We thought you would like to see
how the puppies are growing -
these are pictures that we have received
from their parents during the
month of May -
we are still trying to keep them in order
and if you want to compare,
check out the original pictures.

Sir Bentley
Sir Dugan -
puppies 1 & 3.
They live with Robin and Moe
in Canada.
This is their "who me??" look.
Their Mom says,
"they are full of beans".

lives with his big brother, Mackie,
in Virginia.
And guess what -
he's caught some animals this Spring -
bird feathers are impossible to digest.

is our own
"red king" -
Mr. Ruairi.
This picture was made this morning.
We don't have a recent picture
of puppy #6 - Scarlet.

is our little Beckers -
She is quite the talented girl -
already learning to skateboard!!
Have a wonderful Memorial Day
and remember to toast all of the
brave men and women who
have put their life on the line
for our freedom.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi
Love the picture on the skateboard. You must be really happy to see them all settled and happy in such loving homes.
Those puppies are all living the life of Riley! How cool for them to all be doing so well!
It is wonderful to see them all happy in their new homes.
Happy Memorial Day!
I love seeing them all in their new homes and doing well!! Love the one on the skateboard!! Happy Memorial Day! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
They all have such great homes! How super wonderful - it must make you, Mama, feel so happy! I, too, love the skateboarding picture, but all of them are just adorable! And Amen. We will make a toast to our dedicated soldiers, past, present and no doubt, future in gratitude.
Big Hugs xoxoxo
Sammie and the gang
Awww..they are all still so cute and soo big!! It is fun to see where they are all at now. Any of them have blog pages for their dogs yet? If not...... then WHYnot??? BOL
Come on moms, lets get busy we wanna see them grow up!! right??
Awww..they are all still so cute and soo big!! It is fun to see where they are all at now. Any of them have blog pages for their dogs yet? If not...... then WHYnot??? BOL
Come on moms, lets get busy we wanna see them grow up!! right??
Great Post. So nice to see the puppies so loved in their furever homes!
They all look like they've adjusted nicely to their new homes and are very happy. You did a good job. Finding good homes is always a worry.
Thank you for the update on the adorable pups...I know you are happy to see them all in good homes!
Hugs and belly rubs to all,
Kit and Pups
So nice to see them again!
Wonderful pictures of the puppies! Hope we get to see many more. They are all so cute and look so happy in their new homes.
So pleased to see the puppy pictures, and of course Gail is always especially interested in how Sir Bentley is getting on. He really is rather handsome, isn't he? (Not that we're biased!)
Toodle pip!
Oh, my goodness! Those puppies are the cutest and melt your heart. Of course, Becky would be the one learning to skate board!!!
The pups look wonderful and we are just loving the updates!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Hello there!
Thanks for the wonderful update. We are happy the each and every one are happy in their furever homes and they are so much loved.
The skateboarding photo is such a winner! How'd you do that?!
So nice of their pawrents to send you the updates. Thankies!
-Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar, Wai-Pai, Wai-Max & the Piappies
Hi Lilly ,Pipew, Cawwleigh, Wuaiwi,
Happy Memowial Day to you! I am vewy gwateful to the hoomans who have sacwificed so much fow ouw fweedoms.
I love seeing sll youw pups and whewe they awe now. I know all of them make theiw homes happiew places.
smoochie kisses
Thanks for your updtate. It is nice to see how they are growing up. Skateboarding looks so much fun!
Oh, what a wonderful post - we loved the pupdate. Mr. Ruairi is just gorgeous - love his coloring. And that skateboard gal:)) They all look like they are doing just marvelous.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Holy crap, those kids are growing up fast. They are such cute youngsters
Benny & Lily
How wonderful that they are all so happy and in loving homes. You must be so pleased.. Hugs GJ x
Your sweet pups are growing up so quickly!! I'm sure it's such a good feeling to know they have homes where they are loved and so well cared for, and learning the finer things in life like skate boarding--I doubt a Golden could ever learn that!! :-))) With this post, I'm sure your week is off to a good start!!
Wonderful update and pictures. It's terrific that the puppies are keeping in touch with you. We just moved to our new home and no one knows or seems to care how we ended up.
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
It's amazing to see how they all have grown and developed. They are all cute but we love the photo of Bentley and Dugan, they look like real trouble makers.
That is so great that all the pups are sending postcards from their new homes. Fun to see them growing, huh.
P.S. Momma says her basset hound used to eat birds too. Ick.
Hi Scotties,
So good to see the pups in there forever homes!!
Thanks for the up date.
XXOO, Bambi & Fern
So furry khute!
Siberians are also known fur their listening skills!
Of khourse, listening and doing khan be khwite difFURent!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
They are growing so fast! Thanks for the smiles this evening.
Thanks for sharing all of the puppy photos.......I LOVED each and every one of them! They are the cutest litter of pups I've ever seen and each picture just makes me smile. I'm so glad they each have found a very special home.
Happy Memorial Day!
What dear photos of our former baby dogs! I hope they keep coming, don't you? Ruairi is very handsome and looks a bit bigger than the rest but I suppose pix were all taken at different times.
Thanks for sending them our way!
They all look so happy and healthy! We love the pictures. Keep them coming please!
Shannon and the Gang
We're back. Alpha said that she remembers pulling the bottom off the honeysuckle, carefully pulling out the stamen to get that one drop of honey. We may have to get a plant.
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
PS - Thanks for the card which arrived this morning.
They look all so beautiful and happy.
Love, Bella.
It's wonderful to keep in touch with those lovely pups.
Puppy #9 Beckers,you go girl! (I would have leaked myself on that speedy skateboard, hehe!)
You know, I hate skateboards! Maybe if I rode one, I'd like them better. And She kind of knows Bailey's mom. I guess I was that cute when I was their age????? Roodles, Stuart
They looks so happy and spoiled!! We loved the pupdates!!
Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three
What a great post! I love seeing all those adorable puppies in their forever homes!! It must make yall so happy to see that they are so loved!!
Aw, I loved my puppers fix! great to know they are all well and happy in their new homes.
Wiry love Eric xx
Terrific update! The babies are growing up so fast!
Love those new puppy photos! Where in Canada do Sir Benley and Sir Dugan live????
And is that a gurrrrl on a skateboard I see?
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
Oh, how nice to see them all! Like a little reunion! And they all lived happily ever after!
Michelle & Brutus
Oh, how nice to see them all! Like a little reunion! And they all lived happily ever after!
Michelle & Brutus
Hey when DO we have our family reunion? Ma & Pa are itching to go on the road ;o)
Beckarrrroooooo & her big brother G-dog
Oh we are so happy to see the pups and how they are growing. Thank you so much dear friends!
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRD & Hootie
Hello you guys!
My name is Frankie and boy oh boy, am I glad to have sniffed out your blog.
Those pups look adorable, I'm taking a guess that they;ve settled in now... Gosh, I remember my pups!
I've followed your log and I;d appreciate it if you'd come and check out mine!
Frankie x :)
Awwwww....they are all so CUTE!!!
Lynn, I have already made up my mind that scottie number 3 will be from Rocky Creek Farms! Your babies are just beautiful!
Thanks so much for sharing. I look forward to watching Rocky Creek plus 8 grow!
NOW we don't feel so far behind! It's great to catch up with the precious puppies, and we're happy to see they are so well loved!
We can hardly wait to meet Ruairi. Is he the only puppy who is still with you?
Getting excited,
Jake and Fergi
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