Tuesday, February 8, 2011


How does one year
go running by so fast?

It seems like it was just yesterday
that our Mom miscounted
the number of puppies at our house.

Remember how we had
to paint their toenails
to tell them apart.

We just loved seeing
those puppy piles
and sharing them with you.

We held them
close to our hearts


they grew up so fast.

Snickers aka Becky Bluebonnet
led the pack
in opening their eyes.

Soon after that
they all got new collars -
blue for boys,
pink for girls.

Most of the time,
they were so sweet and loving
with each other.

They quickly learned that when they heard
"where's my puppy - wuppies"
that food was on the way.

And as soon as they got
their tummies full,
they fell asleep-
sometimes in their food bowl - hehehe!!

They loved having
Aunt Lilly jump in
for a visit -
she was so patient with them,
even when they
pulled on her beard.

And pretty soon
they outgrew their basket.

And before long,
they were outgrowing
their puppy box

And too soon,
they left us

to go to their forever homes.

But what wonderful homes they have!!
And what fantastic Peeps!!
Here are some of their
"befores and afters".

Angus was the most popular
suggested name for a boy puppy.

But we absolutely
love the name he has now.
This is the puppy that
you named Finlay -

He's a big boy now -
Murphy Rushlow -
not only does he have his
own motorcycle and driver -
he also has his own Facebook page.

Our little Henry,
we knew from the moment
his Mother put him in our Mom's hand
that he was destined to stay
on Rocky Creek Farm.

We just had a hard time
picking out a name for
Ruairi Coinneach of Rocky Creek Farm -
aka "the handsome red king" -
doesn't he look just like his Father
in this picture?

The smallest of the puppies -
by 2/10 of an ounce -
our little
Snazzi Jazzi

Miss Finleigh McBee of Signy's Cottage -
and she is sporing her signature bow!

This little gal
was named Ciera
by our Irish friends,
Clive and Murray.

You probably remember
that her name is now
Lady Victoria - Tori for short.
She, too, is enjoying
the Winter snows.

And Miss Snickers
who is now
"the hostess with the mostess"
and is celebrating
on her blog.

For a chance to win some spectacular prizes
go by and wish a
"Happy Birthday"
Miss Becky Bluebonnet.

Happy Birthday
to one and all -
it has been a fun year
and we are already looking forward
to seeing what year number two
will bring for these special puppies
and their peeps.

We also want to thank all of the puppy parents
for the updated pictures that they have
shared with us.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi
and their staff


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Happy FURst Barkday to the furry special delivery!

Thanks fur sharing them with us!


The Daily Pip said...

Happy Birthday Babies!

Your pal, Pip

Angus said...

A year ago ? Surely some mistake. You must mean yesterday. Anyway, they all look like bundles of fun.

Diana Chiew said...

Oh yes, how time flies! Don't you just miss all of them! We have a litter of 5 last year too and now at just over 8 months, they are bigger than me, in size.

- Santa

justjohn said...

I can't imagine a 'Box O Scots'... wow! Happy Birthday(s)

Sue said...

It certainly doesn't seem like a whole year. We had such fun watching them grow. Thank you for sharing them with us.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Happy First Birthday to all the special pups!!! We remember well how much fun it was watching them all grow and find their forever homes. Looks like they are all enjoying wonderful lives in loving homes. Job well done.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

Two French Bulldogs said...

Happee Birthday kids. We loved watching you grow into big babies.
Benny & Lily

Two French Bulldogs said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Happy Birthday to those gorgeous babies. How we loved watching these little darling grow.. Mum was out today, saw something thought of you and had to get it for you. watch out for a surprise in the mail. Hugs GJ x

♥I am Holly♥ said...

Happy Birthday to all of those beautiful babies! A year sure goes by fast doesn't it!! Thanks for sharing all of the pictures! Lots of love, Holly and mom

Scooter said...

WOW!! Look what a whole year brought, even more cuteness!! That Miss Finleigh sure is a little cutie doll!! Happy Birthday to all the pups!!


Anonymous said...

All the sweet. Little fur babies.


The Strawberry Mallard said...

Happy Barkday to my clan...love to my canine ma & pa, my aunt lilly and my bro' Ruairi, AND my human ma & pa in VA....now PAWTY ON!!!!!!

P said...

I LOVE these pictures! Especially the ones where they're sleeping like sardines!

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

It was a year ago that we started reading blogs. The first of yours we read was "Our Mom Can't Count'. We loved seeing those puppies everyday and now enjoy knowing that they are in such great homes.

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

Oskar said...

Wow, a year already! Thanks for updating us.

Nubbin wiggles,

Duke said...

Happy birthday to all of the pups! We love hearing what they are all up to now!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Lisa said...

Happy Birthday everyone! What a beautiful post Lyn, they are just lovely! How much does Snazzi Jazzi weigh she is so adorable?

houndstooth said...

They all grew up into such cuties! It must make you happy to see all of them looking so happy!

Happy Birthday, Puppies!


Unknown said...

HAPPY HAPPY BARKDAY, though belated, to all of you.

Sorry we are late. But we wish for you a year full of fun, treats, love, walkies and heaps of hugs.

Those 'Then n Now' pictures were a treat! Thanks HEAPS.
We love you, wags,
Bud, Gin n Shadow

Hoke said...

AWWW Man we missed it!! Sorry but happy belated to you!!!!!

WFT Nobby said...

Happy birthday Puppies.
Of course we are still wondering about Hamish/Sir Bentley?
Toodle pip!

gMarie said...

What adorable babes! Puppies are so cute. I want one. g

gMarie said...

What adorable babes! Puppies are so cute. I want one. g

Deborah said...

Happy Birthday you adorable puppies!! You are the cutest!!!
Tell Mommy this blog is just so sweet!!

Deborah @
Meadowland Scotties xo

Lallee said...

Happy birthday one and all! What little beauties they all are.

Brandon - The dog with a blog said...

Furry happy birthday to all those cute pups!

Allison said...

I just LOVED the photos you shared on this post. It's been so much fun watching all of these sweet puppies grow up!! Hugs to you and your wonderful, furry children.

the booker man said...

awwwwww! i can't believe the pups are already one year old! thanks for the trip down memory lane. happy belated birthday to the sweet pups!!! :)

the booker man and asa's mama

Sweet Cottage Dreams said...

Lynn!!!!!! I am so enjoying all of the children's pictures - befores and afters!! They have grown up to be such gorgeous wee ones!!!! Your dogs are bred to be just spectacular and given so much loving attention whilst being prepared to fly the nest.

hugs to all...each and every one of them!!

xxooxxooxxoo and arooooooos,
Becky and clan

Candylei said...

Happy belated birthday wishes. Loved looking at all of the puppy photographs. Awwww, so cute!
Hope you're all having a great time.
Candylei and Sir Salty

AnnB said...

Adorable and great photos.

Happy belated birthday from the Scottie News.

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