Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Good Morning Everyone,

Dad had to leave for work early this morning so Piper, the sneaky boy, latched on to the keys for the Polaris. Jump in and hold on tight because he is one wild driver.

First we take you down our drive way.
Mom loves the way the trees
make a canopy over the road.

Here we are going by our friend, Amy.
She just harvested a Rocky Creek Farm gobbler.
According to his spurs,
he's about a 4 year old.

Check out this old Catalpa tree that grows over our spring.
You can see only tiny leaves on it today,
but by this time next week
the leaves will be the size of a dinner plate.
Mom thinks we are lucky
because our trees don't produce
those yucky green and black Catalpa worms anymore.
Fishermen used to come every year to harvest the worms.
Mom and Granny were glad to see them go.

It started to rain so we had to come in.
Carrleigh doesn' t mind being covered with a towel,
but Lilly wants to show her 'diamondback' -
she likes to think she's a snake!!
(if you biggify the picture you can see how she glistens)

Have a Wonderful Wheely Wednesday,
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java


Woodrow, Luna, MJ Campanella said...

O - we want to ride on the Polaris too - that looks like fun

Sweetie caught a gobbler last year too - hers didnt look so pretty after and we have no idea how old it was. Sweetie catches everything shes a bad girl


Tee said...

Oooo, we'd like to ride in a Polaris. Can it fit all NINE of us?

Licks and Wags

TUffy and the Dog Woods Pack

Rachel said...

Nice Gobbler.

Tee said...

Hello! We have an award to pass on to you! Please check out our blog at

the magic sleigh said...

Yummmy! Can I have some of that big birdy? I love catching birds, and squirrels and possums....
-Kira The BeaWootiful

The Black and Tans. said...


Thanks for visiting our blog. Is it OK if we link to you?

MOlly and Taffy

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Thanks for the tour, Piper. Did you get to taste that turkey?

Look at all those glistening drops on Lilly!!! She has a beautiful coat.

Tail wags, the OP Pack

Lucia said...

Ciao, miei amici!

Oooooh! Lilly pawsitively sparkles! That's a lovely tour of your farm, Rocky Creekers, and as for that turkey (mmmm ... I, Lucia, enjoy poultry of all kinds), santa vacca, he certainly is big!

Tanti baci!

Duke said...

Yum - turkey dindin! We love your wheelie Wednesday posts with the Polaris! You all look so cute huddled in the front seat!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

WOW! I saw sun on your blog!

It is POURING here AGAIN or is that STILL?!?!

Tank woo fur sharing the gobbler with us!


tammy said...

Piper is such a good driver! They do such fun things, and Pearl in our knitter's group and friend of Betsy K. is also a turkey hunter/shooter/knitter/.......

Poppy Q said...

Hi I am Poppy Q and a btitish shorthair cat living with my mum in New Zealand.
We loved seeing the pictures of you guys on the farm, and think you have an awesome way of getting around. Driving looks like such fun.

Nice to meet you.

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