Tuesday, March 24, 2009


.....that Lucia awarded us with the "Friendly Blogger Award". We don't know too many people yet, but we think all of the bloggers we have met so far are friendly. According to Lucia, there aren't too many rules regarding the passing of the award so we would like to pass it on to:
(drum roll please)

Maggie and Mitch the Airdales
(they encouraged us to start our own blog)

Oreo & Obie
(we hope this is not nepotism since we're related to Obie)

Miss Donna
(she always keeps us when Mom and Dad travel)

Can we give it back to Lucia ?
(we really like her and we love that she speaks Italian)

We have another reason to be thrilled today. Our Mom had some surgery about a month ago and when she went back to the doctor yesterday, he told her that there was no sign of cancer and that she was released from his care. What a blessing!! She can do anything she wants now as long as she has no pain and doesn't get too tired. He even told her she could go back to work in another week. When she told him she didn't work on a public job, he said she could come to work for him!! But she's not planning on it - she likes staying home with us.

Piper and Carrleigh have to go to the vet this morning. Piper needs a shot - we want to keep him from getting any yucky rabies and Carrleigh needs a checkup. After that they will go by and visit Granny. She loves for them to come visit, but Piper is afraid to go to her front door because she has a concrete porch - this summer we are going to work on helping him get over his fear of concrete.

Have a beautiful day!!


Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java

PS - We decided to change our colors for spring - what do you think?


Lucia said...

Ciao cari Scotties and Java!

Oh goodness! I'm all a-blush and just plain silly over your boomerang-ing of the Friendly Blogger award! I may have to ask mia ragazza to post a couple more fotografie of mia sorella, Jinks the Scottie, in your honor! (As you know, I am a smidge geloso of that doggie, but -- sigh! -- I would do it for you, miei amici!)

Yayyyy, yayyy and triple yayyyy for your mama's wonderful news from her dottore! That must make her feel pretty magnifico!

Love the new springtime look of your bloggie! It reminds us of oranges and lemons and warm weather.

Tanti baci!

Dandy Duke said...

OMG, we are so very honored to receive this award from you guys! Thank you so very much!
We are thrilled to hear your mom's exciting news and we're so glad that she wants to stay home with you guys! It's the best!
Good luck at the vet, Piper and Carrleigh!
We love your blog spring color! Mom says it reminds her of a robin's egg!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Mason Dixie said...

Congratulations on your new award and your site looks very Spring, love the chicks up top. Concrete? why the fear? have a great day and yay for your mom.

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