and we are busy
caring for her
so if we don't get around
as much as we'd like,
please understand.

The Nurse
Submitted by Frank Paylor of Sudbury, Ontario, Canada
When you are feeling sick, or worse,
thank your dear Maker for your nurse
Whose tender care and ministrations
are worth sincere congratulations.
The shattered limb, the fevered brow
are much the same to her somehow.
There is a need, a chance to heal,
to ease the pain that you might feel.
Through all those precious smiles
and words of comfort, as she tends
With all her sharpened skills and guiles
without complaint, she mends.
when you are sent upon your way
-- and you discover, in the end,
that you have had a pleasant visit
with a very special friend.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi
Ah-Oh!! You take very good care of Mom ok?? Tell her to get lots of rest cuz tomorrow is March 1st, and we wanna see those unfinished projects!! ;-)
Oh poor Mom, but I am sure she will be feeling better soon, with such a highly qualified team of nurses in attendance...
Toodle pip!
With a nursing crew like that a speedy recovery is guaranteed.
Get well soon, Lynn - I know you pups will take good care of her :o)
Judie, Duncan & Hamish
We have been hearing that the flu is at its peak right now. So far none here. We know you all make great nurses and will give your Mom good care. Hope she is well soon.
Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Please take care great care of your mum because the flu can be nasty.. keep her snuggled and warm.. Hugs GJ xx
Hope you get better really soon. You can't help but feel better with Scotties around! And you guys are the cutest!
Aroooo, Stuart
We hope your mom feels much better soon. We know that it is some bad stuff going around here. Take care of her! Lots of love, Holly and mom
I know that you're going to take very good care of her!
I hope she feels better soon.
Nubbin wiggles,
At least there are four of you and you can rotate duties! Hope She feels better VERY soon.
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
Wow, four nurses -- no waiting! We're sory your mom is sick, but she's lucky to have such good caregivers!!!
Wirey woofs,
Jake and Just Harry
Oh my goodness how sweet! We bet you are the best nurses. Hope mom feels better
Benny & Lily
You poor things!!!! Hugs to your mom
Abigail and Pippi
Lilly, Pipew, Cawwleigh and Wuaiwi,
I'm suwe wif youw loving nuwsing cawe youw Mom will get bettew in no time
I am sending hew healing smoochies to be applied houwly by you.
Love and smoochie kisses
We hope your mom feels better soon. Take good care of her, guys!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
I know woo will get her healthy again furry furry soon!
We hope your mom is feeling much better soon!
Oh, your poor mom, give her hugs for me. If I thought I could be cared for by such sweet nurses, I wouldn't mind being sick ;-)
Hope you feel better soon. Looks like you are in good paws :)
Wyatt and Stanzie
Oh no, hope you are feeling better soon, looks like you have a lot of help from your nurses!
Lots of licks
Sally and Paddy
Oh dear. Take very good care of you mom until she is all well. At least she has the most adorable attendants at her side.
Hope your Mom is feeling better by now. With nurses like you, how could she not be better?
Lynn, I hope you are feeling better. I am still under the weather here with a horrible flu bug.
Hugs to you, dear friend!
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