In a tradition started by none other than the Postal Service, this week (May 16 to 22) marks National Dog Bite Prevention Week. The public service campaign was initiated to call attention to one of the nation's most commonly reported public health problems - dog bites - and offers safety tips, emphasizing the need for increased pet owner responsibility in the prevention of dog bites.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 4.5 million Americans are bitten by dogs each year. Of those, one in five results in injuries that require medical attention. In the latest annual data available, more than 31,000 people underwent reconstructive surgery as a result of being bitten by dogs.
To read more about it,
check out Caesar Milan's website.
Remember to keep your teefies
off of your postman
and everyone else!!
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh, Ruairi and Becky
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 4.5 million Americans are bitten by dogs each year. Of those, one in five results in injuries that require medical attention. In the latest annual data available, more than 31,000 people underwent reconstructive surgery as a result of being bitten by dogs.
To read more about it,
check out Caesar Milan's website.
Remember to keep your teefies
off of your postman
and everyone else!!
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh, Ruairi and Becky
I would never bite my mailman, he is tooo nice to me. He leaves me doggy bones so I treat him real nice.
No danger of getting bitten by dogs here, however, I can't be held responsible for slobbery dog kisses!
Hugs and belly rubs to all,
Kit and Pups
Kendra just went off her brain at the package delivery woman, but she couldn't get outside to get her. We have to watch Kendra and Bella around people, but I'm alright. In fact, I'm perfect.
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
I had no idea! I don't get the chance to bite the mailman, they don't come here. Still, I think it's pretty important for people to know about!
Hi Scotties,
You would bite the mailman, would you scotties?? I know Bambi wouldn't. She thinks the mail person is going to bring good things to eat!!!!
XXOO, Fern
We love our post lady! The only think we puts on her is our tongue for kisses! BOL!
Stella, Gunther and Betty
Why is Gail looking at me so stern and saying 'Bertie, read this and pay attention, biting people is REALLY BAD, and yes that even means little nips with puppy teeth.....'
Toodle pip!
We bark like the dickens at our mailman but we would never bite him! He brings us pressies!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
Hello everyone,
Teddy would lick the postman to death. And Louie would bark his head off. Some days these two get on my nerves bad. Our postman puts our mail in our rural postbox and leaves them two treats everyday. They know when he stops, who he is and expects the treats. He's been doing that for the past two years.
Louie has been acting younger with Teddy around, thats a good thing for him, but they get too wild some days. Of course I still love those "sweet faces and big round eyes" agghhh. But MY puppy days are over. I am getting to old.
Bite? I have never done that to anyone! AND I would never do anything to Mailman Mike....he is my friend....so no worries from here!
Why do folks think Macbeth will bite...he just likes to "talk" to new folks but when they see those big Scottie teeth they get very nervous!
Bite the mailman?.....Me?.....MOST CERTAINLY NOT!
But barking is not off-limits!
Wags and woofs,
Mack and Mia
You wouldn't bite the mailman would you???????
We don't even see our mailman unless he has a big package for us...Then we are WAY too happy to bite him!!
Smileys and Snuggles!
Dory and Jacob (and Bilbo too!)
I bark when I hears the mailman, but then I do my wigglebutt thing if he has to ring the doorbell or something. I really like him cause he has.... treats for me! Thanks for telling us!
Oh my oh my!! Those are some big numbers of dog bites. Very cool Postal Service week!
Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose
Thanks for the reminder. Dog bites never add up to anything good for either biter or bitee.
"Ya hear that Gus?"
"Yeah Ma I heard it....I'll try...but those sunglasses still scare me!"
We can only HOPE that it never happens here ;>0
I find it encouraging that more and more children are being taught to stop and ask to pet the dog instead of just rushing forward. It's good manners along with a way of preventing bites.
We might lick you to death, but never bite you!! HEHEHE!!!
Woofs and Kisses!
The Fiesty Three
Hi Mags,
Good to be back and great to hear from you. I use to do a lot of tatting, for several years that was my "thing". I think tatted Lace is much prettier than crochet lace. I don't crochet many things anymore, but sometimes baby blankets and prayer shawls. Have a good day...oh, and I found attic24 and she is an inspiration with her colorful crocheted goodness..Her blog name is "I LOVE LUCY".
We like our Post Man but we hate post. Especially if she is out when it comes - we nibble away until only white pulp remains. Yum.
Hector, Bonny and C.
Very good post. We are always very sad when a good dog gets in trouble for biting someone.
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