Friday, June 3, 2011


Many of you leave comments
asking us how we get group shots
of our puppies.

Along the way,
you get a few
really cute "accidents".

This is Lilly's only litter -
it will always be one of our favorites photos.
the patient parent,
sits on a stool and waits
and waits
for just the perfect shot.

When Mom decided that she wanted to
do this photo shoot,
it was utter chaos.

And one smart aleck puppy,
who we won't name,
but it's a girl,
kept jumping out of the wagon.

Dad took over as wrangler
Mom sat down on the grass
to be the photographer.
he didn't make it out of the way
before Mom clicked the shutter.

This is the only one that we've
ever cheated a bit with -
we can hear you all going
"we knew that".
the second pup from the left
was looking the other way
and we turned him around
to face the front.

it took about 100 tries
to get this photo.

Mom tried taking this photo
from across the room
and Carrleigh ran through -
of course that got the pups attention.

Once Mom decided to sit down,
then Ruairi joined in
which helped get more of them standing up.

But then Ruairi
jumped up in
Mom's lap for a second.

It only took about 50 tries
to get this photo.

Sometimes it's just

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh, Ruairi
The Sweet Babes


Hollie and Janie said...

So adorable no matter how it's done!! but it super impressive that your mom and dad can get so many awesome pics of those adorable puppies!!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Oh my goodness! Great pictures
Benny & Lily

The Daily Pip said...

OMD! Cuteness overload! I love the pictures in the wagon!

Your pal, Pip

Jake of Florida said...

Glad to know we're not the only one with scads of "almost" photos!

Wirey woofs,

Jake and Just Harry

Susie said...

I used to be patient, but no longer :-). The pups are so big now. Mine go home tomorrow.

Angus said...

Now I understand why patience is a virtue . What a laugh !

the booker man said...

heehee! my mama has lots 'n lots of the "not quite" pics, too. but you know what? they always make everybuddy giggle when you go back through 'n look at them. :)

the booker mn

Anonymous said...

I could just jump right in that box with all those pups. This one's my favorite!

Roooooo! Stuart

Sue said...

You're right, it takes lots of shots to get the perfect one. Looking back now, some of the outtakes are priceless.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

But the bloopers are just as cute as the best ones. We LOVE seeing all these photos. We are so going to miss the Sweet Babes.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

YankeeQuilter said...

Thanks for all your the photos!

Ms. ~K said...

I'm just so glad you do what you do and share it all with us!!!

♥I am Holly♥ said...

You really got some wonderful pictures!! Lots of love, Holly & Mom

Oskar said...

You must be full of the patience!

Nubbin wiggles,

Sweet William The Scot said...

The illusive one that you chase and chase ~ the one that you wait for might not be the one that makes you go oh my! or hehehe!
The first cross eyed babe one is a winner.
Sweet William The Scot

Scooter said...

well...they give you good exercise!!! BOL
cute pics though!!


Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

It's worth the waiting to get that perfect shot. But we love all the out-takes, too.

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

Linda said...

Very entertaining, I laughed out loud! All of your pups have been beautiful and full of mischief, as all Scotties should be. We never get tired of looking at them.

Hugs & Kisses,
Linda & Abby

Duke said...

Patience pays off! The pictures are fabulous!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Dexter said...

I figured there had to be about a gajillion out takes for every good photo with all those pups.


Hoke said...

Amazing!!! All you need is to put it on a postcard and I could see it framed in your house!!!

Unknown said...

Wow, you sure worked hard to get all those pups to cooperate for the perfect photo. Great job, the pics are amazing. We also like the spontaneity of the "imperfect" ones:)

Mocha Barney, Ashley Pumpernickel and Winniechurchill

Reena said...

And they say shooting babies is hard work! Great photos and so much fun hearing how you got those shots!

Sierra Rose said...

That's amazing!! Love all the photos and hearing about the effort that went in!

Sweet hugs,
Sierra Rose

Patty ♣ said...

Had to paste a picture of the babies on my Blog..I so enjoy looking in each day! Thanks for the smiles!♥

Golden Samantha said...

Tanks so much for comin' by to say hi! We surmise that no matter which pic... we react in the same way... awwwwwwwwwwwwww. Every single photo is extraordinary - love the amazing front-on smiley ones, but they are all wonderful!!! Know you worked so hard on these!
Hugs xoxoxo
Sammie and Avalon

Sweet Cottage Dreams said...

...and patience sure pays off!!! Lynn, I am catching up with all of your beautiful babes and all of these gorgeous photos. You amaze me that you got, once again, such adorable pics of the babes. I am in love with each and every one of them!!!

love ya,

Allie said...

It sounds like it's always a party at your house! How FUN!!! I LOVE seeing EVERY photo of the puppies and their family. Thanks for sharing all of your 4 legged family with us every day!! <3

The Strawberry Mallard said...

BOL!!!! Wait a minute......just who do you think kept jumping outta there anyway....not moi!

My NJ HOOMAN Ma told me I am a little angel ;o)p.s.
I love all my new puppy siblings!
Beckaroooooo, G-dog and their peeps!

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