We know that the
First Day of Christmas
is traditionally
Boxing Day
or December 26th.
But since we got to have
one of our Christmas pressies today,
We decided that today
is our First Day of Christmas.

Last night the temperature
stayed around 32 degrees F
and it rained all night.
This morning our driveway
was slick and muddy,
so we got to try out
one of our Christmas pressies.
First Day of Christmas
is traditionally
Boxing Day
or December 26th.
But since we got to have
one of our Christmas pressies today,
We decided that today
is our First Day of Christmas.

Last night the temperature
stayed around 32 degrees F
and it rained all night.
This morning our driveway
was slick and muddy,
so we got to try out
one of our Christmas pressies.

Piper got to be the guinea pig
and try one on first -
he did OK until Mom snapped
the hood on it.

of course it had to be hers-
that is after a 10 minute tussle
to get it on her!

hanging up to dry.
Mom wonders why we waited
so long to get them.
Good news-
Our sissy, Kat, is arriving
at the airport tonight.
Dad has gone to pick her up
and we are helping Mom
make potroast and rolls
for dindin.
We are so excited -
she will be here for 2 1/2 weeks!!
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
Very nice raincoats. We love the colors. They are a pain but they do keep us dry too. We hope momma never decides to buy us boots.
Stay dry
Benny & Lily
We LOVE your raincoats! The colors are great for you and they are oh so fashionable! What will Kat think? We are so happy for you that she'll be home for the holidays!!!!! She should be arriving just about now....
Enjoy your family!
Jake and Fergi xxoo
Lovely! We have a red on from Old Navy, a wet Scottie is a smelly Scottie
Very nice raincoats and you look so good in them. Mom must love that your undercarriage stays dry. You guys are looking sharp, but what about Java?
What a great idea for pressies - we love you all in your raincoats. The colors are just perfect too, especially the red one for Lilly - red looks so good against black.
Have a lot of fun with your sissy Kat. Our human brother will be home for the holidays too along with his wife and little boy. We will have six grandkids running around here and the parents too. Could be very interesting.
Woos, Phantom and Thunder
LOVE the colors of the raincoats. You all look great in them. Now that you will be dry, you all wont be a smelly scottie!! Ha!
Shh..I am not going to let my mom see this or else she just might get some ideas and I like to be FREE!!!!!
Have lots of fun with your sissy!!
Whoa!! 2 1/2 weeks!!
Any Lilly news yet???
You all look just mahvelous in your new rainjackets pups! Bet you had a great walk and stayed fairly dry! Love the "after" hanging up pics! That is terrific that Kat is coming and staying for so long - have a wonderful pot roast dindin! (Just made that a couple of days ago - hubby loves it!)
Hugs xo
You all look great in your raincoats! Bet you will have a fabulous time with your sis Kat!
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
I LOVE yer raincoats! Mine doesn't keep my belly dry, it's only got a belt. Where did yer Mom get them? Do they come in PINK?
I LOVE yer raincoats! Mine doesn't keep my belly dry, it's only got a belt. Where did yer Mom get them? Do they come in PINK?
What beautiful raincoats! We love early Christmas pressies too!
How nice that Kat will be there for a nice long visit!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
If those coats actually keep them less muddy then we'll be tempted to get some too.
What a great idea! And you all look so cute in them. Louie and Teddy may have to get one too. Let me know where to find them. They always get so wet on these rainy days.
You guys have fun with your sister and enjoy the holidays. Merry Christmas to you all, and Peace and Joy!
Teddy, Louie, Tammy
What adorable models all of you make. Carleigh looks so much like Oliver with the wet head. We had the same weather while we were in Georgia this weekend, and we were SO glad we didn't take the Scotties with this time! Welcome home, Kat.
Your raincoats are VERY snazzy!! We love all of the great colors!!
Woofs and Kisses!
Pee Ess: You should be getting your Christmas gift any day now!!
Where did your mom buy those raincoats? My mom makes me wear a "ghetto" raincoat (a plastic grocery bag with leg and head holes cut out and then tied on me!) and I HATE it! It makes a funny noise. If I've got to wear one, I'd like to have one like yours. Mom says I have to keep the transmission dry. Please let me know where my mom can buy one of these so the neighborhood cats don't laugh at me anymore!! XD
~Pippen and his mom, Allie
I just love the rain coats! The one I made did not have a hood. But it keep her dry and She would not go out if it was raining and she did not have her rain coat on.
Amanda LOVED her rain coat. Tell Kat Hi for us.
Bambi sends you guys tailwags,
I send you guys lots of good rubs, Fern
I LOVE your new raincoats! They are much cuter than my yellow one that was actually ill-fitting!!
Great jackets!!
Those raincoats are the da bomb! Of course to really appreciate 'em you have to go out in the rain... not gonna happen at this house. BOL!
Stella, Gunther & Betty
Great coats! I might not hate the rain so bad if I had one of those. Mom? Are you reading this?
oh boy, have fun with KAT!!!!!
Your coats are really coolness - like top-notch..way cool!!!!
You all look great sporting the new attire.
doogie p, fiona j. and their MAW
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