Thursday, October 20, 2011


We had been watching
our Lillybug
closely to see
when the day would be.

Mom predicted Thursday,
but she didn't think
it would be so
early in the morning.

The first buglet
arrived at 4:20 am.

We're fairly sure
that Mom can count -
but who knows -
she's been wrong before.

The Rocky Creek Scotties and Ivy
The Buglets


Unknown said...

oh puppies squeeeee, awww I love puppy breath

Scooter said... cute!! I just LOVE the black ones!! CONGRATS to Lily and Piper!!!

wags and love Snazzi

Mrs. Kee said...

Oh I just want to hold them close and cuddle with them for hours!! What perfect, precious puppies!

WFT Nobby said...

Oh wow! I think that Rocky Creek Scotties are set for world domination.
But SO cute!
Toodle pip!

rottrover said...

SO sweet!! Blogville's circle of life :-)

kmp said...

oh congrats on the buglets! how did we miss the tidbit that lilly was expecting?!


Kari in Alaska said...

Congrats on the buglets

Stop on by for a visit

Linda said...

We are so happy that Lilly has 5 beautiful, healthy babes. Love the pink noses on the wheaties!

Big hugs to all, especially Lilly!

Linda, Abby & Arlo

Miranda said...

AWWWW Congrats!!!!! I'm so excited to watch this little guys grow. They are beautiful!!! I hope Lilly is doing well!

animal lover, quilt lover said...

AWWW Lily you have some beautiful babies!!!!
You go girl!!!!
xx,Happy & Fern

Holly said...

I am so very excited! SO VERY excited and so honored that Lilly allowed me to be her interpreter! Hooray and hugs to all at Rocky Creek!

anitamombanita said...

oh my oh my oh my!! How exciting. Can't wait to watch them grow. They are adorable already!!!

Anonymous said...

OH EM GEEEEEEEEEEEE the buglets are too cute!!!! Awwwwww.

Hug them. Better yet, smell them for Us!!!

Hug Lilybug.

Arooooo, Stuart

Sue said...

Congratulations! We didn't even know you were expecting! Fun ahead.

Oskar said...

Oh the smell of puppy breath has my mom person swooning!

Nubbin wiggles,

Joan said...

Congratulations!! They are beautiful!!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Oh my I am so behind and hadnt realised that there was going to be babies.. How delightful.. Hugs GJ xx

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

OMD, what a wonderful surprise!!! The buglets are adorable. We are all excited to once again be able to get our daily buglet puppy fix:)

Congrats to you and Lilly.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Kippy Marrie said...

Ai.... AMEI vocês todos. E esses bebês que coisa mais linda!!!!
Sou uma York, me chamo Kippy e moro no Brasil. Venha conhecer meu blog, e ficarei feliz se seguir meu blog ( JOIN THIS SITE MY BLOG - MEMBERS MY BLOG YOU ). Vou te receber com muito amor e estarei sempre aqui para ver estas coisas mais lindas do mundo. AMEI... AMEI... AMEI... AMEI...
PARABÉNS! Felicidades a todos.
Aus da amiga do Brasil ...


Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

Congrats to you and Piper and Lilly. Just gorgeous and right on time! Another few weeks of daily scottie puppy fixes coming up!

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

Duke said...

awwwwwwwww - how adorable they are! Congratulations, Lilly!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Two French Bulldogs said...

Oh my breath
Benny & Lily

Shane Kent Louis said...

Wow! amazing Woof, welcome to the world cute puppies! Congratulations Rocky!

It's all About Pet Fences | Dog Fence

Cindy said...

Wow what lovely little puppies! Congratulations to Lily and Piper!

Hugs XX

Morgan, Sean and Boomer said...

Congrats!!!! They are so adorable and sweet!

pajudie said...

Congratulations - more adorable puppies. Looking forward to following their days ahead :o)
Hugs -
Judie, Duncan & Hamish

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful rainbow of babies!!!


pam said...

Oh Joy Oh Joy!!! More Sweet puppies to watch for the next 8 weeks or so. Mommy can get her fix and stop looking at the adoption site!!!

Bobo and Meja

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