time for the hay to go down.
And is it ever ripe and thick.
While the hay is getting mowed,
the pastures get clipped too
and Mom looses one of the few
summer flowers she can grow.

that she can grow tiger lilies -
they come up every year -
just like clockwork.
Her grandmother planted them
over 100 years ago.
She's afraid if she messed with them,
they might all die -
can you imagine how many bulbs
must be under there now??

Japanese Fan Bush
in our yard.
it blooms from Spring to Fall
and is very fragrant and full of bees!
You can see the different colors
of the blooms as they progress
if you biggify the picture.
Mom says she grew up in the country and loves going through and seeing places where tiger lilies have spread all over a hill or a ditch. It makes you wonder how long they've grown out there! Your flowers are lovely.
It's hot as blazes here, too! We love the air conditioner!
Beautiful flowers! Keep cool!
What beautiful flowers! Day Lilys are one of my favorites, and I love that yours have such history! In our last house I had some that had belonged to my Mom--I was sad that I had to leave them, but hope to bring some back this fall. However, my hands down favorite flower for the summer are daisies, I love them!!
Thank you for sharing your flowers with us! Too bad the daises have to go with the plowing!
WE hope you get a nice short summer cut to help keep you cool!
xo martine & the kiddlets
We just got cut too...We feel so much better!!!
We loved seeing your moms flowers they are furry pretty.
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
It's too hot to do anything. We spend the day in Mom's office in the basement. It's nice and cool there.
Those are very pretty flowers! Our mom planted some tiger lilies, many years ago, from seeds she took from our Grandma's plants. We get beautiful green plants and leaves, every year, but never any flowers. We think they must have been hybrids! All you doggies stay cool! It's 94 degrees, here, today and we don't think it's one bit funny! Also, the humidity is about 1000 %! We are definitely AC doggies!
Penny & Patches
Such beautiful countryside flowers!!!
Mama keeps threatening us with shearing too!!
Smileys & Snuggles!
Dory, Jacob and Bilbo
Hope you had time to make a daisy chain for your Mom before they got cut down...
Stay cool. Wiry love Eric xx
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
PeeS. Alph says she's a casual teacher (substitute) at a small local school. One of each grade K-6. She had 3 straight days of kindergarten last week 30-five year olds and was exhausted.
Deew Lilly, Pipew, Cawwleigh and Wuaiwi,
I bet it smells wondewful when the mowew goes ovew all that gween fweshness and flowews..I'm glad that not all the flowews get lost
pleez stay cool..it's too hot hewe too
smoochie kisses
What a beautiful flowers you have dear friends....
mommy is soooooooooooooooo jealous of them!!!!
She would love to be a great gardener like your mommy!!!
So you're having hot weather.....Mmmmmmmmmmmmm....here it's cold....brrrrrrrrrrrrr.....
Ok ok guys....take care of you...stay inside and keep cool!!!!
Sweet kisses and licks to all of you!!!!
You have very beautiful flowers!!! It's good that Gary has a green thumb!!!! So sorry about your heat!!! I feel for you!! I know so well how 90 feels and 95 feels and 99 feels and !01 feels!! You know back in the day I worked all day in 99 degrees and went home to a house with no ac it didn't seem as hot as it does now. Maybe it is b/c I am so much older now!!!!
XXOO, Fern
Omigosh...those flowers are just GORGEOUS! Thanks for sharing the photos with us...*grins* 90 degrees is super hot! Hope it'll get cooler soon...but it's already summer where you are, right? >.<"
Omigosh...those flowers are just GORGEOUS! Thanks for sharing the photos with us...*grins* 90 degrees is super hot! Hope it'll get cooler soon...but it's already summer where you are, right? >.<"
We totally understand! Mom's thumb isn't very green when it comes to growing flowers, but thankfully it's much greener when it comes to growing Frenchies!!
Brutus the Frenchie
We love the smell of fresh cut hay. Good thing we don't have hay fever! Stay cool.
Isn't the weather pathetikh???
It isn't supposed to break until next Tuesday or Wednesday here ;-(
Thanks fur sharing the pikhs!
Oh, the flowers are really beautiful! We'd be afraid to cut them down too.
Stay inside where it's nice and cool little ones!
Shannon and the Gang
Good to know that the climate is working as it's supposed to in some part of the globe. Wilf is still enjoying the coolest temperatures around here since records started in 1810. Do any of the dogs suffer from pollen allergies?
Oh, pretty pretty flowers, thanks for showing us them.
We know all about brown thumbs in this household. But we can only fantasize about 90 degrees..
Toodle pip!
Your flowers are just beautiful!
We vote for getting sheared! You'd feel so much cooler!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
I love your flower pictures. The lilies are beautiful!
All the flowers are beautiful, too bad about the daisies - they are such a pretty flower. It is very hot here too, and we love to stay in where it is cool. But Mom said something about the new a/c not working right - hope she is wrong.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
I always used to love the smell of fresh cut hay while growing up in Pennsylvania. Hey Lynn, I'm with you---I've been accused of having a black thumb. Since moving to Idaho for the first time in my life I've had luck growing things. The past few years I've had tomatoes, lettuce, peppers and misc herbs. It is so exciting for a brown thumb to have these little victories. X-C
be sure to get bolting as soon as you hear the humming of those dreadful clippers....
Lynn, Honey, you live in heaven!
Bug is on the way to the groomer this next week herself. I am sure she will feel much better in the summer heat, not to mention look prettier.
I still have my winter haircut too. It's hot enough that I guess I'll grudgingly agree to a hair cut soon.
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