We know it was a surprise to most of you
when we announced that Carrleigh
had a beautiful litter of puppies.
But you have been there with us
through it all.
when we announced that Carrleigh
had a beautiful litter of puppies.
But you have been there with us
through it all.

Just a recap -
Hamish is now Sir Bentley
Angus is now Bailey
Dugan is still Dugan
Finlay is now Murphy
Henry is now Ruairi
Scarlet is still Scarlet
Jazzi is now Finleigh
Ciera is now Tori
Snickers is now Becky
What a wonderful montage of puppies from birth to proud Christening (so cute!) and all the way to puppy classes! You should be so furry proud of this beautiful litter of pups - we know Carrleigh is! Gorgeous!
Hugs xoxoxo
How fast time flies... Just read your "remembering Java Bean" post and the tears that were bottled up yesterday were finally shed. We are indeed spiritual beings, having an earthly experience.
Your pals,
Petey, Mica and their weepy Mom
Seems like only yesterday that they were just babies! Time goes by so quickly. Great post!
Sent to puppy kindergarten? Like boarding school?? Oh my they do grow up fast! Next thing you know they'll be off to college...
Brutus the Frenchie
Have you really sent him off or are you attending class with him?
We've got some serious catching up to do. Do they teach dogs to read in puppy kindergarten? We're realizing we can't depend on Moma these days to read TO us. Let alone paw out comments to you, our friends. We hope you know we think about you all all the time and are looking forward to this summer! Hang in there with us, okay? We miss you!
Love, two of your wirey friends,
The very dependent Jake and Fergi
Puppies!! They grew up!! How fast that went! Puppy kindergarten sounds like fun!! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
Oh! I loved Puppy K. I loved it so much, I got to repeat it! I just loved talking to all the other puppies and not staying in my seat and playing bitey-face when I was supposed to sit/stay. It was one long snack time to me. I hope Ruairi has as much fun as I did! Well, except for the timeout part.
The puppies grew up so fast!!! Can't wait to see updates of their new adventures!!
Growing up stinks! Our momma is in a funk about growing up...and a little bit of denial...tee-hee.
Everyone looks fabulous and we hope they are doing well. Can't wait to hear more about how they are all doing.
Wags and Woofs,
Mack and Mia
Oh that picture of the Dogfathers has brought a such a big lump to my throat.
Hey soul sister, we are working on a show for Roanoke!!
Wow! They grow up so fast. Funny, because it seemed like FOREVER between the time Mom told me Abby was born and the time she was ready to be picked up. We loved the pictures - and hopefully updates from the wee ones as they start on their new adventures!
*kissey face*
-Fiona (and Abby, I guess, now that she's getting her Big Dog teeth in...)
Your the best "Mommy" a Scotty puppy could ever hope for!!!
THANKS again for a much needed grin on a rainy Tuesday!! Does Ruairi wear anything under that kilt?? ;-))))) Enjoy your day!!!
How quickly is all goes by! Mom says you've got to enjoy it while it lasts!
What a cute picture of Ruairi off to kindergarten!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
School? Yuck. Bet they will try and teach him all that obedience stuffie. I know he'll ignore most of it being a true terrier! Way to go Ruain!
Wiry love Eric xx
It has been an amazing experience for us to watch them grow too. We enjoyed every post and wish it didn't have to end. We hope you will share a few pictures you get as pupdates.
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo & Uncle Puppy
We have enjoyed every minute of it. Such adorable puppies and wonderful Mom too.
Ciara starts her obedience tomorrow. She plans to be sure to train Mom properly.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Oh my, Kindergarten already?
They grow up too quickly.
We can't wait to see the cool things he learns at school, and Buddy says he will help Ruairi with his homework.
Licks and sniffs,
Zack, Sassy and Buddy
Brings back memories. We met your gang with 'Our Mom can't count' and have looked forward to, and enjoyed your adventures since.
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
Yes, time flies by way too fast.... The babies are all grown up, but still oh so cute!! We rarely see the unique cream/white colouring Scotties, and yet all of the babies are white/cream coloured!
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
Hi you guys, its Gen & the Foo!!
We are so happy to hear that you are trying to help Momma out in the wedding giveaway. They are offering some swanky wedding bling that we think our momma should have.
Keep spreading the word, the competition is fierce.
How khute!
I wonder what he thought of his furst day!?!
They are so very cute!
We have been thwough it all because we love you and enjoyed evewy moment and thank you fow shawing it wif us. It goes much too fast.
I know that Wuaiwi will do vewy vewy well in Puppy Kindewgawten.He will cewtainly be the best dwessed boy. I will follow his pwogwess wif gweat intewes, hehehe
smoochie kisses
Good luck in kindergarten Ruari! It's a fun place if it's like where those human puppies go!
those pups grow up so quickly, don't they? thanks for the trip down puppy memory lane. they were cute then, and they are still adorable as always now!!
the booker man and asa's mama
Good Luck at school Ruari!!
PeeEss...tell your Mama to NEVER get off her soap box, we like her there.
Go to the head of the class Ruari!
My how time flies. It seems like only yesterday they were all curled up together. It's the great thing about life that it surges on, fresh and new. Your post this morning with its talk of puppies has attracted attention in this household.
Thanks for reminding us about that particular journey...its was such fun to watch them all. ..and its wonderful to see the pictures again. Nothing like puppies to brighten the day!
Sending you all lotsaluv
That was so nice to recap and see all the lovely puppies again. I so enjoyed seeing their journey again.. Hugs GJ xx
AMen Amen!!! Loving a dog is the very best thing in the world!!! They are the most wonderful thing on this earth!!
Loved your blog today Lynn!!! Love the pictures of the pups!!!
My computer is not happy again. Going to have to get Tom back on duty!!!
XXOO, Sweet Bambi & Fern
What Gorgeous puppies! Isn't amazing how quick they grow up?
Then off to puppy school.
Thanks for sharing.
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