We are three gorgeous (and loved) Scottish Terriers who share our lives with our people and our "Heinz 57" on a farm in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia. Please join us in our day to day experiences.
Our Mom says "Life is so much merrier with a Scottish Terrier".
That usually means one thing - our cousin David is coming to visit. And with him, comes our cousin, Jonah.
This time Jonah surprised us with his new Little Buddy, a Maltese/Shiz Tzu mix that is 14 weeks old.
Check out his wonderful pose.
By the end of the day, he was pooped!
But before he left, he smeared his smell all over one of our crates!!
Miss Twix, passed a very prestigious award along to us.
And we feel extremely flattered. We are supposed to pass it on to 14 other blogs. But we want anyone who reads this blog to take it for their own. We think you all deserve the Best Blog Award.
What a completely lovely litle darling woofie. Mum was all ahh's and oohs.. Gorgeous. Those pecan pie's more from mum as se loves those.. Yummy.. Congrats on your award.. HUgs GJ xx
Those pecan tarts looked so good, I could practically smell them! Did you get a little taste?
The Ballard Designs catalog came yesterday and there was a vintage print in there of a bunch of Scotties romping in the woods that made us think of you!
Yummers - those tarts look so good!!! Our Mom would love them. Congrats on your award - it is well-deservd. Your new little cousin-pup is adorable. You all must have had a blast tiring him out.
Moma said to say "Thank you!" She always has trouble coming up with good Christmas presents for her moma (she's 86) and now she (our Moma) knows one thing to make for her (her moma!) Pecan Tarts!!!! They are beautiful AND they look yummillicisious.
Those little cousins of yours (both the two and four legged variety) are cuter than cute! We bet you had a great time with more activity going on at floor level!
And, not to forget, Congratulations on the Best Blog Award! Well deserved! We love coming to visit and see what you are up to! It always makes us smile!
Mmmmm... those tiny pies look divine! My grandmama gave me a bite of her pecan pie and it was delicious! You new buddy is such a cutie pie!!! Love, janie
Your tarts are to die for - there is drool all over the puter screen!!! Yumzers and wowzers - what a baker you are! Great visit from some real cutie-pies!!! And love the reindeer holiday blog look - precious! Hugs xo Sammie
I like the idea of pecan tarts myself. That is something you could make for school gifts. I think I will make some for gifts for Christmas. Thank-you Lynn. I usually sew but am not going to this year. If I started sewing before all well from that fall in July I will set myself back months. Not going to do that. We send lots of kisses to all the scotties and Java, Bambi, Happy and Fern
Teddy, Louie and I love your little vistor. He is a cutie! My dad's shih tzu is named Buddy.
Teddy made progress today, from the pee pad to outside he pooped while taking a walk on the lease. We have come a long ways with him. He had never seen the outside of a house before we got him and was trained only on a pee pad. Yeah! Teddy. I even wrote it on the calendar.
BowWowie you guys sure are popular pooches. Congrats on the award! That little visitor dog is a cutie. Does your momma give out her tart recipe?? If so, our momma would love to have it. email her at cassiejo@juno.com . Smooches, BabyRD and Hootie
Your pecan tarts look yummy!!! Are there any left? What an adorable cutie your visitor was. It must have been a fun romping time with all the fur babies together. Hugs from Lallee and the gang.
I'm so sowwy I didn't get to meet you. I am ABSOLUTELY not letting any stoopid flea fwom stopping me coming souf..just have to have mommi have mowe bwains, hehehehe Congwatulations on youw awawd!!! I think you well desewve it! Those tawts lookspecktacoolaw!!! Youw little cousin is a cutie and the baby fluffkid he bwought along is pwett adowable too smoochie kisses ASTA pee ess Dufyy says he didn't get any fleases, but i don't believe him
That Jonah is a cutie, and has a nice "sit" too!! I have a maltese/shiz tzu cousin myself, her name is Delilah & I love to chase her so I can see all her fluffy furs fly!! Oh, if you have any of those pecan tarts left, please send some up to Ohio!!
how wonderful all the nice baking! it puts us right in the festive mood and mades us feel warm and cozy! the little dog is really sweet too! WE love to hear about family and friends coming for visits. so nice. we loved your comment on our blog. thank you so much!
Life and musings about our everyday life in the Blue Ridge Mountains. We are two gorgeous (and loved) Scottish Terriers who share our lives with our people and our farmdog, Ivy, on a farm in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia. Please join us in our day to day experiences. "Life is so much merrier with a Scottish Terrier".
Our Mom has her own blog, Rocky Creek Ramblings. She is on a quest to discover a healthier lifestyle.
From Footheel Sock Knitter on April 7, 2009, from Martine and Sugar in May 2009 and from the Relentlessy Huge Mango in May 2009.
From Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie
April 22, 2009
From Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie
April 22, 2009
From NY Bully Brats & Travis
May 2, 2009 & May 5, 2009
International Blogger Award
From Martine and Sugar - 05/27/09
The Ginger Jasper Award
From GJ on May 27, 2009
From Trix - 06/14/09
Operation WAS
We entered the Sugarific Photo Contest
Presented to us by Golden Samantha on April 6, 2009
Awsome, Pawsome Award - 08/09
From Martine, Candy & Captain Crunch
From Dog Daze - September 2009
Scots swimming in the snow
Check us out!! We had a foot of snow the 1st of March. We liked it and did Piper ever get covered with little snowballs. His skirt is the longest!! Imagine that. I don't know why we girls couldn't have longer furnishings.
What a completely lovely litle darling woofie. Mum was all ahh's and oohs.. Gorgeous. Those pecan pie's more from mum as se loves those.. Yummy.. Congrats on your award.. HUgs GJ xx
Those pecan tarts looked so good, I could practically smell them! Did you get a little taste?
The Ballard Designs catalog came yesterday and there was a vintage print in there of a bunch of Scotties romping in the woods that made us think of you!
Your pal,
Yummers - those tarts look so good!!! Our Mom would love them. Congrats on your award - it is well-deservd. Your new little cousin-pup is adorable. You all must have had a blast tiring him out.
woos, the OP Pack
Oh my!! Those pecan tarts are making us lick our lips!! Looks like you had fun with your new cousin doggie!!
Woofs and Kisses!!
Moma said to say "Thank you!" She always has trouble coming up with good Christmas presents for her moma (she's 86) and now she (our Moma) knows one thing to make for her (her moma!) Pecan Tarts!!!! They are beautiful AND they look yummillicisious.
Those little cousins of yours (both the two and four legged variety) are cuter than cute! We bet you had a great time with more activity going on at floor level!
And, not to forget, Congratulations on the Best Blog Award! Well deserved! We love coming to visit and see what you are up to! It always makes us smile!
Fergi and Jake ooxx
How's Lilly?
Mmmmm... those tiny pies look divine! My grandmama gave me a bite of her pecan pie and it was delicious! You new buddy is such a cutie pie!!!
Your tarts are to die for - there is drool all over the puter screen!!! Yumzers and wowzers - what a baker you are! Great visit from some real cutie-pies!!! And love the reindeer holiday blog look - precious!
Hugs xo
What a cute little guy. It looks like you guys wore him out. Tired puppies are good puppies.
I like the idea of pecan tarts myself. That is something you could make for school gifts. I think I will make some for gifts for Christmas. Thank-you Lynn. I usually sew but am not going to this year. If I started sewing before all well from that fall in July I will set myself back months.
Not going to do that.
We send lots of kisses to all the scotties and Java, Bambi, Happy and Fern
I want to talk about how cute the puppy is.... but now all I can think about are those tarts!!!
What a cute little doggy! Can he surf???
Thanks to all of you for at least considering the surf-a-thon next year!!!
Teddy, Louie and I love your little vistor. He is a cutie! My dad's shih tzu is named Buddy.
Teddy made progress today, from the pee pad to outside he pooped while taking a walk on the lease. We have come a long ways with him. He had never seen the outside of a house before we got him and was trained only on a pee pad. Yeah! Teddy. I even wrote it on the calendar.
My mother always made pecan tarts during the Holidays...
Your new buddy was leaving his scent so you wouldn't forget him...
He's a cutie for sure!
You had a fluffy puppy visitor too!! Fantastic!!! Looks like lots of fun... our visitor kousin klohe did have a tensy tiny wee accident, oh well!
Way to go on the award!
xo martine & the kiddlets
BowWowie you guys sure are popular pooches. Congrats on the award! That little visitor dog is a cutie. Does your momma give out her tart recipe?? If so, our momma would love to have it. email her at cassiejo@juno.com .
BabyRD and Hootie
What a cute little puppy!
Those pecan tarts looked yummy too!
love and woofs
Pinkie likes Pecan, shes asks if the tarts are gluten free?
We don't even know what that means, we're just the messengers...
Congrats on your award. Follow the little human. He is bound to drop something!
Benny & Lily
A tasty AND khute post!
PeeEssWoo: Khongrats to woo too!
Mom is so happy to find your blog. Her first puppers was a Scottie! You guys are really cute.
Stella and Gunther
OMG, mom is drooling just thinking about popping one of those pecan tarts into her mouth!
How cute the pup is!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Nice to have visitors but did he have to leave his puppy sink in your bunker? Eeesh! I suppose at least it gave you a break from his wild ways.
Cute little buddy! Those pecan tarts look sooooo wonderful. Mumzie :0
Your pecan tarts look yummy!!! Are there any left? What an adorable cutie your visitor was. It must have been a fun romping time with all the fur babies together.
Hugs from Lallee and the gang.
Little Buddy is too cute!!! Thank you so much for sharing him with us!!
DAwling Lilly,Pipew Cawwleigh and Java
I'm so sowwy I didn't get to meet you. I am ABSOLUTELY not letting any stoopid flea fwom stopping me coming souf..just have to have mommi have mowe bwains, hehehehe
Congwatulations on youw awawd!!! I think you well desewve it!
Those tawts lookspecktacoolaw!!!
Youw little cousin is a cutie and the baby fluffkid he bwought along is pwett adowable too
smoochie kisses
pee ess Dufyy says he didn't get any fleases, but i don't believe him
That Jonah is a cutie, and has a nice "sit" too!! I have a maltese/shiz tzu cousin myself, her name is Delilah & I love to chase her so I can see all her fluffy furs fly!! Oh, if you have any of those pecan tarts left, please send some up to Ohio!!
Brutus the Frenchie
how wonderful all the nice baking! it puts us right in the festive mood and mades us feel warm and cozy! the little dog is really sweet too! WE love to hear about family and friends coming for visits. so nice.
we loved your comment on our blog. thank you so much!
Hi guys,
Can you convince your human to post the recipe for those tarts? They look dee-lish!
And how fun you have a new playmate now!
Your pal,
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