We told Mom we thought
she should have a cake.
But you have read some of Mom's
cake making stories
and you know we really
don't want her to make one.
So we looked on the internet
and found this cake.
Don't you think she would like it?

Or this one?
She has been playing
with a rabbit that lives in our granary.
But so far she hasn't caught it.
It would be pure magic
if she did!! BOL!!
She has been playing
with a rabbit that lives in our granary.
But so far she hasn't caught it.
It would be pure magic
if she did!! BOL!!

But Mom had a different idea
on how to help Carrleigh.
Since the puppies are
over 3 weeks old now,
she decided it was time
for them to have a bit of puppy food.
She softened some puppy chow
in warm water,
added a bit of milk replacer to it
and mixed it all together
with her emulsion blender.
And the puppies loved it.
Hamish acted like he'd been
just waiting for Mom to bring it on.
After they ate
they had a bit of dessert,
then a sip of water.
Mom washed their feet and hands
and put them in their basket.
They were very patient
while their bed was being changed.
and put them in their basket.
They were very patient
while their bed was being changed.
And now Carrleigh and the pups
are all resting.
So are we.
And guess what?
Angus is the largest puppy
and they all weigh over 2 pounds now -
they came into the world
weighing an average of 8 ounces.
Happy Birthday Dear Carrleigh
from you pack.
The Rocky Creek Gang
are all resting.
So are we.
And guess what?
Angus is the largest puppy
and they all weigh over 2 pounds now -
they came into the world
weighing an average of 8 ounces.
Happy Birthday Dear Carrleigh
from you pack.
The Rocky Creek Gang
Happy Barkday Carrleigh!
I hope you get lots of treats and some time away from the puppies for a nap.
They are soooo cute! Now that they are getting chow, I bet the are gonna start growing fast! All those little butts n feetsies n tails waving in the air.
Enjoy your day!
What are you doing to us Lynn???
Those little short videos I can watch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are soooo cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It makes me want to look at Bruce's pictures when he was a little pup.
I keep thinking of him when I see those pictures.
Happy Barkday Carrieigh !!!!!!!!
You did GOOD!!!!!!!!
Kiss, from Aunt Fern
Happy birthday, Carrleigh! You sure deserve lots of treats and hugs today!
We just love watching your pups dive underneath you and roll onto their backs and kick their feet in the Aire and nurse! It's hysterical!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Carrleigh.. Oh what wonderful lovely video's. Mum was ohhing and ahhing all the way through.. Just gorgeous.. I am back and how I have missed everyone.. Hugs GJ xx
We're working our way backwards, away for too long. We think of you and your puppies so often! These pictures bring the thoughts and imaginings to life! What a sweet bundle of joy. Oh how we wish we could be there to witness it first hand. That first puppy food meal was priceless! Good for you for capturing it!
Jake and Fergi and family
OH! And Carrleigh! We forgot the most important part of our comment! HAPPY THIRD BIRTHDAY!!!!!
Jake and Fergs
Happy Birthday Ms. Carrleigh! That squirrel cake looks yummy!
Stella, Gunther and Betty
My oh my. The Rocky Creek household is always a hive of activity. New puppies and now a birthday.
Happy Birthday!
Oh boy those pups sure liked that food.
We love the videos..they are pawsome!
Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo & Foster Sibling Maggie Mae
Happy Birthday, Carrleigh! You deserve a little time off today. Maybe someone will babysit while you go outdoors and look around.
Your babies are sooo beautiful and they are just so frisky and cute!
Carrleigh! Happy Birthday! I loved all the cake ideas but family birthdays, when all can participate, are the best! Loved the sweet videos and thank you for sharing
Oh Carrleigh! Happy, happy Barkday to you! Can't believe how cute those movies are! Puppies seem to LOVE real food! And STILL hungry after? Wow! No wonder they've gained so much weight! Good job - have a great birthday!
Hugs xo
happy barfday carlleigh! and we forget to tell you how much we loved your "good morning Groucho" comment the other day. something about that comment made us really laugh out loud--- it is just the perfect think to say to that wierd monkey
A VERY HAPPY BERFDAY to Carrleigh!! Hope it's a pawsome day!!
Woofs and Kisses!
Dear dear dear friends....we're back....
we missed you tons...and....
your puppies are sooooooooooooooo cute and adorable!!!!!
Thanks to your wonderful photos and videos we're going back with our memories when Paco had babies....
Awwwwwwwwwwwww......what a great days.....
And thanks to you for sharing all those adorable photos with us!!!
We wish you tons of others super special days with all your family!!!
Sure your babies have the best mommy in the world!!!
We love you!!!!!
HAve a wonderful day!!!
Tons of love and kisses!!!
Happy Birthday Carrleigh,
Hope she has a wonderful day with your family and her family lol
The puppies are so cute eatting and drinking lol
Happy birthday beautiful! ♥
Happy birthday beautiful! ♥
Happy Birthday Carrleigh!
What pawesome khakes!
I would have to have a slice of each!
We sooooo loved the pup videos - especially the ones where the milk bar rekhwired some to lay on their bakhks since Mom was otherwise okhkhupied!
Here's to many more special days!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
Happy Birthday, Carrleigh! Those cakes are beautiful. We are sure Carrleigh would love either of them.
The puppies are sure grow fast! Love to see how they wriggle under their mum.
Happy Birthday, Carrleigh - I vote for the aquirrel cake.
Your pups are really beautiful.
Love, Bella.
Woooos! Happy Birthday Carrleigh!
We vote fur the squirrel cake too!!!
The puppies have really grown, still so cute and such a handful it must be...
-Kira The BeaWootiful
Happy birthday, Mama Carrleigh - you have a beautiful family!!! TD says if no one wants the squirrel cake or bunny one, you can send them to him - his two favorite delicacies.
Woos, Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
What a way to celebrate a birthday, Miss Carrleigh!! Those pups are growing up fast!! We'll make sure to get Flat Brutus to you soon so that he can see the pups!
Brutus the Frenchie
Happeeee Birthday dear Carrleigh!
Benny & Lily
Happy Birthday sweet Carrleigh!
You are a beautiful little soul~
sending you lots of puppy hugs and kitty kisses from our home to yours!
Nancy & Angus
Happy Birthday Carrliegh! Glad those pups have finally given you a break with the foodables schedule.
My breeder mom says that I was the runt of the litter and got left out at the foodables tray sometimes and that is why I am a greedy piggy now.
Happy Birthday, Carrleigh!! It looks like you had an amazing day!! I love birthday cake!!
Happy Birthday Carrleigh!!
Happy Birthday Carrleigh.
Those are great videos. I love the ones nursing on their backs with their feet going in the air. Mine used to do that, too.
Happy Belated Birthday Carrleigh!
You have made a wonderful Mom and the videos are so sweet, thanks for sharing!
Happy Belated Birthday Carrleigh!
You have made a wonderful Mom and the videos are so sweet, thanks for sharing!
Happy Happy Barkday, Carrleigh! Enjoy your special day being with your amazing pups! =)
-Fudgie, Princess, Frappie, Mocha, Sugar & the Piappies
Oh shoot! We missed your big day! Happy Birthday, Carrleigh!! Yes, that squirrel cake would have been the perfect cake for you! Hope you were spoiled rotten and got a break from the babes.
The Roberts clan
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