our sweet sissy
has been assisting with
living history displays
and sailing classes
aboard tall ships.
She started out as a volunteer
on the Pilgrim in
Dana Point Harbor.

the Irving Johnson,
which is a training vessel,
through the LA Maritime Institute.
Some of you or your children
might have been aboard this ship.
What fun. The Water Dogs think they'd like to visit her on her ship.
Wow, your sissy totally ROCKS the boat!!!!
Licks and sniffs,
Zack, Sassy and Buddy
The LOVE shadow might be the best photo EVER! You are a star Sissy and lucky to love what you do :)
What an awesome job sissy has. We were in the harbor yesterday for the Dana Point Wag a thon..Funny!
Benny & Lily
Youw Sissie has a bootiful smile and the coolest job evew!!!
I bet you'we pwoud if hew.
Loved seeing those pictoowes
smoochie kisses
Yes, a most beautiful smile. And very chewable hair I think! (Which is, of course, a compliment).
Toodle pip!
Very beautiful and doing a job she loves.. That is great.. Looks a brilliant job.. Hugs GJ x
How wonderful to find a job you love. I bet you miss her lots. Did she get to see the puppies?
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
WOW - what a great job to have. Looks like she really enjoys it - and that's one of the secrets of life - enjoy what you do!!!
Judie, Duncan & Hamish
What an amazing job your beautiful sissy has!
What an interesting job!!! We don't think our Mom would like to go up that high at all. We understand why it makes your Mom nervous.
Woos, Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
I would love that job, and climbing to the top would be the best part!
I would love that job, and climbing to the top would be the best part!
How cool that she lives aboard that gorgeous ship! She's very brave to climb so high! Our mom gets dizzy just thinking about heights!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
i'm glad your sissy has a super cool job that she loves! it'd be totally funsies to go visit her. do they let doggies on board??
the booker man
Thanks fur sharing that!
We all know smiles are khontagious!
What a wnderful way of life...if I had my druthers...Beautiful face, that radiates pure joy...ahh to be that age again ;o)
Hugz, Nancy & menagerie
That really looks like a wonderful job!!! Holly would like it and mom would love to ride on it!!! Beautiful!!! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
What a beautiful post about your sissy! Thank you for sharing :)
Love, Bella.
What an amazing and cool job your sissy has! I cannot believe how high up she is!! She does have the prettiest smile!!
Hi Scotties,
You all have a beautiful sissy!!!
How great she loves her job!!!!!
If I were her age I would love that job too!!!
Gardening is easy Lynn, all you have to do is think of each plant as a living being. They need the same things we need. They love to be petted!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
XXOO, Bambi & Fern
Hello Scotties,
What a Awesome Job, and a Awesome life! Got to like Heights to climb all the way to the top!
Ehy guys....your sis has the best job ever!!!!!
And her smile is sooooooooooooo beautiful!!!!!
We would love to ride on it!!!!!!
Ehy guys....we missed you tons!!!
But we read all your posts....
The babies are soooo cute and they're grown sooooooooooooo much....
And we loved a lot your post in Java's memory....what a great story!!!!
Please dear friends.....forgive us for our absence.....we hope mommy could help us soon with our blog!!!!
Don't forget us ok???
TAke care and have a wonderful week!!!!
Tons of love and kisses!!!!
Oh my, I have thought she was special. Now I see why, a nomad like us.
Wow - she works AND lives on one of those cool ships? Neato! How lucky your sissy is to live her dream!
Brutus the Frenchie
Great Pictures! Thanks for sharing!
Here are the facts as we see them:
Your sissie has a beautiful smile and beautiful hair.
Your sissie has a cool job.
Your sissies has a wonderful family!
And we are looking forward to meeting you!
Don't give up on us ... we're still here. Just really busy getting ready for graduation and visiting family and a trip to the Tetons and Yellowstone and college orientation and a long trip to Florida! Wow!
Hugs to everyone!
Jake and Fergi and Family xxxxoooo
That is soooo cooool (my mum says). YOur sissy is lucky to get to travel around and be on the cool boat!! Tell her to be very careful climbing that sale pole ok?
Sorry we haven't been able to check bloggies regularly, I had to have surgery and STINKY is driving me nutty through the recovery...
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
Your Sissy is AWESOME!!
What an adventurer she is!!
Wow! What an amazing and interesting job! Beautiful sailboats! We are sure she is on a safety line while climbing the sails, no?
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
That is so exciting! She is doing what she loves I bet! How wonderful is that?
Your Sissy is awesome! What a cool job.
Your sis looks like a great sister!
Love the photos!
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