Good Morning,
We thought everyone would like to see
how much the puppies have grown.
They have all tripled their birth weight.
#1 - Hamish
We thought everyone would like to see
how much the puppies have grown.
They have all tripled their birth weight.

They are starting to look like actual doggies at last!
Oh my goodness! I can't even stand how cute they are! They are growing so fast!!
Wooos! They are all getting to be so cute, but of course we love Hamish and our Dugan the best! Are they wooing yet??
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Wow - 3x as big in only 3 weeks? At this rate they will be ginormous by the end of the month!! Ah, youth...
Brutus the Frenchie
Oh my woofness ! Scottie Puppies ! they are all so so so cute !!
Oh, it is so nice to see a picture of my Finlay. He is so much handsomer, more intelligent looking, far more alert than the rest. Such a dear boy!
They are all super cute! Puppies grow real fast, don't they?
You win the cutest pictures ever award!! I kept scrolling down saying awww that one's the cutes,,,NO Henry oh, Scarlett, they are all just so CUTE!! I wouldn't get anything done. I'd have to hold them all.
What individual characters each of them has - Snickers is already a favourite. Angus looks wise beyond his years - or could there be some bias in that comment?
How absolutely adorable! You guys must be really enjoying them! Oh to smell some puppy breath!
They are so adorable. When do their ears start to stand up?
What was that Snickers? You want to come and live with me? Well, I will talk to are SOOOO sweet!
Oh they are all adorable!!!!!!!!!!
It would be hard to choose just one.
Next week will be fun!!!
Kiss all the pups, Bambi & Fern
They are so beautiful! We are driving over to a shelter today to pick up a Scottie that was found at a truck stop yesterday. They are having problems handling her...keep your fingers crossed we can rehab her and/or find her owner.
They are growing up too fast!
Sending this comment while flying to AK.
Hugs and belly rubs,
Ah, they grow so fast!
Happy 3 Week Anniversary Pupos! You are all looking so adorable!
XX-BabyRD and Hootie
Awwwwwwwww, each one is more precious than the next! They sure are getting big!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Wow, how they are all growing! We loved all the pics and the NSLM said a special hello to Ciara!
take care
Clive and the NSLM
They all look so good and healthy. Is Henry the biggest? His coloring is beautiful.
Woos, Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
Those itsy bitsy tiny little ears are just the cutest!
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo
Oh my goodness! How absolutely gorgeous they've become! Little doggies already! Very, very cute! I have seen the results of two big doggie shows (only seemed to have caught the very ends of each) and I think Scotties won BOS in BOTH!!! Wow!
Big Hugs xo
Oh my have those little hamsters grown into little furry cuddly doggys. So Cute!!!
Benny & Lily
What khuties!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
We just love watching them grow!! thanks so much for sharing them with us!
They are a bunch of cuties you got there. The no longer look like mini polar bears...
You thought right! We wanted to see the photos. Thank you for making our day with the cutest pup faces.
Twink! Happy third week, pups
You thought right! We wanted to see the photos. Thank you for making our day with the cutest pup faces.
Twink! Happy third week, pups
I can't believe how pwecious they awe cutew evewy day..they awe looking mowe and mowe like cutie scotties Snickews and hamish must be smiling down fwom heaven looking at theiw namessakes
smoochie kisses
Just dropped by to check up on wee Hamish. Well I rarely would disagree with Stella, but he surely is the smartest and cutest of the lot!
Good job I live on the other side of the pond, or I'd be right over and wanting to take him home!
Cheers, Gail.
Lynn, I saw all the puppy posts yesterday morning and they brought me such joy. What little darlings!!!! I'm already in love with each of them. I was thinking maybe you could keep all of them for maybe the first six months? Now that I know them by name I need to see them grow up ;-) Otherwise, you can only sell them to people who promise to blog. LOL
We knew about Scotties having a special scent but had not heard about the heather on their heads. Yep, ours has it!
Keep the photos coming. I will need a daily fix. Thank you for all your kind recent comments.
Hello puppies of Rocky Creek,
Each one of you is truly adorable! All your eyes are open now and for sure you are going to roam aroundto explore the world. We look forward to the adventures you are to share with us.
-Fudgie, Princess & the Piappies
What sweet, sweet babies!! We need to come love on them!!
Woofs and Kisses!
You guys are really making my mom person want a baby dog!
Awww. Moma wants to hold them and cuddle.
Love and warm wishes for a lovely spring
Jake and Fergi xxoo
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