was able to carry and deliver
9 healthy puppies.
Do you know that Carr's normal weight
is about 22 pounds
and those 9 puppies alone
(without any of the fluids and junk that come with them)
weighed 4 1/2 pounds at birth -
they averaged 8 ounces each.
Now collectively they weigh
about 35 pounds -
Mom is getting stronger day by day
just by carrying their basket.
Other than the puppies,
and the wonderful parents they have picked,
we find ourselves being thankful
on a daily basis

it gets sprinkled in between the sheets
on their bed every time we change it -
and it makes them smell baby sweet.

that keep us on our toes -
they eat 4 times a day now
and by the time we get everything cleaned,
it's time to start it all over again.

it's the best thing we've found
to combat odors -
it doesn't cover them up
or smell perfumy -
it just makes them disappear.

our friend, Carolyn, gave us -
and the fact that the puppies piddle
on the clean sheets the minute
it get's changed -
it's like a race to see who can be first!
Geee,,,I am the first post YIPPEE!! Any prizes for that???? LOL
I can hear them already, Ok...the sheets are changed who wants to be first? I do, I do, NO..no...you went first last time, it is my turn this time, tooo funny
And...that laundry pile!! all I can say is Awwwwww......
Have fun with that!!!
You guys are soooooo busy! Still, I bet you guys have racked up a bunch of great stories, memories, and fun times in all the mix of things. Cherish these moments, they go so fast. It's so cliche, but oh so true.
Wags and Woofs,
Mack and Mia
Lynn you have 9 babies!! One baby makes alot of laundry 8 more makes 8 times that!!! You are a busy girl!!! I guess it wont be long now that one by one they will go to there forever home, right?? When is the first one going?? I hope they have blogs, so we can keep an eye out for them. They feel like our babies too!! How did they get their name changed??
Kiss the babies for us, Bambi & Fern
Wow - that's quite a pile of laundry!!! They sure are precious, though, and worth all the work, I suspect.
Hamish & Duncan
What wonderful puppies & family!! Thanks for sharing. We were visiting the Chronicles of Woos & thought we'd drop by. We enjoyed our visit and will drop by from time to time. If you get a chance drop by & visit us. We enjpoy visitors. Happy Day to you all.
Ernie, Sasha, Chica
OMD Guys!!!!!
You're sooooooooooooo busy!!!!!
But we think all that work is for a good cause.....keep clean and comfy youe sweet puppies!!!!!!
We love love love your babies....they look soooooooooooooo cute and beautiful!!!!
Thanks for sharing with us such a beautiful photos!!!!!!!!!!!
And if you need help keeping their beds cleaned....call us ok???!!!!!
Take care of you!!!!
Sweet kisses and licks!!!
This is about the age they like to bite your fingers and toes too...yikes! Glad to hear Mom is doing well. This may be the biggest Scottie litter I've heard of...our largest was 6! (and I thought that was a lot of work!)
The small things in life like soap and puppies do bring a certain amount of joy, don't they?
Woooos! The joy of puppies...... the work of puppies... love the laundry picture.
~puppy kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Lots of work but lots of joy. Lots of sweet memories. The time fly's by but lovely pictures you have got will keep the memories alive.. HUgs GJ xx
Cute puppies! Enjoy!
Aww, the puppies are so cute!
Are you getting any rest? It's hard to believe, until you've done it, how much work is required by a litter of puppies.
It seemed like I was always wiping up puddles and picking up poop. Food goes in one end and almost instantly poop comes out the other end.
What a great start to life those puppies are having!
XXXOOO Daisy, Kendra & Bella
Puppies are such work!! I can't believe it!! Our friend has a litter of Frenchie right now, so mom has been talking to her ALOT!! Hmmmm..... Wonder what she's up to???
Brutus the Frenchie
Puppies are adorable but so much work. We used to foster and how well I remember...clean up, clean up, clean up!
Nine puppers? Clever Carrleigh! I can sniff those sweet Johnsons baby powdered warm little wrigglers from here. Perfect puppies!
Wiry wags Eric x
I came by to see the pups. They sure are growing. That sure is a pile of sheets! I am not sure if I ever told you what Ladybug's full name is. It is Ladybug Nairn of Braemar. Her parents are Aberdeen of Port Sheldon and Amish Campbell of Port Sheldon.
A busy busy time in your house!
take care
Clive and the NSLM
And the best of all those reasons to be thankful is that you have nine healthy and beautiful puppies despite all the work that comes with them. Congrats on an outstanding job.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Bahhh! All done in love.
I wish my laundry room looked like that too... I wonder if one like that even exists.
Shannon and the Gang
OMD and you're still keeping up with your blog??? Run, go, you're busy. Yikes :)
Oh my we have been so behind the babies are almost grown up!! We think we can smell their puppy breathe through the computer..... We also want to just send a big giant hug to as we just learned of Java.. no words necessary we know what you are feeling and just want to send ginourmous hugs.. Archie doesn't think he will get all the booties knitted by the time they need them( he is still only on bootie one.) Love A+A
yippy yea for you lady for caring for all those kids
Benny & Lily
It takes lots of help to take such great khare of such khuties!
Thanks fur sharing!
Yowza! That's a lot of laundry!
I can't tell you how much I admire you for the wonderful care you give your puppies. I wish all dog breeders were this loving and caring with their dogs.
Kudos to you!!
We knew you had your hands full. This pretty much spells it all out. But we have no doubt. It is all sooooo worth it! (Those puppies just keep getting cuter and cuter!)
Jake and Fergi xxoo
We love coming by to see the puppies. They sure have grown! We can understand the amount of work that went into caring for all those puppies but it's fun watching them grow and playing with them.
Are any of them singing the Scottie ARROOOOOOO song yet? SHE said I sounded like I was saying OOOUUUUUUTTTTTT when I woke up as a baby.
sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff, sniff and snif....good morning to the puppies!
But the puppies are worth all the effort, huh?
The pups just keep getting bigger and cuter!!!
I agree with the commenter above, I wish all dog breeders took such good care of their puppies!!!
Yes, Mother gave me a lots of things!!!!! I got more from her than I got from my Dad.
Big kiss from Bambi & Fern
Ps they are not all good things.
OMG!! Those puppies are unbelievably adorable! I would love to get to play with them and love on them!! I think it might be time to start potty training...doing all that laundry must so daunting!!
Oh sweet babies! I will be so sad to see them go.
You have a front loader? Momma is totally jelly. She got our washy machine as a wedding present 20 years ago and according to her "the damn thing just won't die."
Oh golly, the little stinkers are quite a handful for sure.You seem to be keeping up with the work though (AND your laundry room looks immaculate{{wink.wink}}!!)
Had to BOL at the picture of the sheets. We're catching up on all our reading today between trips to the potty---Mommy has her colonoscopy tomorrow so today is prep day. Ugh.
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRD & Hootie
Wow 35 lbs all together...thats quite impressive. We remember the days of the washer/dryer going non stop and the constant lump of dirty sheets in the basket when momma had the nine foster chihuahuas.
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
Pee Ess: We wish we could sniff them...I bet they do sniff well!
You must run your machine day and night...yes, yes, I totally understand the joy of peein' on a clean towel...I still like doin' it...
What an 'venture this has been for you all!!!
Kisses, Laciegirlie
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