Thursday, August 12, 2010


As you all know our sweet Sissy
has been visiting with us.

We all take turns getting spoiled.

Unless we want to tease her
and play "keep away".

She was the "lovely Vanna"
at our family reunion -
and gave out all the gifts.
She even won one
for traveling the longest distance
to get there.

While at our Aunt Betty Jean's
she even went over to the other side
for a few minutes.
But we don't hold that against her -
after all we have some cat furiends.

But now she has left us for a few days
to go sailing -
we miss her so,
but we know she'll be back soon.
This is a practice run -
when she leaves on Sunday
to go back to California,
we'll really be lonely.

Mom and Dad will have to spoil us then.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi


Anonymous said...

Isn't it fun to visit with your loved ones? Sissy looks like she loves you guys a lot (we won't talk about the kitty hug....).

Give her a big 'ole lick in the face from Stuart. Roodles for now.

Sweet Cottage Dreams said...

what a lovely SISSY! how FUN to have her there to visit and give you love and cuddles! tell her to be safe on that boat! maw and paw use to sail and, well, lets just say it can be risky! our maw loves sissy's skirt!!!

have fun!

duhgall and fiona
and miss kitty, too

George The Lad said...

I can see Sissy loves yea, and that's a great photo of her on the boat, I hope she uses that carbine hook when shes sailing
See Yea George xxx

Martine said...

Oh how lovely! Enjoy your time with your sissy, give her extra kisses!!

xo martine & the kiddlets

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

We thought maybe THAT was her prize fur travelling the greatest distance!

We are so happy to see woo had fun -

I'm sure woo fuzzed her lots and lots - and sent her away with some Scottie Starter Kits!

Khyra, Khousin Merdie, and MUSHER ;-)

Tee said...

it's always hard when someone you love goes away... We'd be sending you much licks and wags so you won't feel so blue!

Licks and wags

Tuffy and the Dog WOods Pack

Duke said...

We know exactly how it feels to have your sissy come home and visit! We love it when our sissy visits us too!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

Sue said...

In this heat the thought of going sailing sounds wonderful.

Princess Patches said...

We don't have any hooman pups to come and see us, but we sure do get excited when ANYbody comes! Today, it was the cable guy! Good thing Patches is at the spa or she would have driven him crazy. He has Great Danes and Chihuahuas. I don't think that's spelled right, but you get the idea.

Penny & Patches (still at the groomer)

Remington said...

Isn't company fun! Love the pic with the boat! Very cool!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Sounds like you had a great time and it shows in the lovely pictures.I love the sailing one. Hope the sailing is brilliant and you get much more spoiling when she comes back. Hugs GJ xx

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

What a treat to have someone else there to spoil you and have fun with!! It really makes you remember why those like Sissy are such an important part of our lives!!

Bella Roxy & Macdui said...

We know you love it when your sister comes. Those pictures showed just how much. Too bad she had to leave again so soom. Hope it isn't too long before she gets back.

XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella

Mumzie said...

Such fun! Hopefully, she will return soon. Mumzie :)

Anonymous said...

Girl can't stay on land, two weeks till we get to go out on our boat!!

houndstooth said...

Your sissy is so cool! I hope you get to have a little more spoiling before she goes back and that she has safe travels when she goes!


Angus said...

Fun abounds. That's exactly the way it should be.

animal lover, quilt lover said...

Lynn, you have a very beautiful daughter!!! The pictures were great and I am so happy the you got to spend time with her!! I have never been to a family reunion!!
We had a crazy family!!
XXOO, Bambi & Fern

Scooter said...

I am sooo glad that you are having fun with your sissy!!! Too bad she has to go home, cant you guys all hogtie her and make her stay?? try the sad looks and see if it works!!


Anonymous said...

We knows you loves your sissy best thing is to make the most of her while she home. That means lots of snoodles, huggles and waggles.

She will be back soon.

Waggles and Swaggles
Hector and Bonny too!

Bella and Ollie said...

Looks like you are having so many good times with you sister. We are glad for you. :)

Love, Bella & Ollie.

Ms. ~K said...

We would love to borrow your sissy. She looks like a lot of fun!!!

♥I am Holly♥ said...

It sure sounds like everyone is having lots of fun having your sissy back home! I bet she is having fun sailing!! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly

WFT Nobby said...

Wow I think you have the coolest Sissy on the planet. Lucky lucky you. We have a harbour in Aberdeen. I do hope her boat will sail round here some time!
Toodle pip!

Dexter said...

I hope your sissy has fun whilst at sea without YOU!

At least you got some quality time with her first, right?


Sunshade said...

Your sweet sissy is the cooooolest!! All that loving, you lucky kids. Ummm... did she bring that thing from the other side back for you guys to chase..err... meet I mean?

ps. I think its so cool your sissy knows how to sail. I love boats!

Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade

Hollie and Janie said...

Awww!! What a great visit! Your sissy is so pretty! I bet you all loved getting spoiled!

Hollie and Janie said...

Awww!! What a great visit! Your sissy is so pretty! I bet you all loved getting spoiled!

The Strawberry Mallard said...

We'll have a shoulder ready for you to cry on when she heads back west again!
Bad Baby Beckaroo and the G-dog

Asta said...

Deew Lilly,Pipew,Cawwleigh and Wuaiwi,
You awe so lucky to have such a bootifu and sweet sissie to come visit and cuddle must have been a lovely family weunion..Ihope youw sissie has fun on that bootiful boat and that you get lots of tweats and love to make you not miss hew so
smoochie kisses

Pat Wahler said...

One can never have too many spoilers!


Inky and Molly said...

You are so lucky to have a sissy like that. Hang on in there, she'll be back soon!

TwoSpecialWires said...

We think Kat is beautiful. We keep coming back to this blog post to enjoy her again. Tell her we said so. OK?

Jake and Fergi and Family

Oskar said...

What a pretty sissy!

tammy said...

Your daughter is a beautiful young lady. I love her hair too!!
All the pictures of the Scottie and her are precious... I know you will miss her when she goes back to California.

Lallee said...

I'm glad you had some fun time with your daughter. She's a beauty!

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