contest to guess the
date, number and time
for the birth of the puppies,
we met a new friend.
He has such an incredible true story
about his life that
we are turning our blog over
to him today.
He has no blog.
This is his life story
as told to us
Sweet William the Scot.
Yes you can tell our story. If it could help just one puppy or human from being hurt it would be an honor.
To think that Puppy Mills are now in cahoots with what you would consider high end neighborhoods is just another low blow for animal lovers.
eBay directs you to eBay Classified ads.
Tonight there are five Scottish Terrier ads.
I am sure some of those are honorable people,
but in my case it ended with a terrible Puppy Mill.
Where Sweet William was purchased you were able to look at the adult male, but the female was created. They said she did not like people looking at her puppies and that her milk had dried up early. I got Sweet William two days short of six weeks. When he was given to me by a friend, I noticed his gait was off, and when I inquired I was hung up on. There in began my search, which I finished the telling of in our e-mail to you.
I was glad to see on your side bar abolish puppy mills. My Lee was so so lost and sad when she lost her other two Scots that a friend bought me to try and help her. Lee knew right away something was wrong. Even though I came from a wonderful $300,000 home with two beautiful Scots at six weeks that was not my true story. A puppy mill was my background. They took me there to sell me. My Lee sent for my AKC papers and she found out I was inbred. I sadly have dysplasia of both front legs. Lee has taken me to two specialist, but they can't fix me.
My Lee had a hard time getting their exact address till she found the worse sick puppy for sale on e-bay in Ohio and acted like she was really interested in buying. She took the pictures to the local Humane Society and wrote and called for three months. The AKC took away their right to register Scotties and the Humane Society cleaned them up and checks on them. So please tell people to stay alert to puppy mill scams!

to do your research
when searching for a puppy or dog.
When our Mom was looking for a black female,
she had a lady who wanted
to meet her at a service station
and sell her the dog,
even though our Mom
wanted to go to the lady's home
to get it.
This threw up a "red flag"
and our Dad said
for Mom to keep searching,
even if she had to wait.
We are so happy that she did,
because we love our sweet Lilly so much.
We know you all will join us in encouraging
Sweet William and his peep, Lee,
to start a blog.
They have a voice
we will all support them.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh, Ruairi
"The Sweet Babes"
For more on the puppy-mill issue,
check out he ASPCA News for today.
Great post! I agree -- people need to do some research. What really bothers me is the people that set up a place with "Free puppies". Then people just stop and get one! Do they know what type of breed it is? Will they be a good fit for their life style? Were they REALLY "planning" to bring another family member home today? I just don't understand....
YESYESYES - please, Lee, start a blog - as Lynn writes... there is nothing quite so powerful as the words that come from an experienced voice. This story is horrible - thank you for being so persistent about getting the Humane Society to do something!!! Yikes. Again, hope you start a blog! We'll be looking! And thanks for the story - the pupper pix are simply adorable!
Hugs, Sammie, Avalon, Oz and Mom
Great post! I would definitely think something was up if someone wanted to meet me with a dog at a service station and not their home! Although Holly was a free puppy of eleven, we got to go visit her parents and her real dog parents at her house the first weeks of her birth and see all of them and how they were treated until she came home with me. The people screened everyone who wanted a "free" puppy too. That's so sad about the other dog and know it is still going on and now where it is happening this time. Lots of love, Holly and mom
We'd love to see another dog start a blog! The more the merrier!
Puppy mills are a very sad thing. We are sorry to hear that they are still allowed to exist. Hopefully, more people will vote to get politicians in office who will pass actual laws against cruelty to animals!
Thats horrible and glad that Sweet William got a good home. I feel bad for the puppies that are still out there. Yep, you gotta do reasearch before you buy. YES!! Sweet William, Please get your blog going!! We love to have even more Scotties!!
Snazzi and Addy
If only folks would understand how important a reputable breeder is. Sweet William somehow looks like Scotishness on legs.
Last November we voted to put strict regulations on puppy mills here in Missouri. Yesterday the politicians, who don't care a bit what the people want and are in bed with the puppy mills financially, voted to undo all the regulations and more. Now we're waiting to see if the Governor stands up to them or caves in.
The political situation is the same all over the country. The elected politicians don't listen to the people and do whatever the one with the most money wants. The dogs will suffer.
We know you know how much it hurts us to read this.
Thank you for helping to spread the word. We hope Sweet William knows we appreciate it, too.
Survivors, and advocates,
Jake and Fergi
What a story! Poor William. Puppymills are HORRIBLE!! When I had my puppies, a few people came forward to buy my puppies especially the girls for breeding. My hoomies refused to sell any of them to these people who just want to use my pups as breeding machines to make a quick buck out of their puppies. My hoomies carefully vetted each & every potential owners & even gave them a contract to sign.
Anyway, me hopes William starts a blog. He looks like a very handsome guy.
We met Willa's owner in a gas station parking lot, we knew going it that she was going to be in bad condition. There was no way we could leave her with those people. Willa was inbred, neglected, malnourished and worm ridden.
And only a few months old
While we are no longer her family our love for that pup will never go away.
You guys are so great to share your blog with Sweet William today.
He visits Us at The Scottie Chronicles quite frequently and We love hearing from him.
His story reminds Us of BoBo's story. Our BoBo was a puppy mill dog, too.
Aren't we all so fortunate that there are people like Lee who open their hearts and homes to animals in distress???? Distress can mean many things: abuse, homelessness, neglect. So terribly sad and avoidable.
Here's to Sweet William and Lee!!!
ARROOoooooOOOOOO! Stuart
OH Gosh! I forgot to say how nice it is to see what Sweet William looks like! A handsome lad indeed.
A very sad story indeed, but one that needs to be told. Please do tell Sweet William that he needs a blog to make his voice be shouted so that all can hear and learn. We wish there were some way to help the little guy - thank goodness he at least has a good home.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
OH MY, I see me, and that's my story. My friends at Rocky Creek told my story today! My Friends ~ Friends are Special Gifts from God!Sweet William The Scot
Yes, definitely check out your pup's background.
When SHE was looking for a female scottie, SHE looked on the internet everyday. Those who had several litters and almost a constant supply, were ignored. SHE watched carefully, rang breeders and finally we got Bella.
Though, all the puppies were adorable, it causes less heartache in the long run.
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
A good post with a good reminder and message!! When I was on the 'front-line' working in rescue I was involved with a group that did puppy mill rescues. I know first hand what happens at auctions (many in Oklahoma and Missouri) where dogs are bought and sold to the highest bidder and are continually bred and kept in horrendous conditions. It's heartbreaking to say the least.
The only positive in all of this, if there could possibly be one is that there are people who are out there quietly going to these auctions, posing as puppy-millers and are buying the dogs and turning them over to rescues. There are also millers who will have an ounce of compassion and turn the dogs over to rescues when they are no longer useful...They are the lucky ones. But sadly there are many, many more dogs that will never know the love and warmth of a family and home...
it's as if the puppy mill people don't have a heart!!! I came from a breeder and there was a lot of research done before they would even let me leave with them. They sent me home with everything I would need...even water which told her that they cared.
Sweet William, it is so bitter sweet to read your story. My Biddy was our first Scott, we got her from a pet shop. At the time I was so ignorant of puppy mills. I was so glad to had given her a wonderful loving home.
Your story is so very important, for those who are truly unaware of mills.
I am so very glad you have such a loving home.
Great post. Don't understand those puppy mills
Benny & Lily
I think I know Sweet William he hosted Flat George! and said he didn't have a blog, poor william he has a very loving forever home now.
I agree you must do your homework before buying a pup.
I do hope he or Lee starts a blog.
Thanks for sharing.
The pups are so cute ;)
Have a good week
See Yea George xxx
These are such heartbreaking stories...I was working at a local TV station when we broke a story on a horrendous puppymill in our area. Even some of our "tough" camera guys got choked up.
What a sad story. We hate puppy mills. Dog lovers and pet lovers in general have to be constantly reminded so that we can do our bit by doing our research before getting any new puppy, and seeing each pet as a commitment that should be lifelong.
We hate puppy mills too, we call the puppy farms but they're the same. we made friends with 2 boxers today who had just been resued this week, they were called No. 26 & No. 27. They have wonderful new families now luckily. Dex & louis x
Yes, Sweet William and Lee, please start a blog so your voice may be heard!
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