For quite some time,
we have been looking forward
to a visit from
Rory and Fiona.
we have been looking forward
to a visit from
Rory and Fiona.
down I-81
through numerous traffic problems
to come see us and
spend the night
at our house.

He speaks with a Scottish brogue
and that drives the ladies crazy.
He and Piper even became great buds.

to the Sweet Babes.
Fiona, on the other hand,
just took a look and was off
about other business.
And now for our surprise.
Since we lost our
sweet JavaMan
over a year ago,
we have been trying
to find another
Chocolate Lab
to be our
It hasn't been working out for us.
We knew that we had to
get a puppy
so that it would grow up knowing
the real bosses of
Rocky Creek Farm.
Last week,
one of our Dad's student's presented him
with an end of year gift -
a puppy.
She has been in quarantine
for 10 days so we get to meet
her today, just like you.
So please meet

"Ivy" for short.
Yes, Bertie, we did leave a letter out-
on purpose -
we wanted a Scottish sounding name for her
but we didn't want her nickname to be "Iny".
Her breed is the most popular -
Heinz 57;
it appears she will top out
at about 100 pounds.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh, Ruairi, Ivy,
The Sweet Babes
Awk-Oh, she is in LOVE??? watch out, bol They both are pretty darn cute.
Nice to meet you Ivy. I bet you will have fun growing up with all those scotties and you have a BIG job on your hands managing that big ole farm!!W elcome Ivy and we are excited to hear about your new adventures!!
Total cuteness!!! Another puppy and this one is there for good!! Hello Ivy!!! Adorable!! Welcome to the farm!! Lots of love, Holly & Mom
Rory & Fiona are both verrra good looking dogs. I bet Fiona went off to play with Aunt Lilly. Ivy is just darling, how old is she?
Hugs & kisses to all!
Linda & Abby
Welcome welcome welcome Miss Iverness. You are so cute!
Toodle pip!
Bertie (from Aberdee).
Oh Ivy, your Heinz 57 must include a lot of Newfoundland. What a great farm dog you will be and what a great home you got.
Sweet William The Scot
Amazing how a Scottish brogue and film start good looks can drive the ladies crazy .. says Wilf .
Bet you guys had a nice visit! We bet you both have the brains since you both have the looks, BOL
Benny & Lily
You guys are just having too much darn fun at your place - Scottie company and their peeps and now Ivy! Ivy is just adorable! Is she smaller than the Scottie pups?
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Welcome home new puppy
May I be worthy God of new beginnings, of this wee one troting in my wake. I'm already in love with this wiggly ball of fur with milky puppy breath, needle teeth as sharp as exclamation points, growels that sound like bees buzzing and bright buton eyes that've taken my measure in a heartbeat and know me for the infatuated fool I am. Bless us as we explore the world you've set before us. Down on my knees in the wake of a puppy, O God is a wonderful place to meet you.
We had such a wonderful time! Thanks for having us and we can't wait to visit again!!!
After Scotties Heinz 57 is my favorite "breed." I'm sure Ivy will be a great addition to the family!
Oh, what a wonderful surprise! Nothing can bring as much laughter and happiness as a puppy. We're so glad to meet Ivy.
Morgan, Tsar and the Porties and Mom Sue
Welcome, welcome Ivy!
Arroooooooo! Stuart
What a little dream boat! Spring is bringing amazing things to Rocky Creek!
Nubbin wiggles,
Big surprise? But that is a tiny little lady :-)
Even more cuteness to enjoy...
That little Ivy is just beeeuteeful! Congratulations on your new baby who gets to stay!
Warm Arrrrooooos;
Buzzy McDuff, Pippa Posey & da Mum
Too hard to believe that little thing will be 100 pounds ever.... Too cute for words. As always love coming by for a visit and seeing all the furry friends.
Awww, Rory and Fiona are beautiful. You are so lucky to be having fun meeting all the bloggers in person and furson.
And welcome Miss Iverness. She is beautiful. Congrats on the new family member and lots of luck for a long life of love and happiness for her.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
We recognise the bandanas. Maybe we should have a showing of the bandanas Day!
We thought there was nothing so cute as scottie puppies. We were WRONG. Love little Ivy. Ruairi will certainly have fun with her.
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
You mean Rory of Facebook fame was there at your house?! Oh, he does have a fantastic brogue!
Welcome Ivy! What a cutie you are, and I'm sure you'll be a wonderful addition to the farm!
Oh Rory... oh Fiona - what bootiful puppers you are - we'll BET you had a great time and RC Farm!!! And what an ADORABLE lil girl - Ivy... you will make a pawesome farm doggeh!!! Looking forward to watching you learn the ropes!
Big Huggers xoxoxo
Sammie, Avalon and oz
Miss Ivy is very cute. I just know you will teach her to be a proper dog.
Sally Ann
Oh my goodness!!! She's so cute!!! She will chase all your animals around?! I wish I could run free on a farm...problem is, I wouldn't know when to come back!! I would just run and run and run...
I know you all enjoyed Rory and Fiona's visit...beautiful couple!
And look at Miss Ivy! I'm a sucker for those black dogs! I'm so happy for the entire family!
What a post full of fun and love and khuteness!
Khongrats on the newest member of the furamily!
Wow - busy time ! First, what cute scotties that came to visit - we can see why you would want to add to your clan!
Welcome Ivy!! What a sweet thing - there definitely looks like there is some Newfie in that 57.
Lots of licks
Sally and Paddy
we are in heaven! first 2 dashing Scotties Rory and Fiona! we agree that Rory is something extra special--but then you continue to melt our heart with little Ivy! how fun it will be to read her adventures and watch her grow! enjoy your beautiful new addition! love the name!!!
Hello Ivy nice to meet you.
Four paws up to you on the stairs (steps):) lovely photo.
Have a good week
See Yea George xxx
Company and a new puppy!!! Boy you have all the fun don't you??
Hi Ivy!!! You are a doll!!!!
I am a little jealous!!
I am so happy for you.
Lynn, thank you soso much for coming to my blog and having those kind words for me in my grief! I miss her so much!! I am talking to her more now then I did when she was here!! I love her so MUCH and I am so sad!!!
XX. Fern
Well hey there sweet girl.
Deborah xoxo
welcome to rocky creek, miss ivy!! you are so totally cutesies!!
the booker man
That is the cutest little Ivy, we have ever seen!! Congrats
Wyatt and Stanzie
OMG! miss ivy is adorable!! I bet she'll be an awesome farm dog! I'm with your mom, that rory is pretty cute!!! (but not as cute as y'all!)
Welcome to the bloggy world, miss ivy!!!
Love, Janie
Welcome to blogville, Miss Ivy!!
Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three
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