for the wonderful outpouring of love
and compassion on the loss of
our dear Java.
We had a sad week last week
once we knew the inevitable.
And yesterday, even though we knew
we were doing the right thing,
the pain was incredible.
Knowing other people cared
and understood helped us
make it through the day and night.
But the circle of life is in our home
right this very minute.
And these sweet puppies
helped us know that we have to go on.
Yes, The Cirkhle of Life khontinues!
Thanks fur sharing!
Khyra & Khousin Merdie
PeeEssWoo: Mom dedikhted her run today to Java - please chekhk out the blog on Monday!
The circle of life - says it all.
There's nothing like a puppy to put a smile on your face, no matter what.
Ah,, yes, the circle of life - in this case we are very happy that you have so much wonderful new life there to help you through your sorrow. We are sure that Java is smiling down on all of you and thanking you for loving him enough to take on his pain yourselves. Time will help to heal the hurt and the love of your beautiful boy will pull you through.
Woos - Phantom, Thunder, and Ciara
We're so glad you have the puppies to ease your pain a little.
Puppy hugs,
Yes, the circle of life does continue. Hopefully staying busy with the pups helps to ease the pain a little bit.
That is one sweet picture of Java!
Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch
You are so right it goes round and round. The pictures are adorable and the last one.. How cute.. The babies will help .. Hugs GJ xx
That is a whole lot of cuteness there! It's wonderful to see the circle at the beginning!
We have been off the blogosphere for the past few days and are so sorry to just read about Java. Many prayers, good thoughts, licks, and hugs are out to you and your family. It's always hard to say goodbye.
Woofs and Kisses!
Just stopping in to share a hug and a wet nose nudge. Pippen and I are thinking of you. We got a good laugh at the puppies asleep in their food bowl. Breathe in the life and joy of those sweet puppies.
~Allie & Pippen
The Circle of Life...how appropriate. Its so hard losing these little ones.
Benny & Lily
All of the pups are so cute, it would be hard to choose only one of them. And are you going to keep one for your pack? Glad you have them to keep you busy, that will help.
Tammy,Teddy, Louie
All of the pups are so cute, it would be hard to choose only one of them. And are you going to keep one for your pack? Glad you have them to keep you busy, that will help.
Tammy,Teddy, Louie
Wooos! There is something about puppy breath and kisses that will revive and reawaken the soul...
~puppy kisses~
-Kira The BeaWootiful
A little puppy love goes a long way to help heal a broken heart. So glad you have them there to help you on your journey. They really are starting to look like Scotties now, lots of change since the last pictures!
Michelle & Brutus
As a pet owner we all know that one day we will lose our pet in one way or another. But knowing it and living through it are two different things.
I am so sorry for your loss. Java will be with you always. In your heart forever!!
Kiss all 12 for me, Fern
we're glad you have those precious puppies to help ease the ache a little.
continued thoughts, prayers, woofs, and hugs.
the booker man and his mama
We wanted to tell you how sorry we are about Java...you think you're prepared, but there's no way to anticipate just how painful it is when we lose our pups...
Please take comfort in your memories and in the knowledge that we walk with you on this journey...
Kisses to those darling pups!
Scruffy, Lacie, Stanny and their Mumsie1
Yes, even in the midst of great sadness there can be joy and what can bring greater happiness than youngsters of any species.
I'm so sorry for the loss of your dear Java. I am glad you have the wee ones to help ease the pain.
Definitely the circle of life. And a lot of life at that!
Stella, Gunther and Betty
Arise Java, Arise to a life full of jumping, running and barking. A life in the heavenlies with our beloved Wrinkles and Tucker. A life with Jesus. A life with Grandpa Marvin and Granny Marie frying chicken! I know Granny is loving you right now! Thank you for the joy and kindness that you have given this old soul and with my precious girls. They love you so...I'm already missing your chocolate coat and beautiful eyes...run Java run! I love you! See you on the other side! No goodbyes...only "so long- see you later!"
What a box full of JOY! Every time I see photos, I just smile. A whole box of Fiona look-alikes! Carrleigh is doing a fabulous job!
Our hearts a filled sadness hope for your pack. At such a joyful and stressful time to say goodbye. Thank for sharing Java with the rest of us.
You brought a wee smile to Moma's face, through her tears from the message before. Somehow, looking out at the melting snow, and watching the geese begin to pair up and seeing the daffodils try to poke their green shoots toward the sun, we'll be reminded of those sweet puppy faces. New life. New joys. New promises. Not to replace what came before, but to remind us of that very circle of life that you speak of. That very specialness about life that we all share in common. Blessings. Past. Present. And Future.
With Love
Jake and Fergi, Sally and Nina
I'm so glad that java was able to stay until these new little bundles of joy wewe in youw life. The pain is still thewe and intense, but it does hlp ease the felling of emptiness and loss
thank dog fow all youw pups. Java is fuwwevew pawt of youw heawts
smoochie kisses
The puppies are so cute, but today I am thinking about Java and how much you must have loved him.
Best wishes,
Oh My Gosh. I only now just learned of Java's leaving us and I can't help but think how nice it must have been for Java and Hamish,the Westie, both to get new coats this year! How warm they must have been and how handsome they must have felt in their new clothes. Also to know how much their peeps and packs loved them so much. I never met Java, of course, but I feel like I knew him and now I'm going to miss him. At my house, We're all feeling your pain. I'm going to keep you all in my thoughts. They will, too. A Big Roooooo To Java, Stuart
What a bitter sweet time this is. We are all thinking of you in this heart wrenching time. I hope the pups help ease some of your pain.
Wags and Woofs,
Mack and Mia
We know you'll be looking around for Java for a long time. He'll always be remembered when you tell 'Java stories'. But as you say, Circle of Life, enjoy those gorgeous pups.
XXXOOO, Daisy, Kendra and Bella
I came over from The Strawberry Mallard to tell you how sorry I am for your loss. It is so hard.
The puppies are so precious. We had 12 lab puppies 30 years ago.
We have had 3 Westies in our life that were perfection. We got our first one in '72. My grand puppy is a Westie named Charlie. I have had a Yorkie too. My current LOVE is my one year old Cairn Terrier.
I didn't want to replace my last Westie Maggie who left us a few years ago. Then we lost our Yorkie Angel and I didn't want to replace her either. The Cairn is so precious, just like our Westie. I am just loving my SKYE!
The circle of life is the best way to look at this,isn't it? The new wee ones look more like Scotties with each new photo. Will you be shipping them off to far away places? If so, does that happen at age 8 weeks?? Are you going to keep one of the pups for yourselves?
Smooches, BabyRD & Hootie
ps-That picture of the little girl strangling Java made us think he was lucky to live so long!!
I just came from The Op Pack and read about your loss of Java. I am so sorry and know how hard it is to lose a dog or any animal that is part of the family. I was happy to see all of the puppies you have and hope they help you through your pain and loss. Debbie and Hollydog
I was really counting on the puppies to help you through this. One day at a time. You are in our thoughts.
Twinkie and family
The circle of life does go around. The puppies are getting even cuter and HEy, who wouldnt love to fall asleep in their food bowl??? LOL
We are so sorry to hear about Java - we send all our hugs at this very sad time. We are sorry it has taken us a while to get back online - Things have been a little hectic here. take care and lots of licks
Sally and Paddy and D
I am so behind on my blog reading, and now I am so sad to read about Java! I am so, so sorry! He seemed to be just about the sweetest lab ever! I can't imagine your pain, but my mama and I are thinking of ALL of you!!!
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