and the kind words. Yes my Mother gave me a lot of things and yes one was her looks.
Thank you Mother!!
Kiss the pups, Bambi & Fern

Lallee said...

I don't wear Yaktracks. No need for them in FL, but they sure look like a great idea! Lilly looks so pretty in the photo.

Sierra Rose said...

Hi ya Rocky Creek Scotties!
Mom just opened up the Yaktraxx website...what a fantastic tip for snow and ice!

Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose

tammy said...

The movie you like Marlery % Me was filmed in (part of it) was filmed in Hollywood, Fla. where my father lives. Mollie & I ate on the boardwalk where a scene was made. Right on Hollywood Beach. When they were filming one of the store owners came in my Dad's garage & said they were filming that very day the movie. When I watched the movie I thought the place was Hollywood and wondered about the boardwalk. And my Father told me that it really was where it was filmed. Just remembered to share that w/ u. hugs!

Sweet Cottage Dreams said...

Nope, our maw doesn't war anything like that - maybe once on her teeth when she had braces! - arrrgh. ha.

We haven't had ice like you all, just coooooold nights. Glad we have lots of hair.

Lily, you are a hot momma!



Fiona, Socks and Maw send a ((hug))

animal lover, quilt lover said...

I have been working yesterday and today. Yesterday soup and today
thank you letters and notes to people who sent Christmas cards that I did not send them one. As I have gotten older I don't like to write by hand. I don't have a printer so I put off writing as long as I can.
Yes, scotties legs are too short for high-five!!
Kiss them all for me, Fern

TwoSpecialWires said...

Well. Well. We may have to be lookin' into these. Did you know that our moma fell on ice a few years back? Boom! Down! On her bum! Or, rather. Her hip. Pop! It broke! Clear off. Snap. Yep. It's true. (She's got a new hip now! Hahaha!)

It's not funny. That stuff's wicked. And now Moma walks like she's 90 years old on the slippery stuff.

Yep. May have to look into those things. Might make our walkies a lot more fun. As of now, they are sort of ruined by PTSD!

Done. Don't like to think about it.
Jake and Fergi xxoo

Brenda said...

Wow I could have used a pair of those this week. I slipped on the ice and hit my head. Ladybug was quite concerned. Hubby was quite concerned. So far I seem not to have lost any of my marbles. But those Yaktraxx are looking pretty special to me. Thanks for coming and leaving such sweet comments. I always think i will be able to reply to everyone's comments but I sometimes loose track of who I have dropped in on.

Bella and Ollie said...

It sure looks cold, I hope you don't get frost bite on your paws !
Love, Bella

Inky and Molly said...

That looks a tad frosty...
Yaktraxx...never heard of them but they sure seem like a good idea. They got a version to walk on hot sand with?? Puppy size??

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