When Mom leashes up
the adults dogs,
each one knows exactly
where they will walk
and for the most part will stay in their place.
Occasionally we get really excited
and decide to tie our leashes
around her legs so she can't walk!
To see perfection in motion,
you need to check out some of
the OP Pack's walking videos.
So after the
"three dog circus"
of getting the puppies
all on leashes,
she starts out with them.
See how well they are doing.
the adults dogs,
each one knows exactly
where they will walk
and for the most part will stay in their place.
Occasionally we get really excited
and decide to tie our leashes
around her legs so she can't walk!
To see perfection in motion,
you need to check out some of
the OP Pack's walking videos.

"three dog circus"
of getting the puppies
all on leashes,
she starts out with them.
See how well they are doing.
Practice, practice, practice. The pups take a while to figure things out.
How they are growing and I am sure they will get there in the end.. They are gorgeous.. Hugs GJ xx
We agree with MAngo...
the pups need practice and practice and practice!!!!
We know they'll be great walking with their leashes soon!!!!!!!!
We missed you tons guys!!!!
Are you all ok??
We're getting to the normality.....so we'll be able to read your blog and leave comments again soon!!!!!!!!
Take care of you dear friends!!!!
Great pics!!!!!
We love you!!!!!
My girls still tangle if I take more than two at a time. There's just so much to see and sniff.
Good thing their leashes are all different colors - makes it easier to unbraid them! As long as they don't turn mom into some sort of wlaking Maypole...
Brutus the Frenchie
We'd be too busy laughing and giggling! We probably wouldn't get very far. LOL! They look beautiful.
Shannon and the Gang
Can you hear me laughing?
Yes, they are happy, healthy and adorable!!!
Hugs and belly rubs,
Kit and Pups
I get in a tangle and there's only one of me!
Of course it doesn't help that I just love to chew on dangly things...
Toodle pip!
How cute they are!!! My two boys are doing pretty well at walking and don't tangle me up too many times. It takes time but they seem to learn their place - unless there's a rabbit lurking in the grass!!! Then it's bunny-beware!!!
Judie, Duncan & Hamish
They are so cute and sweet!! I would just want to hug them so much!! I have enough trouble walking one dog. I can't imagine three puppies! Lots of love, Debbie and Holly
I'm with the puppies on this one!! I like to change things up on the momma so she never quite knows where I'm going to walk!! Keeps her on her toes!! Can't believe how big the puppies have gotten!! So cute!!
Sometimes it's still fun to tangle the momma even after you master leash walking...not that Mia and I do that or anything...err.....gotta go!
Wags and woofs,
Mack and Mia
We hope the next posting we see is not your mom on her butt with leashes wrapped around her head! haha
We love that last picture! What a happy pup!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Hi Lynn and Scotties,
Happy and healthy is the main thing!!!!!!! Thay all look so good!! Bless your heart Lynn, this has been hard work for you!!!! It turned out good the Lily didn't have puppies too. Can you imagine!!
It could have killed you!!!!!!LOL
Thanks for thinking of me,
I thought of you too!!
XXOO, Fern
Can't believe how quickly those puppies have grown! And oh so cute. I'm editing my post today to add Java. Sorry I missed Java the first time...
Your pal,
Petey and his mom
Practice makes perfect! They'll get there .... they have grown so much!
take care
Clive and the NSLM
LOVE the "three dog circus" very cute! They grow up so quick. They will learn how to all walk together, eventually.
They're still so cute and brighten our day...especially after Digby.
We always get tangled because we're too curious. Alpha says she feels like a demented puppeteer at times!
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
Ha - we need to see this as a video:) Mom hasn't done much walking of three of us together because she hurt her back. But she has finally gotten Ciara to walk pretty well. She has to wear the Gentle Leader now that her Siberian pulling genes have kicked in. Mom says she cannot imagine trying to walk three puppies:)
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
And I thought walking two dogs was a challenge!
BOL! It would be easier to herd cats! They'll get it eventually, though!
Sooo cute! LOL!
Looks like herding catses.
Scotty Dog Makhrame!
What big adorable babies..
Benny & Lily
...rollin', rollin' rollin'...keep them doggies rollin'...rawhide...well after a good walkie!
Hugz, Becky's mommy & brother
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