This morning when Mom was walking us,
we noticed there were a lot of ripe blueberries
on our blueberry bushes.
When we got home,
Mom asked Dad if he would like
blueberry pancakes for breakfast.
Of course he said he would,
so she sent him to pick the berries
while we stayed in the house
and made the pancake batter.

on our blueberry bushes.
When we got home,
Mom asked Dad if he would like
blueberry pancakes for breakfast.
Of course he said he would,
so she sent him to pick the berries
while we stayed in the house
and made the pancake batter.

Our dognanny, Mrs. Donna,
had recently returned from a visit in New York
and had brought us back some
wonderful NY maple syrup.
had recently returned from a visit in New York
and had brought us back some
wonderful NY maple syrup.
Mmmmmmm! Yummy and good for you too! Tell mom you want LOTS of those antioxidants (of course with some nice pancakes & syrup on the side!)
Brutus the Frenchie
Yummers! We love pantycakes!
Buddy has been eating our blueberries off the bushes!
Licks and sniffs,
Zack Sassy and Buddy
Oh, Mom and I are both drooling all over the keyboard! Feel free so send some to us!
We'll be right over! We'll even bring our own napkins! Just save one (or a dozen) for us!!!
*kissey face*
-Fiona and Abby the Mutant Puppy
Let us count. One month and two days. Yep. We'll be right over!
Jake and Fergs (who both love pancakes ... as ALL Moma's WFTs have)
•●⊱╮• Yum Yum, our blueberries are not ripe yet, but we can't wait•●⊱╮• Lovely pix of you all
•●⊱╮• We just saw the American Soccer Team win on TV •●⊱╮•
Woffsen from Germany
Beatrice and Gizmo
Blueberries are our new favorite snack, except for Picky Boy Phantom. Dad has been devouring blueberries for a while now and we get to have a few everyday too. Our human sister and nieces and nephews made Dad a blueberry crisp for Father's Day and we got a bit of that too - but Mom said not too much sugar for us.
Your pancakes look wonderful - hope you all enjoyed them, especially the ones served in bed:)
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Oh NOM!!! That looks like a very delicious breakfast!!
Smileys and Snuggles!
Dory, Bilbo and Jacob
Oh man, those pancakes look so yummy. Our berries aren't out of flower stage yet! Probably will be ripe August(ish). Just mail us a few pancakes to hold us over. K??
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRocketDog and Hootie
(using momo's bloggie)
Wow I just love pancakes, and they look yummy, "Mom, Mom can we pancakes tomorrow please"
See Yea George xxx
oh my gosh, those look soooo good!
I didn't even know we pooches could EAT blueberries!!!!!! What are They thinking??? Going to get me some right now.... Roooo! Stuart
Wow -- breakfast right in your bed! I want that!
Those pancakes look delicious AND with FRESH blueberries. No way would one of us stay in bed with food around and that much competition.
Alpha says when she worked in Bath Co. VA, she'd go to Monterey (VA) every year for their Maple Festival, to see the trees tapped and have pancakes.
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
Samba and Morgan like to share my blueberries in the morning. Maybe I should make them some pancakes.
You are so lucky to get pancakes. My mum planted a blueberry bush, but I sat on it and broke some of the branches off. Now that I know that there might be some yummy pancakes if it grows berries perhaps I'll treat it better!
oh, wow, blueberry pancakes! they look so super delicious! daddy planted some blueberry bushes last year, but they will need a few more years before we can get a nice pickin' off of them. good thingie we have a blueberry farm about 10 minutes from our house!!
the booker man
Sounds so good...thought Mac was the only dog that liked his pancakes! Never tried to give him blueberry ones though (don't tell him I hide his pills in the little pancakes!)
Blueberry pancakes!!! They look delicious!!! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
Those wouldn't last long here either.
Please, can you send over some blueberries?
We never get pancakes! We are such unloved doggies!
They sure do look yummy!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
We Love Blueberry Pancakes. Fresh Blueberries are the best, and Blueberries are really good for you!
No whipped cream? Humph.
We love blueberry pancakes, or waffles or muffins, or just out of hand! Wonderful good things to eat.
Stella loves the pancakes! Zkhat turns up her nose. Mom loves the waffles!
Cheers and hugs,
Stella, Mom and Zkhat
At least they found something to do while waiting. Much better than tripping over the whole lot of em.
OMD! You just showed our favorite food in the whole world. Pancakes!
We like Waffles too! Oh and blueberry pancakes......we are trying to lick the screen now!
Wyatt and Stanzie
Oh LYNN!!!!!!!!!! We LOVE Blueberry Pancakes!!! AND.ya know what we have an aundance of now here in NJ? Yup..BLUEBERRIEZ!!!!!...comeon up for a pail or two...or three...or four...
Big Lovin'Hugs from me and the menagerie, especially, the Beckarooooo
Oh fresh blueberries decorate the yummy pancake, what a wonderful way to start a day!
May I move in with you, I love breakfast in bed!
Oh, those pancakes look great. We have blueberry bushes here that are struggling to survive - I've put cages around them to keep the pups from laying on them. Maybe one day we'll have beautiful blueberries like yours :o)
Judie, Duncan & Hamish
Ummm, may I have some too pleeez???
And Bweakfast in bed sounds delightful
smoochie kisses
Blueberry pancakes are the best!
I made them when my dad was in town with Trader Joe's gluten free mix. I used Butter milk instead of water and fresh berries... not as fresh as your though! They were so yummy with real maple syrup and a dolup of PB!
xo martine & the kiddlets
Goodness! You make the pancakes and I'll bring the bacon (and the dog treats)! I can smell them all the way over here. Yummy!
Oh boy I may request some of those pancakes for my breakfast tomorrow!
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