First we want to thank our little Scottie furiend,
Snazzi Jazzi,
for coming up with the idea
and hosting a gift exchange for blogging doggies.
By having this exchange,
we got to meet and make
new furiends.
The Richardson Zoo
from Tennessee
(not too far away from us)
got our name.
And did they ever send
wonderful pressies.
This is how it started out -
Piper and Mom and been on a walk
and were coming back to the house
when Piper (the ever observant one)
noticed there was a package on our porch.

Our Mom had ordered some Christmas gifts
so she was sure the package was for her.
Upon closer investigation
we found that Mom was WRONG!!
(well partly wrong)
The package was addressed to
The Rocky Creek Scotties and Java.
We could just smell the love
and the wonderful treats
before we could get Mom
to get the tape off.
Once we opened it we found
2 large bags of treats
2 sets of tennis ball tug of war toys
a squeaky reindeer
(of course Piper claimed that one first off)
a Christmas tug of war toy
and a Scottie glass
full of one of Mom's favorite candies.
And she's claimed that for herself
and has it sitting on the shelf
in the kitchen.
We so appreciate the generosity
and we know you'd love to visit
the Richardsons -
they are even posting
a Christmas furiend of the day
and Snazzi and Piper
have already been featured.
We had more pictures of us
opening our pressies,
but Blogger is being obstinate
about uploading pictures today.
Guess what happened yesterday??
Well if you live anywhere in the United States,
you probably know that most of the
Eastern states were hammered
with a big storm.
Ours came down in the form of snow.
About 12 inches of it.
And it came down fast.
How about a snownut?
We were so glad that we had
our raincoats to cut down on the
collection of snowballs.
But it is so deep that
when we step off of our
front porch
that we just sink up
over our heads.
We're fortunate that we have
an open carport
that has very little snow
collected in it.

Mom decided that if it was going to snow
she wanted to play Monopoly
so she went out yesterday
and got us a new Monopoly game-
it sure makes those grownups
laugh a lot!

We're so glad our sissy is here -
she gives us lots of treats and snuggs.
We wish she'd stay with us.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
for coming up with the idea
and hosting a gift exchange for blogging doggies.
By having this exchange,
we got to meet and make
new furiends.

from Tennessee
(not too far away from us)
got our name.
And did they ever send
wonderful pressies.
This is how it started out -
Piper and Mom and been on a walk
and were coming back to the house
when Piper (the ever observant one)
noticed there was a package on our porch.

Our Mom had ordered some Christmas gifts
so she was sure the package was for her.
Upon closer investigation
we found that Mom was WRONG!!
(well partly wrong)
The package was addressed to
The Rocky Creek Scotties and Java.
We could just smell the love
and the wonderful treats
before we could get Mom
to get the tape off.

2 large bags of treats
2 sets of tennis ball tug of war toys
a squeaky reindeer
(of course Piper claimed that one first off)
a Christmas tug of war toy

full of one of Mom's favorite candies.
And she's claimed that for herself
and has it sitting on the shelf
in the kitchen.

We so appreciate the generosity
and we know you'd love to visit
the Richardsons -
they are even posting
a Christmas furiend of the day
and Snazzi and Piper
have already been featured.
We had more pictures of us
opening our pressies,
but Blogger is being obstinate
about uploading pictures today.
Guess what happened yesterday??

Well if you live anywhere in the United States,
you probably know that most of the
Eastern states were hammered
with a big storm.

About 12 inches of it.
And it came down fast.

We were so glad that we had
our raincoats to cut down on the
collection of snowballs.

when we step off of our
front porch
that we just sink up
over our heads.

an open carport
that has very little snow
collected in it.

Mom decided that if it was going to snow
she wanted to play Monopoly
so she went out yesterday
and got us a new Monopoly game-
it sure makes those grownups
laugh a lot!

We're so glad our sissy is here -
she gives us lots of treats and snuggs.
We wish she'd stay with us.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
BOL at that raincoat!!!!!!! Those are some great pressies!!!! Merry Christmas guys!
It's always a good day when you find a package on your front porch!! AND you got snow - love the "snownut"? Wonder if it's jelly filled..... Somehow we missed the snow here in northern Ohio, just a dusting. Bummer. We need some white stuff to help get is in the Christmas spirit (it really hasn't snowed yet, just 2-3 little teasers). Hope you get some good cozy time in since humans don't seem to like to be out in the snow very much!!
Snowless Snorts-
Brutus the Frenchie
You lucky puppers: pressies and SNOW!!!
We got lots of rain-pooh!!!!
Have fun,
COOL presents!! and guess what?? My mom has a set of those same glasses!! But we dont use them, so they wont get broken, they sit on the ledge above the kitchen doors. Too funny!! Plus she has a Ton of scottie mugs too!!
Snow~~Looks great there~~nothing here in IL. I WUV the snow and sinking is half the fun!!
Have fun making angel snow scotties!!! Since your sissy is there, you should all go out and make a snow scottie!! kinda like a snowman, WOuldnt that be cute!!
Put a scarf on it and a hat and whoala!!
My family likes to play spoons and they get really CRAZY with that game, I mean chairs fly, it is dangerous, I stay far away on my loveseat spot!!
Have fun with the games. Dont eat the money~~I can tell you that from past experience!! BOL
Snow wuver
And oH!! love the snow donut, that cracked me and mom up!!!
Still laughing
What neat pressies and how cool to have your sissy there!
We're still waiting for our snow to start! Where the heck is it? We've been waiting all day long!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
What a fabulous box of goodies. I love the raincoat picture, just lovely. Great that you got your sissy home, you will get lots of snuggles.. Hugs GJ x
What fun to get a package from friends.
I bet you're glad you have those new coats to keep you warm and dry. have fun in the snow.
The Scottie glass is really cute. How thoughtful of your friends to sent you that.
We heard about the huge snowstorm you guys got. All kinds of flights canceled and even the Greyhound bus was canceled.
Stay safe our friends!
Stella, Gunther & Betty
What great pressies!
Of khourse, the best pressie is THE SNOW!!!
Tank woo fur sharing it!
How khool your sissy is there with woo too!
Glad you having a great time with you sis! Oh how I wish we would get some snow...Its fun to play in and eat...BOL The fiesty three know how to shop!
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
Rocky Creek Scotties!
Yeahoo on the gift exchange. So great.
That's some deep snow! We really like the hood on your raincoat/snowsuit!
Happy holidays pals.
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
Great gifts!!! Lots of licks from us for a very Merry Christmas and a very healthy and Happy New Year (and an extra wish that your sister stays forever)
Lots of licks
Sally and Paddy
Those raincoats look so good - I'll be ordering one for Digby. The news here in France called the storm in the US - Snowmageddon. Glad to see it wasn't quite that bad.
I can't let my fur babies see this post. They would be so jealous of all the wonderful gifts!
Your winter wonderland looks beautiful. My son in NC was so disappointed when his area had brief snow and then nothing but rain and sleet, which made a big mess. The pic in the raincoat with the hoody pulled up is adorable. Stay warm!
Oh I can just imagine that with your short leggies you were most buried in the big snow. I have no doubt you were a champ at monopoly.
Gosh what lovely presents. But TWELVE INCHES of snow! That's far too much for Scottie legs. We have just a couple of inches here in Aberdeen (finally) and that's quite enough for me.
Cheers, H.
Oh how we have heard about this wonderful snow! I can just imagine that you guys would drop into snow that deep like it was a big hole! The carport sounds perfect for a romp! You look so cute in those adorable raincoats! And those pressies are just wonderful! Don't blame your mom for keeping the candy one hehee! The gift exchanges are fun - we are doing one with Sally in Germany - great idea!
Big Hugs xo
PS - I will have to get mom to teach me how to play Monopoly! BOL!
Fantastic pressies guys!
Snow too! We would love some snow!
Board games as well! We love playing board games - looks like you're all set for a great Christmas.
love and woofs
So much snow, you better stay inside, even if you do put your coat.
What a nice package you got, enjoy !
Love from Bella.
Yes you are all set for a wonderful Christmas!! Start yours now!! The snow might be gone by then.
Great presents you guys!! So fun!!
It is so nice to have your sissy there. Say Hi from us to her!!
Talk to you soom, Bambi, Happy and Fern
Great pressies you all got and that glass is so special. Mom says that she grew to hate Monopoly as a kid because her brother always beat her at it and she thinks he cheated:) We would love even a teeny weeny bit of that snow you got there.
Woos, Phantom and Thunder
We are SO glad that you liked your box of goodies!! We hope that you enjoy them!
Your snow sure is pretty!! We only got flurries here Saturday night. We still have our paws crossed for a white Christmas!
Woofs and Kisses!
What fabulous presents!! Those Richardson's are excellent at knowing just what yall would like! I am so jealous of your snow!! I hope you are giving your sissie lots of kisses!!
Your sissie looks like she has the perfect lap AND that she is happy to get your Monopoly advice!
BTW. Our Girl doesn't know it yet, but Santa is bringing her a Beatles version of Monopoly for Christmas! In a matter of hours!
Merry Christmas!
Jake and Fergi xxoo
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