The puppies will be
8 weeks old tomorrow.
And it is a bittersweet day for us.
We are happy that they will be
uniting with their forever, loving families,
but we will miss them like crazy.
We will look forward to opening
our email and finding a picture
or a story from them.
And of course we will try
and share it with you.
8 weeks old tomorrow.
And it is a bittersweet day for us.
We are happy that they will be
uniting with their forever, loving families,
but we will miss them like crazy.
We will look forward to opening
our email and finding a picture
or a story from them.
And of course we will try
and share it with you.

From left to right
aka Angus
will be going to live with
Petie, Linda and Mackie
aka Finlay
will be going to live with
Dave, Debbi and Molli
will be going to live with
Chip and Gloria
New York.
Becky Blue Bonnet
aka Snickers
will be going to live with
Joe, Nancy and Angus
New Jersey
will be going to live with
Jane and 6 other Scotties
North Carolina.
aka Snazzi Jazzi
will be going to live with
Jim and Diane
aka Henry
will be staying with us
Rocky Creek Farm.
is still looking for
a forever home.
If we can't find one for him,
he will be staying with us
Rocky Creek Farm.
is still looking for
a forever home too.
If we can't find one for him,
he will be staying with us
Rocky Creek Farm.
The first puppy to leave us will be our
tenacious little Finleigh
who will live in our hearts forever
as our little "Snaz".
Her forever Mom
will be coming tomorrow afternoon
to pick her up.
The Rocky Creek Scotties
aka Angus
will be going to live with
Petie, Linda and Mackie
aka Finlay
will be going to live with
Dave, Debbi and Molli
will be going to live with
Chip and Gloria
New York.
Becky Blue Bonnet
aka Snickers
will be going to live with
Joe, Nancy and Angus
New Jersey
will be going to live with
Jane and 6 other Scotties
North Carolina.
aka Snazzi Jazzi
will be going to live with
Jim and Diane
aka Henry
will be staying with us
Rocky Creek Farm.
is still looking for
a forever home.
If we can't find one for him,
he will be staying with us
Rocky Creek Farm.
is still looking for
a forever home too.
If we can't find one for him,
he will be staying with us
Rocky Creek Farm.
The first puppy to leave us will be our
tenacious little Finleigh
who will live in our hearts forever
as our little "Snaz".
Her forever Mom
will be coming tomorrow afternoon
to pick her up.
The Rocky Creek Scotties
Good luck to all the puppies! We'll miss them for sure.
We can't stop smiling at the picture of the puppies in the wagon! It's just precious!
We are so very happy for all of the pups!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
HOW DID YOU DO IT?????????
I would have to beg , barter and plead to get Gus & his siblings to stay still, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay, back then!!!!!!
Oh I wanna take them all ( well for a day is enough.....for now ;o)
That is the PERFECT picture with them all in the wagon, Frame that one for sure,
We will miss seeing them all but hopefully some will be getting blogs so we can follow them.
Give Finleigh (snaz) a hug and kiss for us from Snazzi and tell her new mom to blog!! lol
That's a great picture in the wagon.Did you drug them first to make them sit still?
Now comes the hard part, saying goodbye. I obviously wasn't very good at making the break as six of them stayed with us. If you hold them when they're seconds old and are there for every feeding, etc, you feel like they're a part of you.
Oh, how precious. But how did you get them to stay still??? I hope their new families will blog and let us all know how they are doing. If I didn't have two pups of my own, I'd take Hamish and Dugan!!!
Judie and furkids, Duncan and Hamish
AMAZING! What a photo! (We even biggified it to see if you'd photoshopped it!) That crew of Scotties is as cute as cute gets. We will really miss the photo updates of them, and we know you'll miss them, too. But it must feel wonderful knowing you've just helped to create a bond between pup and people that will grow with so many experiences and so much love. They've had a wonderful start to life ... and now they all take the next exciting step. And, frankly, we are glad that you get to have Hamish and Dugan with you for however much longer ... it is meant to be!
Give them all a big hug for us ...
Jake and Fergi and Family xxxxoooo
Oh it is going to be bittersweet.
I'm sure all the new families will take excellent care of your sweet babies.
xo martine & the kiddlets
ps: that is the cutest picture EVER!!!!!!
What a wonderful picture!!!!!!o
I am sure things will be different from now on, the puppies will furever be in your heart!
Mum still has pictures of little kittens that we born next to her bed from 25 years ago, she still remembers each one with special fondness and smile!
~husky kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Did you notice how Dugan isn't making eye contact? He doesn't want someone to fall in love with him. He wants to stay right where he is. Wish I could take him.
Just this afternoon read through your posts I had been missing.
The pups have grown up way too fast. The pictures are precious!
Love the one of all of them in the red Radio Flyer wagon. I miss them just by looking at their pictures and stories. May they all have a wonderful life....
Good luck to all the pups to find wonderful homes. Stop showing those cute pictures and tempting momma! I think they are cute... from a distance.
Best wishes to all the puppies with their new families. We're happy to know that we will hear from a couple of them. Remember: There's no such thing as too many scotties!
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
absolutely love that picture!!
best wishes to all of the pups as they go to their new families!
the booker man's mama
Oh Lynn that is an award winning photo!!!! Enter it , sell it, frame it, make it your header!!!!!!
It is the very best picture I have ever seen!!!!
I will miss the pups so much too!!!
XXOOXX, Bambi & Fern
What a great pikh!
Best of lukhk to all of woo!
A rare and wonderful picture! Remember if Sue could raise six Porties you should easily manage that many! No sweat!
Oh my goodness. What a wagonload of love!
You must be feeling so sad! But remember, in a few days they won't even remember you and you'll still have all your lovely photos!
How amazing that all of the pups posed so beautifully. Just adorable. We're gonna miss seeing them all together, but it's time for them to go to their new homes and connect. Bye kids! We'll miss ya!!
Smooches, BabyRD and Hootie
Time really flies and the puppies sure grow fast. What a beautiful picture of all of them in the wagon. Love it!
All the best!!
OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHH - they are so cute - how could they get any cuter? Love the wagon photo - not sure how you did that - they all stayed in one spot long enough for a photo! Amazing!
Well we will miss them - hope their new families write and let us know how they get on - although it is the right thing for them to start new lives with their new families - we are still kind of sad - we will miss the little ones too!
Lots of licks
Sally and Paddy
Best of luck to all the pups in their new homes.
Please tell wee Hamish I still think he's the best!
Cheers, Gail.
Oh we will iss the darling puppies and their gorgeous photo's.. God bless them in their new forever homes. I adore that picture of them in the toy truck.. Adorable.. Hugs GJ xx can you bear to lose them...if they were mine they would all be staying!!! xx
...and they lived happily ever after! Bon voyage, little ones! Don't forget to write!
Brutus the Frenchie
That is the cutest picture EVER!!! Would you mind if I made it my desktop photo on my computer? It makes me smile every time I see it! It's bittersweet to know that the puppies will be leaving, and yet they go to happy homes to warm the hearts of many more. My husband is threatening to take the car keys from daughter and I are ready for a puppy pick-up road trip to Virginia. :D I'm glad to know that you'll keep the little fellows if they don't get a home. Hugs to all those cute babies!!!
All that patience paid off. The picture of the family en masse is an absolute 100% classic.
WOW! That's a great picture! Did yah hafta glue their little bums to the wagon?
Before they go, I want to leave them 2 blessing, one from little me and the other an old Scottish blessing.
From little me: I hope they keep the Scottie ARRROOOO song in their hearts and sing it forever!
And the other:
Scottish Blessings
May the blessing of light be on you, light without and light within. May the blessed sunlight shine on you like a great peat fire, so that stranger and friend may come and warm himself at it. And may light shine out of the two eyes of you, like a candle set in the window of a house, bidding the wanderer come in out of the storm. And may the blessing of the rain be on you, may it beat upon your Spirit and wash it fair and clean, and leave there a shining pool where the blue of Heaven shines, and sometimes a star. And may the blessing of the earth be on you, soft under your feet as you pass along the roads, soft under you as you lie out on it, tired at the end of day; and may it rest easy over you when, at last, you lie out under it. May it rest so lightly over you that your soul may be out from under it quickly; up and off and on its way to God. And now may the Lord bless you, and bless you kindly. Amen.
God Speed you to your new homes!
You'll be remembered here forever.
Bonnie the wee Scottie
That is a precious picture of the puppies! Oh how time flew by. Hopefully you'll get updates on the puppies. We'll miss them!
Shannon and the Gang
OMD, how ever did you get that wagon shot? Good luck to all the pups, we will so miss seeing you here. Please do paw at your new pawrents to let you have a blog.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
It's Tuesday and I just wanted to let you know that I'm thinking about you--I hope you're doing okay with your little babies leaving the nest!! Take care and let us know how you are!
While we're delighted that wee Hamish - and we must agree with Gail, he's our favorite pup! - has found a forever home in Canada, we were kinda hoping he'd stick around so we could watch him grow up. Maybe we'll run into one of the New York or New Jersey pups!
And hands - and paws - down, that's the cutest puppy photograph EVER!
Your pal,
Uncle Petey
aww that is sad.
I am sorry for you.
Wishing you and the puppies the best.
Keep happy :)
Love, Bella.
Lynn, how did you manage to get them to sit like this? LOVE the photo!!!
I know Miss Jean loves Dugan...but she is holding out for next year. He is so handsome! I think he'd be a lovely addition to the farm! Then he can be with him maw and paw, too. :)
We will miss them too...but hope they will have fun in their new homes.
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
Awww, we sure will miss them too!! Hopefully, you will get lots of updates!!
Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three
Awww, we sure will miss them too!! Hopefully, you will get lots of updates!!
Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three
The group photo is truly precious. We send our love to each and every pup and we know that they will bring so much joy in their furever homes.
We would love to still get updates on them as they grow up. We also have 2 newborn pups here and we too enjoy seeing them getting bigger everyday. We hope we can be friends and share stories too.
-Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar & the lil Piappies
The group photo is truly precious. We send our love to each and every pup and we know that they will bring so much joy in their furever homes.
We would love to still get updates on them as they grow up. We also have 2 newborn pups here and we too enjoy seeing them getting bigger everyday. We hope we can be friends and share stories too.
-Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar & the lil Piappies
oh if only Dogan could come and live with me in England ;( they are all too adorable for sure life will be strange without them. I will miss you fab posts on them for sure!
Emma xxx
I wish my mom person would let me adopt one of the puppies!
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