Saturday, March 28, 2009


As you all know, we have had a lot of rain here on Rocky Creek Farm and we have been stuck in the house. Mainly catching a lot of ZZZZ's. Mom has us on a schedule for going outside that seems to work for all of us, but one time when she took us out yesterday, it looked like a creek was coming down our road. Mom has Bogs that she wears in the rain and we want some too - especially Lilly - who hates to get her feet wet.

Well the rain is "neither here nor there" when it comes to telling about yesterday's treat. Lilly has this cute look that Mom jus
t adores and when she sees it, Lilly could ask for the moon and Mom would try to get it for her.
Here's Lilly practicing her
"please, please, please, I'm so cute" look.

We all saw Mom go to the freezer and get something out, but we didn't pay too much attention to her since we had heard her tell a friend that she would be making a meatloaf to bring to her yesterday. Mom was defrosting things in the microwave and getting out her big black iron skillet. She even got the cheddar cheese (that we love and always get to sample) from the fridge and sliced off a few slices and we were standing there all cute waiting for a piece - nothing happens. Lilly and Carrleigh started muttering between themselves - "What's wrong with Mom and where is our cheese?". Piper tried his sweet Scottie Stand. Nothing worked. Mom kept on ignoring us. MOM!! MOM!! We're down here!!
Then all of a sudden we heard Mom's black skillet start to sizzle and the most wonderful aroma ever filled the kitchen. Could it be possible?? Were we going to get some hamburgers like Mitch and Maggie? And were we going to get to have some Rocky Creek Farm organic beef? We were all aflutter - We just stood and watched Mom at the stove. But then we saw a hamburger with pepper on it - Yuck- who wants pepper on a burger? But we looked again and saw three burgers without pepper. And then we started counting- wait Mom - there are 4 of us here!

Then we saw Mom put the cheese on the hamburgers and she steamed some hamburger buns. We saw her put the buns on her pretty blue plate and put cheeseburgers and ketchup on the buns. She still only had 3 burgers fixed. Was Java going to go without?? Or Piper?? Or Carrleigh?? not Lilly, right Mom??And then she got a knife from the drawer and started cutting up the hamburgers. Doesn't she know that an adult Scottie has a mouth that is as large as a German Shepherds and can kill critters and vermin with a single chomp?? Why is she cutting up our meat - we won't get choked. We promise.

Mom did divide the cheeseburgers into 4 equal portions.
No one got choked and they sure were delicious.
Mom sacrificed and ate
the one with the yucky pepper on it herself.
It's a wonderful dog's life!!
Java's head was spinning when he saw Mom
putting those delicious burgers in our bowls.

Happy Trails and Waggin' Tails,
Rocky Creek Scotties


Molly the Airedale said...

OMG, aren't cheeseburgers the absolute BEST! We can't wait till the next time mom decides to share them with us!
We got a box from you guys in the mail today and mom says that we can open it in a couple of hours when dad goes swimming at the Y and she can stand by with the camera!
Can't dad leave NOW?!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Obie Trevino said...

See my page for Oreo's memorial. Miss you.


Mason Dixie said...

Those look yuummmyyyy! you guys are oh so lucky. Mom here does not eat meat so I will never know what a burger tastes sad. =)

Golden Samantha said...

OMD those sound absolutely delicious - lucky day for you! I never had one, but I can imagine what they must smell like! Nice Mom you have! Give her lots of kisses!
Love and xo,

Asta said...

fow a moment I was wowwied..but youw Mom came thwough.
Those cheesie buwgews looked soo goood. I'm so glad you all got some.
Youw Mom is the best
smoochie kisses

Honey said...

Mmmmmmmm! I'll be right over! Yeeehoooo!
Cheers! Honey

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

We have a lot in common, we love burgers, on the grill or in the pan, and with cheese, please. Nice of Mom to share the burgers and spare the pepper.

Play bows, the OP Pack

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