Tuesday, May 4, 2010


About midnight on Sunday night,
Mom thought she caught a bug -
multi-tasker that she is-
we wondered how she could catch a bug
while she was sleeping-
she wasn't snoring that loud
and we don't think she had her mouth open.

When she got up,
Dad was sitting in the living room
and asked her what was wrong.
She said she was sick
and he said
"you too".

It turns out that bug was
food poisoning.
And for about 24 hours,
Mom and Dad were none too happy.

It took all of the nursing skills
we could muster to get them through it.
Lilly, Becky, Ruari and Tori
are so exhausted,
they wouldn't even let us take their picture.

Mom and Dad are feeling better now
and by tomorrow should be back to normal.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh, Ruairi, Becky and Tori


Dexter said...

Oh ick. My momma has had that too. But it goes away quickly. Especially with good nursing skills.


the booker man said...

oh noes! i'm so sorry your mama and daddy got sickies from the foodables!
that is totally not funsies. my mama had that a few years back before i was born, but my big sis asa told me how ickies it was. i hope your mama and daddy are feeling much much better today!
the booker man

Golden Samantha said...

Maybe my mom's most unfavoritists sickies bug. So sorry you had to run into a bad, bad food germ, but how nice that you had such wonderful round the clock nurses to help you on the road to recovery. (For some reason, I haven't seen your blog pop up when you post - so sorry we haven't been by in a while - I see now that you've made a lot of posts - seems to be working again! Missed you - rest and feel better)

Kisses and Hugs xoxoxoxo

the magic sleigh said...

Woooos Scotties! I see woo had to put in some hard labor caring fur woo humans. I hope they feel better now and have given woo lots of treats fur your efforts!
~husky kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful

animal lover, quilt lover said...

HI Lynn and pups,
Well WE had a virus!! And yes, I was sick last night!! I feel tired, but better. I didn't make soup yesterday and should make it today!! We will see!!!!!
Tom brings home these viruses to me just like Gary does to you!! But they HAVE to work!!
XXOO, Bambi & Fern

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Oh dear, that is one bug that is really nasty. We are glad the Mom and Dad are feeling better now - please give them some gentle snooter kisses from us.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

♥I am Holly♥ said...

Oh no..not food poisoning. That's a bug that put mom in the hospital a few years ago. She didn't have a nursing stuff like your mom does though. Take care of her and we hope everyone is better by tomorrow!! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly

Ms. ~K said...

I've heard there's a nasty bug going around...I hope it stays away from our house!
Sending comforting hugs to all,
Kit and Pups

BRUTUS said...

Bummer! Hope that nasty bug is exterminated from your humans soon! We pups worry about them when they get the sickies just like they worry about us when we aren't well. I'm sending some nice slobbery kisses to help them feel better!

Brutus the Frenchie

Remington said...

Thank goodness you were there to help them out!

Scooter said...

Oh NO, Mom and Dad both sick!! Good thing you are both such good nurses and can take care of your humans, WHAT would they do without you?? Probably still be sick, lol

Hope they are feeling better.


Miss Jean said...

I'm glad you are feeling better. Food poisoning is no fun. I had it years ago and I still have a "thing" about left-overs. That isn't even what caused the probelm, either!

Take care and keep me posted on Hubby.

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...

Oh no...those are not the good kind of bug..We hope Mama and Daddy are all the way better soon!!

Smileys for Healing!

WFT Nobby said...

How lucky for your Mom and Dad that you were there to nurse them better. I wonder what gave them that food poisoning. Not drinking out of a ditch, or bad stuff like that, were they!
Toodle pip!

Dandy Duke said...

Oh no! Thank doG you guys are there to take over the farm while they recuperated! We're glad to hear they're almost back to 100%!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Thestrawberrymallard said...

Oh Lynn!!!!! Take good care of you and Gary..
.....you have a lot of four and two legged animalz that care for you both!

A big Hug and a lotta of TLC coming your way from me, G-dog and the whole family here!xoxoxoxox
L, N & G-dog

Sue said...

Our Mom and Dad are both sick, too. Mom has allergies and Dad has a bad cold. The sleep a lot and don't want to play as much as usual, but we're taking good care of them.
The Porties, Morgan and Tsar

Asta said...

Youw poow Mom. and poow exhusted nuwsies.
Thank dog that all of you awe thewe to help make hew well.
You awe obviously highly skilled (and may i say gowgeous) nuwses
smoochie kisses

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Lucky you had a medical team on hand. Piper and Carrleigh look very professional.

Hope you got rid of that bug!

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

So sorry to hear your hoomans ate poisoned food. Didn't they smell it first before eating it?? Sheesh. Hope they feel better tomorrow. In the meantime, Hootie thinks you 2 gals look foxy in your nurses caps!! WooWoo!!
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRD and Hootie

Martine said...

Your mom is lucky to have such good nurses! We hope everyone is feeling better today.

xo martine & the kiddlets

Wyatt said...

Yuck....I hate to be pukey! Hope you are feeling better soon!
Wet noses and Aire Kisses,

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I'm glad all are feeling better!

Mom has nevFUR had that kind of sikhkies but she's heard it is pretty horribly nasty bad!


~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

When I get sick, I love to have the kind of nursing that you have--It really does make you feel better doesn't it?? Feel better soon and listen to your nurses and get lots of rest too!!

Sherry said...

It's truly awful when the humans get sick. They won't play and, worse, they won't take you out for walks. We sure hope they're all better now.
Miro and Alanis

Hollie and Janie said...

Bless your hearts!! All of you!! Mama had food poisoning in October, and I had to be her nurse!! We hope they feel better soon!!!!

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