Yesterday morning,
when the puppies were all sitting around
just "doing their thing",
Mom told them that they needed
to "kennel up".
when the puppies were all sitting around
just "doing their thing",
Mom told them that they needed
to "kennel up".

trying to get into the cat crate
when we saw Mom
get out two of our crates.
She put 4 boys in one
and the 3 girls plus 1 boy
in the other.

Carroll Veterinary Clinic
to get their second check-up.

our favorite Vet,
examined each and every one of
The Sweet Babes.
They all got an "A" on their report.
Before you ask which one of The Babes
is in this picture,
we need to tell you that Mom forgot her camera
and this sweet pup is
Miss Becky Bluebonnet.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh, Ruairi
The Sweet Babes
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh, Ruairi
The Sweet Babes
Could there be any better news than eight straight A's ?
Oh my golly... I just wanna cuddle up with them and snooze for a while.
Arooooo! Stuart
Wow, with all those A's, they must be on the top honor roll for sure!!! Love that positioning in the last photo.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Of course your vet is in a barn! Nothing would be more fitting.
Oh, I needed something to spark up my day and give me something to smile about and you certainly did that. You are so wise to start giving them commands even at this little age!!!! You are a good Scottie Mommy!
I hope they enjoyed themselves at the Vet!
Lynn, I am catching up with your posts and am just loving watching the scotties and looking at all of their photos. They are the cutest bunch of Wheatens! I would love to smell their puppy breath!
This is pure torture Lynn!!!
We all want to smell and love on those puppies!!!
xx, Bambi & Fern
Who could ever have doubted that this was a straight A class!
Toodle pip!
I love them all trying to cram themsleves into the little carrier.
My guys were all tuckered out after their vet visits too. And so was I.
That picture of them all trying to get in the crate is just priceless!!! As always, we appreciate the dose of cuteness!
*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Hippobottomus
so, so precious.....sigh.......
Dawling Lilly,Pipew,Cawwleigh and Wuaiwi,
It's so wondewful to heaw pawfect news about all the Sweet Babes
They get mowe adowabull by the minute and i was so happy fow something pawsitive aftew all the sad stuff on some of my sweet fwiends' bloggies
smoochie kisses
Oh you have to be the cutest Pupsters on the block, no wonder you all got straight A's! Dex & Lou x
It looks like hard work being a puppy!
Nubbin wiggles,
Awww you sweet babes, getting shots is no fun and you slept like good babes. We knew that you would get straight A's as you have 2 good moms to take care of you.
Love & kisses,
Linda & Abby
We thought the pup with the vet looked a bit big! Doesn't look like they were bothered by the visit.
XXXOOO Daisy, kendra & Bella
Not a doubt in the world that they would pass with flying colors! They are just too cute...
Of course you all got A's! You're the most adorable pups ever!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
No matter how old you are, a trip to the vet is exhausting!
THey are growing so quickly and you are taking such good care of them!!! What happy babies they must be!!
They are getting hooge!! What cuties...
I will be down tomorrow to give the girls a makeup lesson...never too early to start.
They sure are smart to get all A's!! LOL Bet he loved checking out those cute puppies!!
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