Monday, September 27, 2010


And our furiend
and fellow Scottie,
Snazzi Jazzi
was right in her prediction -
Ruairi got to go next.

Ruairi was really starting
to look pretty scruffy.
In fact, Mom was afraid
that if he got loose
someone might mistake him
for a pesky groundhog!

So she worked on him a bit.
He's still not finished.
Mom is trying to learn to hand strip
so she is taking all of us
to see her mentor on Friday -
she has shown many dogs
and is a "pro" at Scottie grooming -
she will instruct Mom on
how to get the
Ruairi Boy
in great shape -
and then we'll have a real "after" photo.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi


Holly said...

Lynn...omg...I am in love! Do NOT tell Rory!

WFT Nobby said...

Oh Ruairi, I feel for you, pal. My human has also been taking lessons in hand-stripping from my breeder, but she had not yet mastered the art. Tell you what though, it's a really good deal if you can arrange things such that the only way they can do the stripping is if your mouth is crammed full of treats. That's where we are at the moment. RESULT!
Looking forward to seeing the 'after' photo. I must say you look perfectly fine to me already.
Toodle pip!
PS Re the Geology field trip. Scotties, your submission is a trifle on the minimalist side. I am thinking I should have specified a minimum word count. That said, being Scottish terriers does give you an undeniable advantage!

Anonymous said...

Boy you guys sure look great! All that grooming and stuff. Whew. I had a little session myself yesterday. Took a half an hour just to brush out the tangles! You folks take some great photos. Makes a Scottie proud!


Scooter said...

YAY I was right BOL
You are lookin..good there Dude!! Um... who could be next lucky one?? PIPER!!! ;-) I will have to be cut soon too, but I am not bringing it up to Mom!! HAve a great day!!


TwoSpecialWires said...

Hmmm. It seems it must be that time of the year. We hear Moma making noises about getting rid of some of our furs so they can all grow back in again over the fall and winter. And ... we're gonna ask ... is hand stripping what she does when she yanks furs from our tender delicate skin? We didn't know there was a name for it. All we know is something sort of like, "Come here, Jakeyboy ... ", said with a certain look in her eyes, and the treats are rather, shall we say, delayed.

Wondering how she'd like if it we stripped her?
(Just wondering. That's all.)
Jake and Fergi xxoo

pajudie said...

Looking good!!! We'll be interested in hearing how the stripping goes - and seeing the "after" photos - good luck :o)
Judie, Duncan & Hamish

Two French Bulldogs said...

A groundhog? We thought you were Benji, BOL. You look adorable either way. Wow stripping? Your mom has lots of patience
Benny & Lily

animal lover, quilt lover said...

You poor Scotties!! I am so sorry you guys get scruffy and have to be cut!! It's not fair is it?? That is the only reason that I am not going to get a scottie. I could not groom them myself and could not afford to hire it done.
Of course Bambi has not missed her home made diet but the damage is done. We start over!!
XXOO, Bambi & fern

Piappies World said...

Oh, Ruairi! You are looking good! It's grooming week for your guys, then. Weeeeee

Piappies Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai & Wai-Max

Stella said...

The thing is, Ruairi, is we don't know how you could get any handsomer and if you did, could we bear it? Tell your Mum to have a little pity on us.


bbes tribe said...

OMD! It's an epidemic! I Ernie am hearing about needing my hairs cut. It does sound easier for me than getting them stripped.

Hollie and Janie said...

You all look so great with your new cuts! So spiffy! I'm going to get a cut/curl this week, too!!

BRUTUS said...

Wow, a groomers work is never done, huh? I've said it before & I'll say it again - thank goodness Frenchies have the lowest maintainace coats there are!!

Brutus & Carmen

Clive said...

Ruairi, you're looking good!

Sounds like you get nearly as much grooming as I do!

take care

♥I am Holly♥ said...

So good looking!!

Love, Holly and mom

Dandy Duke said...

How neat that your mom is learning how to handstrip! You are going to be looking VERY handsome soon, Ruairi!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Oskar said...

Aww he looks so cute. I've heard about stripping, they do it for schnauzers too, but I've never had it happen.

Nubbin wiggles

Anonymous said...

Love that little coal nose

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Hey Ruairi, tell mom she won't need to do the hand stripping - you look outstanding as is!!! And Piper - better run as fast as you can - you are next!!!

Woos ~ Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara

houndstooth said...

Stripping?! Maybe I'm too young for this blog...


P.S. Once again, you make me glad I have short fur!

Hoke said...

Beautiful dogs!!!! I look forward to following you blog

Taffy said...

What does "hand strip" mean? I have to say, I'm glad I don't have to be groomed know, just the nails and the bootie. You guys always look adorable groomed or not. (Do you think that will keep your momma from doing any more?)
PS: I promise I am trying to do better at leaving comments and visiting. My momma has really been slacking but she promised to get back to work. Please forgive me.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I khan ofFUR a safe haven if woo khan get to Pawsylvania!


Lallee said...

You are very brave learning to strip, the dogs that is ;-)

Hoke said...

Thanks for the introduction to your furiends!!! Hoke is thrilled and so are we!!!

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