to report today.
Sir Dugan
is going to live with
Sir Bentley Hamish
in Canada.
Their new Mom
will be flying down tomorrow
to meet our Mom
and will be taking them
back with her
in the cabin of the plane.
We know they will have many adventures
and we are anxious to hear about them.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi
Wow - we got here before anyone else for once! How'd that happen?!?
So how many pups will that leave? Is that everfurrybody except the ones that are staying at Rocky Creek for good?
Brutus the Frenchie
She is going to have a handfull...but in really, "I-am-just-a-bit-jealous" sort of way!
Furry khool!
What lukhky pups!
They stay together AND they get to live in Khanada!
Good luck to all the little pups in their new homes! I was worried that some of them are traveling in airplanes, but I see that you are taking great care to make sure they are ok.
I am with Mango. I am worried about the little pups flying in the cargo department of a plan.....
It is neat they can stay together, but I worry about the fly thing!!
How many are still for sale???? I think you should keep letting everybody know who and how many. You know??? For possibilites of furture sales.
XXOO, Fern
YIPPEEEEEEEEE - mom says that passengers on that plane are in for a real treat! Those pups are going to make lots of new friends!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Oh how wonderful for them.............what a traveling litter they are going to be !
Whew......someone will be very busy for awhile....tired but very happy indeed!
Two times the love ;o)
Hugs, Nancy & Angus
Now that is pretty cool news. 2 brothers staying together, think of the things they can get into together!! Whoa!!
Two brothers together ! That's going to make for a quiet, mischief free household.
That is FABulous nuze!!! Can't wait to hear about growing up in Canada and flying in a cabin hehee! Have a great Sunday!
Hugs xo
That's so great for the boys. My pups are very close, having been together their whole lives. They get along well and look out for each other.
That's wonderful news. It sure will be double the fun and the love in their furever home. We are so excited to stay updated with the pups. Flying pups to Canada. Exciting to know what great adventures await Sir Dugan and Sir Bentley Hamish.
-Wai-Pai, Wai-Max & the Piappies
We're excited for everyone...you, the puppies, the new families.
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
how exciting!! sir dugan and sir bentley hamish can be trouble makers together. haha! :)
the booker man's mama
wow..very cool...eh!
Benny & Lily
Wooos I hope that Sir Dugan and Sir Bentley Hamish get there own blog, so we can see what trouble, I mean fun, they get into together!
~husky kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Hooray for Hamish and Dugan! And don't worry about flying in the cabin - I've been doing it since I was 10 months old and Mom says I whine a whole lot less than she does when the flight's delayed. I just fit under the seat in the largest Sherpa allowable!
Your pal,
Uncle Petey
P.S. Mom advises tiring out those two pups the day before their flight!
How fun for the pups to be together! Oh my what a handful for their new family. LOL!
Shannon and the Gang
How awesome!!!
Think of all the trouble those two can get into together.. what fun!! Their new owner will sure have her hands full : )
That is fantastic news!!!!
xo martine & the kiddlets
Double your pleasure, double your fun, with two sweet little Scottie pups!!! Well, you get the idea. How grand is that!!! congrats to Dugan and Hamish.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Oh hooray, hooray, we so glad that little Dugan found a great home, since we could't take him.
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