But then some days,
we know there is news that
everyone has been waiting to hear!
we know there is news that
everyone has been waiting to hear!

but as soon as this pup was born,
it climbed in between Carrleigh's arms
and laid it's head on her shoulder -
what an AWWWW moment
for our Mom.
Ah yes!
There's nothing like the smell of puppy breath in the evening too ;-)
Cheers and Khongrats!
Khyra and Phyll
Congrats! They are all beautiful!
Can't wait for the naming contest. I wanna name one Jollie Mo!
-Mollie Jo and Bobo
Look at those cuties!!!
I'll sleep better tonight...you too, huh?
welcome to the world, sweet baby puppies! big 'n hooge gratsers to miss carrleigh!
sleep tight 'n sweet dreams!
the booker man
Eight! No wonder she was so plump!!
Good job Miss Carrleigh!
Wyatt and Stanzie
Sweet, sweet babies. Best wishes to Carrleigh too. Hope Mama is happy and well!
Hooray for 8 healthy puppies & extra love for one tired mama!
I hope you get a good night's rest.
Nubbin wiggles,
Oh my goodness! How precious they look and Mama did a fine job. Eight little tiny bundles of joy. I so wish I could afford one but I'm afraid they would just have to be extremely expensive as they are just so special.
Hugs to All!
Ahhhhhh isnt that precious?!!!!
Congrats to all of you....sweet days to follow!!
Enjoy!!! xo
Deborah xoxoxo
What cuties. Have a wonderful night with the new babes.
Congratulations! They sure are cute little things!
CAWWLEIGH, you awe the most wondewful mothew
you have been so bwave , I know you'we exhausted, let me wipe youw bwow,
just west now sweet giwl
I'm so glad I got to be hewe and see youw bootiful pups..each one mowe bootiful than the next
Love and smoochie kisses
YipppE Congratulations!!
Benny & Lily
Oh wow, how exciting. Eight! Carrliegh, HUGE congratulations. (What a good job you had the nursing team in place...)
Toodle pip!
Congratulations! We are so happy and excited for all of you! Wow - those nurses arrived just in the nick of time!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
I hope it was a quiet and uneventful night and all have gotten their rest, including YOU Lynn!
Congratulations. I bet both human and doggie mom will have some long nights ahead taking care of those wee beasties.
So beautiful! Congrats on the new arrivals!!
Yay, Yay And Yah!!! It was so....exciting to see them born, sure glad that I came!!! Gee....I wonder which one will be the Jazzster??? ARRoooo!!! CONGRATS Carrleigh!!
Seems the nursing team arrived just in time! Eight healthy pups...how wonderful is that!
Arrrroooo! Congratulations!
Big licks from;
Buzzy & Pippa too
Omd they are amazing!! very exciting. Makes me want to have a little sister or brother! I could show them the ropes!!
I hope all of you got some west doowing the night and Cawwleigh and the pups awe all doing fine
smochie kisses
Where have we been? We didn't even know you were expecting, Ms. Carrleigh! Congrats and good wishes,
Stella and Mom
Congratulations!!! We're so happy for you and your new little babes!! We'll be looking forward to more photos :o)
Judie, Duncan & Hamish
Wow, already??? That first pic is just so priceless - LOVE IT!!! Congrats to Mommy Carrleigh - that is quite the family she has. Hope all went smoothly.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
What wonderful news.
OMD, Lilly...I mean you went into the Ladies and Asta was on her stoopid date and the rest of the nurses seemed to be slumbering after a few of my smoothies and all I did was turn my back to adjust the blender speed when I felt a whack on my backside. That first pup flew outta Carrleigh and spanked my butt...now I know I'm just a nursing student, but isn't it supposed to be the other way around???
Oh, they are so precious...I have all the nappies washed and ready and have a Get Back Into Shape Fast toning smoothie for the new Mom....
Whooosh...um don't mention that unprecidented delivery to Nurse Agatha...I will get yet another demerit for surest...
Miss Lacie Teacakes
Congratulations!! That first picture is pawsome!!
Bless her heart...8 sweet, little puppies! I hope momma Carrleigh is doing just fine. Hugs to EVERYONE!!! ~Allie and Pippen
8 adorable bundles of fun. precious.. Hugs GJ x
The babies are very cute! Congrats Sally Ann and Andy
Congratulations they are so cute !
What cute puppies - they look so sweet!
Sally and Paddy
How exciting!!!!! We just got back from camp to read your news! We are looking soooo forward to reading all about them in future posts.
Congrats to Mum, Dad, Auntie Lilly, and uncle Ruairi
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
Ahhh, just read about your new pups over at Bertie's place! Congrats to all of you! Precious adorableness! Can't wait to see more pics!
The Road Dogs
Where was I???? Have I been asleep since April?????
How did I miss these precious gifts??
Aroo, Stuart
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