and we are busy
caring for her
so if we don't get around
as much as we'd like,
please understand.
The Nurse
Submitted by Frank Paylor of Sudbury, Ontario, Canada
When you are feeling sick, or worse,
thank your dear Maker for your nurse
Whose tender care and ministrations
are worth sincere congratulations.
The shattered limb, the fevered brow
are much the same to her somehow.
There is a need, a chance to heal,
to ease the pain that you might feel.
Through all those precious smiles
and words of comfort, as she tends
With all her sharpened skills and guiles
without complaint, she mends.
when you are sent upon your way
-- and you discover, in the end,
that you have had a pleasant visit
with a very special friend.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Ruairi