Friday, December 11, 2009


Every holiday or birthday,
Mom gets these visions (no, not sugarplums)
in her head about the perfect picture.

She often wonders how many of you do it -
your pictures are so perfect

and you actually embody
the holiday spirit.

Mom is neither a dog trainer
or a photographer;
she might as well get that

in her curly little head.

She has dreams of
Java wearing a Santa Hat
and the rest of us sitting quietly about
as he reads us a story.
Or Java with his reindeer antlers on
pulling a sleigh
that we are sitting on
wearing our little holiday scarves
and hats.
Or a picture of the stairs
with all of us sticking
our heads out.

How do people get these photos?
They must have 2 people per dog,
plus a tripod.

Well Mom needs to start with the tripod
and then we'll see about the visitors.
First, Piper would have to "own" the tripod,
Lilly would have to sit on the lap
of every visitor,
Carrleigh would run under the bed
Java would lick everyone.

Well Mom tries
and here are her failures:
Can't get all of me in the lens, can you?

I might try to look cute,
but are you on my level?

Did I drop part of that treat?

I'm not looking at you.

Did you say you
wanted a picture of my nose?

Come on Mom,
get this over with.
I'm too stylish and classy
to wear this Santa Hat.

Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java


Stella said...

Sounds a whole lot like home, different day, different dog, but same result!

We will keep trying, will you?

Stella's Mom

Scooter said...

Sounds to much like me!! Mom expects all these cutsie pictures and I am just not into it sometimes. But if I try to leave she extends that ole arm of hers and says Oh no you dont!! So I have to go back but I have learned just do it ASAP and it gets overwith a lot faster and it makes Mom happy!! I am al about Happy!!

Smiles here

Hollie and Janie said...

Mama says it takes a village and a hefty supply of treats to get decent pictures! You do look quite adorable in your santa hat!

Tibby said...

It sounds like you guys are doing everything right, I don't know why you can't get a good picture! Maybe you need more yummies!? Good luck, I am sure you will have a great picture! Afterall, you guys are so cute!
:) Tibby

Anonymous said...

That's very funny! I think everyone has "issues." My problem (well, it's not really a problem for me BOL) is that I tend to look mad all the time... it's just my look, you know? Only time I might look happy is if I've been outside running around and I'm panting.

The 'splorin' Wolfies said...

oh!!!!! but we think some of those are fantastic! 2, 4 and 5 are adorable!!!!!

Sue said...

Oh, I love it. I thought when mine were pups it would be easy. Just put them all in a box and snap a cute picture. Wrong!! They moved all over the place. These pups were born running. Last year I posted some of my failures. They're pretty funny now, frustrating back then.

Abigail said...

It's all about hand signals, I used to be a model and Pippi would come with me most of the time. I had a great shoot director once that taught me how to train her. Now she is a pro, she follows a set of specific hand signals with commands when we bring out the camera. Even if it is just for fun we use the commands to keep her ready. We can even get her to do the head tilt.

Sierra Rose said...

Yes! We know too...about the ultimate photo...When mom sees that perfect late afternoon light...has the camera and then is trying to maneuver ME(! puppy), a leash, treats that goo's all over her hands...a camera ...distractions... Goodness.
You did great! Love the snapshots! The fumbles are the best right? As we remember these with smiles.

Hugs and snaggle-tooth kisses,
Sierra Rose and mom

ScrapsofMe said...

SHE puts me on something small n sturdy where I can't get all turned around or roll over. And she trys to use natural light by a window or outside if possible. Flashy box annoys me and I won't co-operate too long when it's flashing. I'm always better outside. Then, the rule of thumb is 1 picture out of 10 is a keeper. She uses treats but doesn't let me have it. She keeps it tight in her left hand and lets me nibble at it so I'll pay attention to the left hand when she holds it where she wants me to look. And she keeps me leashed. You'll almost always see my leash dangling. Sometimes she uses the 'burst' or 'action' function on her little flashy beast. Multiple dogs...she doesn't even bother doing that. By the way, I like the first picture of Lily....the one with just one eye. Reminds me of the 'Santa Claus is coming to town' song. You better watch out!



Paco,Milo, Maya and mommy Simona said...

That is the same story we live in our home!!!!
Mommy dream every Christmas to take the perfect shot of us wearing Santa's hat....
That will be a dream furever for her!!!!
We aren't good models dogs...we hate stay motionless while mommy is taking pictures of us....
We hate wearing hats or dress or something else...
Sooooooooooooooooo...poor mommy!!!
We can understand your mommy!!!!!!
But don't worried....Those photos are GREAT!!!!
HAve a wonderful weekend!!
Tons of love and kisses

The Adventures of the LLB Gang said...


I am lucky that Dory just oozes personality and it only takes 100-200 pictures before I get a good one...LOL

I love that first one of Lilly!!!

Dandy Duke said...

You guys are taking much better pictures than our mom is! She has daily sessions where she tries to get us in pictures in front of the Christmas tree! She ends up deleting them all and telling us that tomorrow just has to be better! NOT!

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

The Black and Tans. said...

Hee hee, sounds just like this house.

Luck may one day play a part and allow our hooman to take a photo of us all together and looking in the same direction.

Molly, Taffy and MOnty

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Oh yes, tell Mom about it - no way can she ever get THE perfect picture she so wants. But she keeps trying. Yours will get it right yet - they always do.

Happy Friday, the OP Pack

the magic sleigh said...

Wooooooos! I am so proud of woo, I love the job woo did annoying the Momster, he, he, he...
-Kira The BeaWootiful

Inky and Molly said...

We don't know what she is on about. These pictures are PERFECT!!

Ms. ~K said...

Nice try (tries) Mom!!!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Woo are hearing laughter and 'way to go' from Pawsylvania!

I'll let woo decide who's voices woo hear!

PeeEssWoo: Nice pikhs!

animal lover, quilt lover said...

You are ambitious Lynn!! I wouldn't even try. My subjects do ever sit still, or stand still!!!!
Have a good week-end, Bambi and Fern

Two French Bulldogs said...

Yep ..just like us.. We know how ya feel.
Benny & Lily

Golden Samantha said...

That is just so funny - you are a wonderful writer!!! I was laughing so hard, cause despite the obed. training of moi, I do not like to pose. I will, but not unless there are some pretty high value treats around heheh!!! But you know... those pix are pretty darned cute!
Hugs xo

Mollie Jo and Bobo said...

Oh we love posing for the camera! But you looked cute not posing...LOL

Wags and Licks,
Mollie Jo & Bobo

Angus said...

The joys of asking dogs to pose for a picture. Attention spans of half a sceond ....max.

Angus said...

The joys of asking dogs to pose for a picture. Attention spans of half a sceond ....max.

Dexter said...

I'm with you. Momma always starts threatening that we are going to "train" for our card photo but then she never gets around to it and we behave like maniacs.


Dexter said...

Your mom is hearing my voice in her head? Spooky.


Allie said...

Our Pippen is the same way. He doesn't like his picture taken and is very non-cooperative! In fact, when he hears the camera turn on, he turns the other way immediately. But they're still so darn cute!!
Warm hugs for all,

Dandy Duke said...

We've never used frozen shrimp but it all gets creamed together anyway so we think it'll work just fine! Let us know how your dad likes it, guys!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

1000 Goldens said...

We know exactly how you feel. You did great! At our house it's considered a miracle when we get a hat on Farley's head :)

Sherry said...

Sitting quietly. HA HA HA HA!
Alanis & Miro

Clive said...

Great efforts! It's not easy, I know! You should see the NSLM trying to get the hat to stay on my head!

love and woofs

animal lover, quilt lover said...

I feel lucky when I can get Bambi to stand or sit still long enough .
Half my pictures end up being half dog or cat. Bambi is a little better than Happy.
Birthday coming!!!
hugs & Kisses, Fern

Smushie Ranch said...

We love your Christmas picture!

Sweet Cottage Dreams said...

....oooooh typical scottie behavior, eh?

too cute for words, Lynn.....


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